After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 269 Young Master Xu's Question

Chapter 269 Young Master Xu's Question

Gong Yun quickly found out about Lian Cheng's information.

She smashed a lot of things angrily.

Lian Cheng is actually the top scorer in this year's college entrance examination!
She dared to conclude that Mr. Shen must not know Lian Cheng's grades, otherwise she would have let her into the Shen family's house long ago!
Not to mention the Shen family, even she is very tempted. If such a talent can come to the Gong family to help, she will pay as much as she wants.

She never thought it would be Lian Cheng!
They are rivals in love, and they are bound to be incompatible.

The best way to not get it is to destroy it.

No matter which family Lian Cheng helps

We must get rid of her before the Shen family finds out!

Gong Yun swore secretly.
Beijing University, Lian Cheng took off his mask and threw it into the trash can before walking out of the medical laboratory.

She looked down and played with her phone.

[Shen Xiuyan: Arrive 10 minutes late, wait for me]

【Lian Cheng: OK】

She has already left the medical laboratory, it is not easy to turn around and go back, so she is waiting outside the laboratory.

When Xu Xing'an saw Lian Cheng, he walked towards him.

Zhou Chang followed.

Xu Shao has been staying in the medical department recently, did he fancy Lian Cheng?
"Sister, what a coincidence." Xu Xing'an took the initiative.

Zhou Chang: What a coincidence, I come here to wander around when I have time. What a coincidence, it is clearly premeditated.

Lian Cheng raised his eyes and glanced at Xu Xing'an.

Young Master Xu, what is the name of the whole people?

At any rate, she played together, but she couldn't even remember the other party's full name.


"Why are you here alone?"

"Wait someone."

Xu Xing'an took the shopping bag from Zhou Chang's hand, which contained two packs of potato chips and two bottles of Coke, and he handed them all to Lian Cheng.

Lian Cheng didn't answer.

"After we bought it, we went to eat supper again. Let's buy more for the school girl."

Zhou Chang: Oh my!It's my supper!I'm still hungry!A guy who values ​​sex over friends actually sacrificed his supper just like that.

"Need not."

"Hold it," Xu Xing'an put it in Lian Cheng's hand, "it's not something expensive, you are a freshman, seniors should buy something to eat, students of Peking University should take care of each other, it would be too extravagant to refuse."

I have to say that Xu Xing'an is very good at life.

For a girl like Lian Cheng who is more guarded, she would definitely refuse something that was too expensive, but she would be embarrassed to refuse something that was cheap.

"Thank you." Lian Cheng had no choice but to accept it.

Xu Xing'an glanced at Zhou Chang, and Zhou Chang immediately covered his stomach, "Oh, oh!"

"What's wrong?
"I didn't feel well after eating supper just now. I'll go first. Xu Shaoliancheng, you guys chat slowly." Zhou Chang slipped away.

Lian Cheng: ...

Can you run so fast with a stomachache?
Who are you lying to!
Lian Cheng instantly understood that Xu Xing'an might be interested in him.

If the ladies in the capital knew that she was not only with the third young master of the Shen family, but also that young master Xu had taken a fancy to her, would they tear her up together?

"I heard that you were put into a medical laboratory by the professor as soon as you came to Beijing University. Can you adapt to the laboratory environment?"

Xu Xing'an was arranged by his family to study finance. After graduation, he will inherit the Xu family. He knows nothing about medicine.


"After your college entrance examination results came out, the whole country was shocked. Why did you choose medicine..."

Xu Xing'an has always wanted to ask Lian Cheng this question.

In his opinion, Lian Cheng could actually choose a better major.

It makes sense that the children of rich families flock to major in finance. They don't have to suffer too much and they can inherit the family business.

Even he is not exempt.

Financial economics majors are becoming more and more popular.

(End of this chapter)

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