After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 284 Visiting the doctor, the long-ill wife of the prime minister

Chapter 284 Visiting the doctor, the long-ill wife of the prime minister
Shen Xiuyan briefly talked about his relationship with Allen.

To put it bluntly, they are brothers who are friends of life and death, and businessmen who cooperate with each other.

With these two points, Shen Xiuyan can walk sideways in country E.

"This time, Allen heard that I had a girlfriend, so he must let me take you to play. I didn't expect that I would turn back halfway."

"Oh~ Then he treats you so well, has he introduced you to the beauties of country E these years? I think even the maids here are pretty, and the beauties of country E are much more charming than those of Hua country .” When Lian Cheng said it, he became sour.

Shen Xiuyan was embarrassed.

Lian Cheng: ...

What the hell, I wanted to blackmail Shen Xiuyan, but I didn't expect it to be true!

She pushed Shen Xiuyan, "No way!"

Did you really introduce beautiful women to Shen Xiuyan?
Liancheng turned into lemon essence!

"I swear I didn't take any of them, baby don't get mad."

"Let me think about it. How many times have you offended me today! Are you afraid that you haven't offended me thoroughly?"

"I was wrong."

The attitude of admitting mistakes is too good!
For a while, Lian Cheng didn't know how to bully Shen Xiuyan!
After all, it was outside, Lian Cheng was too disrespectful to Shen Xiuyan, he muttered a few words but didn't say anything.

Shen Xiuyan held her hand and kissed her.

When Allen came down, what he saw was the scene of the two flirting.

"Xiu said he was in love. I didn't believe it. I saw it today! There is actually a woman who can uniform Xiu!"

Lian Cheng smiled and said, "There is a saying in Huaguo, which is to ask what love is, and one thing is one thing."

Allen showed amazed eyes, and kept praising Lian Cheng's intelligence.

"Ellen, is Lisa okay?"

Allen shook his head.

Seeing that Lian Cheng didn't understand, Shen Xiuyan told her, "Lisa is Ellen's wife, the Prime Minister's wife, and she has been ill for five years."


When Alan talked about this, he was very sad, "I have invited many doctors, and even built a special laboratory for the doctors to study, but I can't even find out the reason."

"Why don't I go and have a look?" Lian Cheng proposed to do it himself.

"But... all the advanced equipment has been checked, and there is no reason to find out at all, you..." It's not that he doesn't believe Lian Cheng, it's just that Lian Cheng looks only in his teens.

"Lian Cheng knows Chinese medicine, how about letting her take a look?"

"Okay." It's not that Allen has never heard of Chinese medicine. He always thought that Chinese medicine is a doctor who treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and it is unreliable.

Shen Xiuyan and Lian Cheng went up to the second floor together.

A beautiful woman is lying on the bed.

Looking at the ceiling with empty eyes, he turned his head when he heard footsteps.

She couldn't get up. After she accidentally knocked over the vase just now, she stepped on the fragments and just bandaged them.

Alan went over and helped Lisa up personally, "This is Xiu's girlfriend, Lian Cheng."

Lisa looked at Lian Cheng and tried her best to smile, "Xiu has a girlfriend, congratulations."

"Thank you." Shen Xiuyan had the same respect for Lisa as he did for Allen.

Yes, they are the prime minister and his wife after all.

Lian Cheng smiled, and her smile was like a magic power, which made Lisa see hope.

Lian Cheng glanced at the bedroom.

It was found that the smell of disinfectant was very strong, and there was even a rescue machine. It seemed that Lisa had been ill for a long time.

"I'll come." Lian Cheng walked in.

Allen was dumbfounded.

Lian Cheng took the pillow from one side, "Put your hand on it."

Her fingertips were on Lisa's pulse.

(End of this chapter)

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