After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 261 Memory Loss, Erase Traces

Chapter 261 Memory Loss, Erase Traces

Lian Cheng couldn't figure out why the original owner would do this.

"Wuhen, you have been away for more than half a year. I often think that maybe when you take orders and send out missions, I should accompany you so that no accident will happen to you." Yan Ling looked at Lian Cheng's eyes with sadness .

As smart as he is, there will be times when it is hard to let go.

If he was there back then, perhaps she would not be what she is now.

"Sorry, I don't even remember you."

Yan Ling: ...

His pity for her was wasted!

"My name is Yan Ling, the person in charge of M07."

Isn't the person in charge of M07 the boss?

"I really don't remember."

"It's time to get to know each other again!"

Lian Cheng was still very curious about the past two years, "Do you know why I erased the traces? And how did my memory disappear?"

Yan Ling pondered over and over again, "I don't know."

Lian Cheng's heart skipped a beat, and it was obvious that Yan Ling didn't tell her on purpose.

Or, tell her, she will be in danger!
"It's a pity, but I made this decision at the beginning, probably because I really don't want that part of the past."

"Maybe, why did you come to the capital? I remember you said that you would never come to the capital in this life."

"go to school."

Yan Ling: ...

The biggest joke of the century.

"What's wrong, is it funny?"

"You still need to go to school?"

"Why don't I need to go to school? Did you not read the news? I got full marks in the college entrance examination." Lian Cheng felt a sense of frustration, and anyone who pays attention to the college entrance examination should know that.

"Oh, such trivial matters generally don't need my attention."

Lian Cheng: ...

Nima, why do these words sound so inappropriate!
"Do you know how high your IQ is? You don't need to take the domestic college entrance examination at all. It's a waste of time."

The little girl is so stupid!
Wuhen is an existence with a super high IQ in M07, there is almost nothing she can't do.

The difficulty of the college entrance examination is like pediatrics to her!
"Ah, no."

Not long after, Lian Cheng got up and said goodbye, "I have to go, I have classes later."

Yan Ling was hit hard, "Why don't I talk to the principal of Peking University and graduate you directly."

"No, I want to live a normal life."

Yan Ling couldn't refute for a while, "You can ask me for help anytime if you need help."

"it is good."

Yan Ling personally sent Lian Cheng out of M07.

Lian Cheng politely declined his offer, and walked slowly alone through the small alley that did not match M07.

Yan Ling didn't look any further, turned around and went upstairs.

Wuhen lost her memory, she forgot how painful she was after that incident.

A woman who was outstanding in everything was finally defeated by a love character, and the pain was so painful that she wanted to erase all her past.
Lian Cheng was not in a hurry, she walked very slowly, she was always thinking, why did the original owner do this!
When she wore it, the original owner was obviously just a vase, accomplishing nothing.

Did not inherit the family business,

Those who are suppressed by scumbags and sluts can't get along in the entertainment circle,

Or, she came at the wrong time, just at the time when the original owner was the weakest.

She was thinking hard when Bentley stopped beside her.

The door of the back seat opened, and it was Shen Xiuyan.

He took her by the hand and got into the car, "Aren't you in school?"

"Passing by here."

"Back to school or home?"

"go home."

Even Cheng didn't want to say, Shen Xiuyan didn't ask either.

He dared not ask.

Why, Lian Cheng appeared here.

A place only 07 meters away from M500!

He fears.

(End of this chapter)

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