Chapter 316

The three of them entered the operating room and waited in the corner, and the accompanying nurse once again asked them not to interfere with the operation.

Almost all the students who come to study have gone through several instructions, and there will be no problems.

Soon, two surgeons came, and the patient under general anesthesia was also pushed in.

The surgeons and nurses cooperated very well, and after disinfection, the operation began.

The doctor raced against time to start, open, remove, and suture, each step must be done quickly and safely.

Under the huge lights, everything is going on tensely.

The two chief surgeons cooperated with each other.

At the same time, he also ordered the nurse to hand over the equipment.

The operation was halfway through, and Lian Cheng took a step forward for the first time, wanting to take a closer look.

Chu Xueyi and Lu Liru didn't dare to move, they didn't dare, really didn't dare.

That is, Lian Cheng dared to take such a step.

Lu Liru was going crazy with anger, did she understand the rules?

Every time I come, even Professor Tang has to obediently stand aside, and won't get close.

What is Lian Cheng?
Lu Liru went up to pull Liancheng, but Liancheng dodged.

"Stand back for me!"

Lu Liru couldn't pull Lian Cheng, so she pushed Lian Cheng.

This push was so deadly that it hit someone.


Everyone was terrified.

Lian Cheng bumped into the nurse who was holding the scalpel, and the scalpel deflected, scratching one of the surgeons, and blood soon overflowed.

Such an operation cannot be done by only one doctor, two doctors are needed.

The head nurse responded the fastest, "Doctor Jiang, hold on, I'll call Director Wang!"

Another nurse came to his senses, "Head nurse, Director Wang is also operating next door today."

"I try my best."

Such a thing has never happened.

But every operation must prevent accidents from happening!
The psychological quality and adaptability of medical staff are very strong.

The scalpel was so sharp that even with the help of a nurse to stop the bleeding, Dr. Jiang's hand gradually trembled after being scratched.

The other doctor, Ling, tried his best to stabilize the situation and slowed down the operation.

Lu Liru recovered from her panic, "It's all your fault!"

"Stop talking!" Chu Xueyi pulled him back to the corner.

Seeing the situation, Lian Cheng sanitized and put on gloves as quickly as possible.

"I come!"

"Oh, you're a student, you can't!"

"I'm under the tutelage of He Shuanglian, the successor of the TCM Center, and I have many years of experience in surgery. I'll come." Lian Cheng took over Dr. Jiang's position regardless of others' obstruction.

He Shuanglian?
"Why are you!"

"I'll be responsible if I die! I'll be responsible for my life!" Lian Cheng said in a deep voice, his aura frightened everyone.

Dr. Jiang was originally the deputy, and Dr. Ling was the chief surgeon.

But after changing Lian Cheng, the painting style changed.

Lian Cheng glanced at the overall situation, "Tweezers, sutures..."

The nurse on the side: ...

"Why are you standing still, bring it quickly, it needs to be brand new and sterilized."

The nurse handed it over.

"Hold on, I'll come."

Doctor Ling:! ! !

I am the master knife! ——
The head nurse spread the news quickly, and Director Ling, the dean, and even Professor Tang, who was drinking tea, knew about it for a while, and even knocked over the teacup in fright.

If something goes wrong, it's a medical malpractice!
A group of people hurriedly changed into anti-bacterial suits and entered the operating room.

All I saw was that the people in the operating room were unusually quiet, and the person doing the surgery became Lian Cheng. Dr. Jiang who was standing beside him was holding his arm and forgot to stop the bleeding, and looked at Lian Cheng with admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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