Chapter 266 Unwilling to leave
Lian Cheng chewed on the pearl, "Don't waste your time, I won't leave him."

Elder Shen touched the check in his pocket, and it was neither a gift nor a no.

No one had ever embarrassed him so much in just a few minutes.

"Tell me, what request."

Lian Cheng put down the milk tea, "I don't want to leave, why do you think we are not compatible? I think we are very compatible!"

Elder Shen didn't know why he wanted to tell Lian Cheng about this, but when she asked, he said, "Xiu Yan will inherit the business of the Shen family in the future, and his wife should be able to help him, instead of someone with no family background. star."

Lian Cheng instantly felt like crows flew by.

Does the old man not know that his grandson is the president of Yun Group?

Eighty percent yes!

With Yun Group, the Shen family's career is really not enough.

Moreover, he took her as someone with no family background at a glance, and didn't investigate her identity at all?
Her family's old man is so powerful that the old Shen in front of him can't even find out?

"I don't deny that your idea is correct, although it is a bit old-fashioned."

Old Shen: How can he be rigid.

"But, have you ever thought that Shen Xiuyan doesn't want to inherit the Shen family's business at all."

Old Shen:!

She really hit the spot.

It's not that he hasn't urged, but Shen Xiuyan didn't express his opinion.

It's not that he can't see it, Shen Xiuyan is unwilling.

"The Shen family can't trap Ayan, he should stand in a higher position."

For example, Yun Group.

"What do you know, little girl, you are talking nonsense here."

"Old Shen, have you never thought that your grandson Qing is better than Lan and better than you?" Lian Cheng's eyes were full of hope.

Old Shen never expected that such words would come out of Lian Cheng's mouth.

"My grandson is naturally the best."

Lian Cheng put down the milk tea, "Mr. Shen, please trust him? Every decision he makes is his choice."

"His choice is not necessarily right."

"But if you don't even give him a chance to choose, he will regret it. I'm not qualified to say anything else, but Ayan chose me, it's his choice, and I won't affect the relationship between me and him just because of your appointment." between emotions.”

"You don't want to leave?"

"I don't want to, unless he doesn't want me, or what he did to make me not want him."

After Lian Cheng finished speaking, he felt something was wrong, and there were familiar footsteps.

She turned her head and saw Shen Xiuyan.

He just stood behind him for an unknown how long.

Lian Cheng's face turned red.

Damn it, why didn't she notice.

I don't know how long he has been listening!

Lian Cheng, who was originally sitting, got up at this time, and went straight to the stairs, but was grabbed by Shen Xiuyan.


"I want you to take care of it." Lian Cheng pushed Shen Xiuyan, but Shen Xiuyan avoided it.

He quickly hugged Lian Cheng's waist and grabbed her hand.

Lian Cheng was annoyed, and pushed him with the other hand.

One attacking and the other defending, Lian Cheng attacked, Shen Xiuyan could not only dodge, but also touch one or two.

Old Shen: ...



Chen Qi: ...

The housekeeper even leaned in front of Mr. Shen, and said excitedly, "The young couple have such a good relationship!"

Mr. Shen gave him a look that still uses your words.

God is so affectionate,

It was so touching when I didn't meet, but I did it when I met.

"Third Young Master defeated Miss Lian."

Old Shen: ...

It's necessary, if he can't beat a woman, where is his grandson going to save his face? !

(End of this chapter)

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