Chapter 326 Green Tea Stepmother
Huo Shuyuan asked her little sister to have a beauty treatment, and then went home after meticulously painting her manicures.

After she and Shen Chongming were together, she became a noble lady and lived a delicate life.

Even her hands are well maintained, she looks like a girl in her 20s.

After she came back, the servants at home asked her what she would like to have for dinner.

She reported a few dishes that Shen Chongming often eats.

The servant lamented how kind his wife was to her husband, Huo Shuyuan took a jade bracelet from her wrist and gave it to the servant.

She often rewards these things to her servants, but they are all things that swing when the wind blows!
But by doing this, she also intended to win them over!
When Shen Chongming came back, he saw that Huo Shuyuan and others were all asleep.

At this time, the servant came up to fetch slippers for Shen Chongming, "Sir, you are finally back, and the wife has fallen asleep while waiting. By the way, sir, the wife specially asked me to cook the dishes that the husband likes today, and I will heat it up."

When Shen Chongming heard what the servant said, his heart warmed.

Having been with Huo Shuyuan for so long, she has always been so caring.

Shen Chongming's footsteps woke Huo Shuyuan up.

"You are back, let's eat."

"In the future, I will come back late, so you can eat first, don't wait for me, so as not to starve."

Huo Shuyuan took the initiative to hug Shen Chongming's arm, "Eat together, it's delicious. If you don't come back to eat, just tell me, and I will go eat delicious food with my best friend."

"Okay, just swipe my card as you like."

"Chongming, you are so kind."

The two sat down at the dining table, and the dishes on the table were all Shen Chongming's favorite.

When it was almost time to eat, Huo Shuyuan showed a look of hesitation again.

"Say something."

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's about Xiu Yan. I don't dare to decide." She is just a weak stepmother.

"What happened to him?"

The old man intends to let Shen Xiuyan inherit the Shen family, but he is against it.

This son of his is the most uncontrollable, he has no intention of family business at all, and now he probably doesn't even know where the Shen Group's door is going to open!

"That's right. Didn't he say that he has a girlfriend before? I accidentally learned that the other party is from the entertainment industry. She acted in the most popular movie recently. The entertainment industry is nothing. Girl's..."

Shen Chongming's chopsticks stopped moving.

"It's just that when the little star was promoting a movie recently, he was harassed by fans. At that time, the little star's assistant protected the little star and was photographed. I think that person is Xiu Yan..."

Shen Chongming threw his chopsticks on the table with a slap, "You said he was going to be a starlet's assistant? Just for a woman, is he crazy?"

"Don't be angry, I know this is not a small matter, so I just told you. Don't be angry, I will die of guilt..."

"This stinky boy!"

"Okay, I'll get you some wine, don't be angry."

Huo Shuyuan turned to get the wine.

The corners of her mouth turned upward.

Oh, she has always been on guard against Shen Xiuyan, for fear that he would snatch something from her own child!
But the facts have proved that Shen Xiuyan is not only incapable, but also has no intention of entering the Shen family. I really don't know what the old man thinks.

How could the huge Shen family give Shen Xiuyan such a waste!
But that's fine, after all, the Shen family will be handed over to her son!

When the time comes, she will make Shen Xiuyan unable to survive in the capital!
 Good night~ Recently there is a flop~
(End of this chapter)

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