Chapter 280
Shen Xiuyan's face froze.

He came back from a private jet temporarily, and he didn't say hello at all.

"You didn't come back capriciously, did you not handle the matter well? Young Master San, are you not afraid that the company's affairs will become dirty?"

Shen Xiuyan pinched his eyebrows.

"Very important?"

Shen Xiuyan nodded.

If it wasn't important, he wouldn't have given up on spending time with Lian Cheng and going on a business trip?
Ever since he was with Lian Cheng, he has become a fool who doesn't like to travel.

"Hurry to the airport!"

"Together," Shen Xiuyan held Lian Cheng's hand, "I don't worry if you don't go."

"But if I go, I'll have to ask for leave."

"I come."

Shen Xiuyan took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Lian Cheng: ...

Who let her be Shen Xiuyan's parents in the school file!

The matter of asking for leave was settled quickly, Shen Xiuyan apologized to Liancheng and went abroad after returning home to get his documents, and he didn't even prepare his luggage.

Before boarding the plane, Lian Cheng called Wang Xu and asked him to take good care of Pan Jiahui.

If Pan Jiahui lost a piece or two of flesh, she would fight him desperately.
In the commercial cabin of the plane, Lian Cheng leaned on Shen Xiuyan's shoulder, with a small blanket covering his knees.

"It's all your fault, I didn't even take a change of clothes." Lian Cheng muttered softly.

"Go there and buy."

"you buy it?"

"I'll buy!"

The combined wealth of the two of them is probably the richest man in the world. They are still talking about who buys clothes, and those who know will probably vomit blood.

"You can see that the stewardess has looked at you no less than twenty times!"

"Oh? Why didn't I pay attention?" Shen Xiuyan denied.

"If you pay attention, is it okay?"

"Baby, I suddenly have a sense of crisis."

"What?" Shouldn't she have a sense of crisis?
"In case the flight attendant's eyes are not on me, but on you..."

Lian Cheng:! ! !
No no no, this is absolutely impossible!
"So baby, why don't we kiss to save our lives?"

Lian Cheng:!
Shen Xiuyan squeezed Lian Cheng's chin and kissed it, Lian Cheng leaned back, Shen Xiuyan leaned over, almost lying on Lian Cheng's body.

The stewardess staring at Shen Xiuyan had no choice but to walk away.

Lian Cheng saw it.

Shen Xiuyan is really a scoundrel.

Pushing people away, "I'm going to rest."

Shen Xiuyan stretched out his arms to hold him in his arms, "Go to sleep, I will call you when I arrive."

Chen Qi in the back seat said, "..."

He is very used to eating dog food and so on!
At Peking University, Ruan Jingjing took the initiative to apologize and applied to drop out of school, which shocked the people who eat melons.

Anyway, they are going to leave the school and the capital, so it's better to do it decently.

The Ruan family fled overnight as if they were fleeing refugees.

After Jian Siyue found out, she was so angry that she didn't eat.

What the hell happened, how did Ruan Jingjing, an idiot, become so cowardly!

Or did Lian Cheng have the ability to kill Ruan Jingjing?

No matter what, as long as you don't involve her!
But when Jian Siyue thought that Lian Cheng was safe and sound, she felt upset.

What happened on the forum has already happened once, so I can't repeat the old tricks.

Jian Siyue is not a fool either, it is not suitable to move Liancheng recently.

She called Yu Huirong.

"Siyue, what's the matter? How are you at Beijing University?"

"My very good mother is sister Lian Cheng. She seems to have gotten into trouble at Beijing University..."

Jian Siyue elaborated on the matter, expressing that she was worried about Lian Cheng, but in the end Yu Huirong comforted her and asked her to take good care of herself at Beijing University.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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