After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 277 The Porter of Eight Diagrams, the Femme fatale

Chapter 277 The gossip porter, the femme fatale

Lian Cheng and Wang Xu rushed to the hospital to see Pan Jiahui, and even Xu Xing'an went too.

Fortunately, as Lian Cheng said, there is nothing wrong with Pan Jiahui, just take care of it a little bit.

Xu Xing'an and Pan Jiahui apologized, saying that it was caused by themselves.

It almost scared Pan Jiahui.

Unexpectedly, the famous Xu Shao would apologize to such a small person like her!In fact, young master Xu can't be blamed!

Ruan Jingjing, who was beaten by Lian Cheng, was also sent to the hospital closest to Peking University.

She was brought in by ambulance, and as soon as she entered the emergency room, she came out quickly.

It's just being beaten, just disinfect and reduce swelling and gas.

Ruan Jingjing's parents came in a hurry, and there was a quarrel in the hospital. They insisted that Ruan Jingjing be hospitalized and live in a VIP ward, and it was like a big problem.

I heard that the person who beat me was in the hospital, so I sent someone to look for him.

The bodyguards of the Ruan family found Pan Jiahui, "Excuse me, are you the one who injured Miss Ruan Jingjing? Our husband and wife want to see you."

"where is it?"

"VIP ward."

After Lian Cheng found out, she followed the bodyguards, and Xu Xing'an stopped her, "Are you going alone?"

"if not?"

Seeing Shang Liancheng's cold eyes, Xu Xing'an felt a little pain in his heart, "I'll go too! This matter is only because of me, I want to participate."

"How could I be missing!" Wang Xu also followed.

"I..." Pan Jiahui also wanted to speak.

"You can't," Lian Cheng pushed her on the stool, "You and Xinyi are waiting for me here, be good."

Lian Cheng's words seemed to have magical powers, and Pan Jiahui listened to her.

"Let's go." Lian Cheng summoned his dog, Wang Xu, and Xu Xing'an followed.
In the VIP ward, Ruan Jingjing was crying.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(ee It’s a gossip porter, I’m not wrong!”

"Okay, okay, don't cry quietly."

"I don't care, I want Lian Cheng to apologize to me!"

"Dad will find her later!"

Lian Cheng had already arrived at the door of the ward, leaning against the door frame, "Have you learned enough lessons?"

"Ah! Lian Cheng!"

Ruan's father and Ruan's mother looked at the door.

The first feeling is femme fatale.

This girl is really beautiful.

"You slandered first, then beat others, and you still have the face to howl here?" Lian Cheng said mercilessly.

Ruan's father is also a person who has experienced big storms, and this is the first time he has met someone who is so dragged at such a young age!
Immediately, he also showed his majesty, "My daughter did something wrong, I have to discipline myself, don't bother this classmate, but classmate, you hurt my daughter, I will not let it go!"

Mrs. Ruan was not to be outdone, "I think you look good, why are you so vicious in your mind, we are still young, she just said a few words to you, and you fight, you are taking this opportunity to retaliate. I think It’s Jingjing who hit the point, you should be angry from embarrassment! There are things that were born by parents but not raised by mothers, and entering Peking University will also affect classmates!”

"Ma'am is right."

When Ruan Jingjing heard what her parents said, she immediately gained confidence, "Lian Cheng, as long as you kowtow to me obediently and apologize now, this lady will forgive you generously! By the way, you will have to kowtow six times until the floor bleeds. So far! I won't pursue you!"

Whatever Lian Cheng did to her, she will pay back twice as much.

She seemed to have seen Lian Cheng's useless appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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