After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 341 I Don't Mind You Sleeping Over

Chapter 341 I Don't Mind You Sleeping Over
Shen Xiuyan directly put him on the big bed in the lounge.

"The sheets and quilts have just been changed, and they are all new. Have a good night's sleep, and don't catch a cold again." As he spoke, he personally gave her slippers and covered her with the quilt.

Warm hands touched bare feet, Lian Cheng flinched.

The atmosphere is a little warmer.


The two of them had such a lively time last night, and today they are so close, it's easy to get hot.

"I don't mind you sleeping."

You have been slept on, how could she mind the sheets and quilts you slept on!

Shen Xiuyan kissed her on the forehead, "Since you came to the capital, I go home every day, and I have never slept here, I am afraid that you will dislike the quilt."

"Oh." Lian Cheng hid under the quilt.

Shen Xiuyan held Lian Cheng's hand, "It's my fault, I was tired of you last night, when you were in the bathtub..."

"Oh, stop talking, I'm not as thin-skinned as you are."

Shameless, but also said!

"I was wrong." Master Xiu took the initiative to apologize.

"Forgive you, go get busy, I'll sleep."

Shen Xiuyan kissed her again before leaving.

With her by my side, I can't even think about working.
After returning from work, Shen Xiuyan took a look, and found that Lian Cheng was still sleeping.

Shen Xiuyan didn't wake her up, but left a note on the bedside table: Wake up and send me a message, lunch is on the desk
He specially asked Chen Qi to order yam shredded chicken porridge and keep it warm.

After everything was arranged, Shen Xiuyan left.

The restaurant that was originally arranged was withdrawn, Chen Qi followed Shen Xiuyan's instructions, and picked a high-end restaurant closest to the company to reserve the restaurant directly.

A table of people sat down, eating and drinking.

Shen Xiuyan had nothing to say, it was Lu Kan who was talking.

This is also the most useful part of Lu Kan, that is, with him, there will never be an atmosphere that cannot be active.

After all, it was a partner for many years. Seeing Shen Xiuyan's appearance, I had half a guess in my heart.

"What's wrong with Master Xiu today? You don't drink wine or eat food?"

There is a sense of fear in it.

After working together for so many years, this master has always been very dedicated.

They have a lot of benefits that they should have, and none of the extra benefits. They are so smart!
So out of my mind today!
Lu Kan said so much nonsense, but it was just an appetizer, and what he was waiting for was the other party's words.

Lu Kan put down his wine glass, "Mr. Wu, you've got the point, our Master Xiu is trapped by love!"

They are all people in the business field, whether they are acting or having fun, there are many people with a woman or two around them.

Only Shen Xiuyan kept himself clean.

We all know his temper, and those who discuss business with Master Xiu, take a woman or try to send a woman will be killed immediately!
Some people even waited for many years and couldn't find a way to flatter Shen Xiuyan, and they are already planning to give a man a try next time!

In the end, he was so trapped by love!

Great news!
One must know that President Yun already has a woman he likes, so many celebrities in Beijing would have to cry, tears could flood the office building of Yun Group!

"Master Xiu still has girls that he can't catch up with? This is impossible!"

"If I were a girl, seeing Master Xiu's good looks, I would die already!"

"Master Xiu, are you worried about pursuing girls so much?"
I don't expect Shen Xiuyan to answer either.

"We've caught up." Shen Xiuyan actually answered!
"Really? When will you get married?"

"Have you caught up? I said Master Xiu's charm is infinite!"

"I don't know how a girl can get Master Xiu's favor."

(End of this chapter)

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