Chapter 313 Wife, Help Me
Lian Qingyun is a businessman, so he naturally knows what a businessman can do for profit.

There are plenty of people who use unscrupulous means.

The evil side of human nature will be revealed at this time.

Shen Xiuyan should be thankful that when he competed with the Huangjue Group, he used legitimate methods.

Otherwise, Lian Qingyun is going to turn the tables at this time.

But there are everyone in the Shen family, so he is really worried.

There are everyone in the Shen family, and a shrewd person like Mr. Shen wants to bypass his son and directly hand over the power to his grandson. It can be seen that there are many things that are not humane.

Shen Xiuyan knew that Lian Qingyun would definitely ask this question.

"Just don't worry, I will take good care of Lian Cheng. I'll just say it straight, if you don't worry, the family group will be under Lian Cheng's name in the future. I'll take care of it and I'll work for her."

Neither Lian Cheng nor Lian Qingyun thought that Shen Xiuyan would say such a thing.

Lian Cheng pulled Shen Xiuyan's hand excitedly, "Ayan, why didn't you say hello to me in advance, you scared me."

"Sorry baby, I will listen to you in the future."

Lian Qingyun: ...
After finishing the business, it was drinking.

Lian Qingyun ordered two bottles of white wine to drink today because he wanted to get Shen Xiuyan drunk.

Lian Cheng tried to persuade him at first, but later he couldn't persuade him, so he stopped directly.

She also stretched out her hand to drink the wine, but when she was discovered, she didn't touch a drop.

In the end, Lian Qingyun lost to Shen Xiuyan and successfully drank.

Lian Cheng put the man in the car and handed it over to Uncle Jin.

Shen Xiuyan's steps were still steady, but his cheeks were flushed.

When he walked to the side of the car, Lian Cheng came to his senses, "You can't drive after drinking, how about I find a substitute driver?"

Shen Xiuyan glanced at Lian Cheng, "Don't you know how?"

Can drag racing, but still can't drive?
"Okay, come up."
When he got back to the apartment, Shen Xiuyan clutched his stomach after getting off the car.

He is a strong man, and he was almost vomited by Lian Cheng's reckless approach.

Lian Cheng looked like he had done something wrong, "I'll help you go back and rest."

Shen Xiuyan let Lian Cheng support him and entered the door.

Lian Cheng put him at the door of the bathroom, "Do you want to take a bath?"

"Yes, my wife will help me."

Lian Cheng: ...

After getting him into the bathtub, Shen Xiuyan held Lian Cheng's hand tightly.

"Honey, please help me."

He also went to pull his clothes.

Lian Cheng: ...

In order to persuade the old man, Shen Xiuyan also worked hard!

Besides, she couldn't stand his provocative look.

"Sit down obediently!"

"Okay, then my wife will help me."

"Be good and help you!"

Lian Cheng experienced what it means to bathe the eldest son!
When getting the person out, Lian Cheng was exhausted.

Shen Xiuyan was wrapped in a nightgown, smiling brightly, "Thank you, wife."

"Sleep when you're tired, I'll take a shower."

When she came out again, Shen Xiuyan was still awake, as if he was waiting for him.

He was so sleepy that he couldn't bear to sleep, this man really is!
"Why don't you sleep? I almost fell asleep on the way." Lian Cheng said and lay down beside him, covering the quilt together.

"Wait for you."

Shen Xiuyan hugged him in his arms and kissed him again.

"No, I'm going to school tomorrow!"

"I worked hard on you last night. I won't bother you today, so I'll kiss you."

Half an hour later, Lian Cheng couldn't bear it anymore and kicked Shen Xiuyan off the bed, "Shen Xiuyan, get out!"

Shen Xiuyan: ...

Has he been kissing for too long?
(End of this chapter)

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