After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 356 Master Xiu: Rush to the Crown 1 Anger Becomes a Beauty

Chapter 356 Master Xiu: Angry at the Crown and Becomes a Beauty
Lian Cheng turned to Shen Laodao, who had been silent all this time, "Is the show finished? Can it be cured?"

No one dared to talk to Mr. Shen like that!
Lian Cheng is really courageous.

"Go to my room."



Both Shen Changle and Shen Chongming wanted to stop Mr. Shen.

Old Shen said coldly, "Don't you think it's not embarrassing enough?"

The housekeeper helped Mr. Shen to the room.

Lian Cheng, Shen Xiuyan, and the dean all followed.

After entering the room, Lian Cheng asked Shen Xiuyan to go out, "Go and watch outside."

Shen Xiuyan didn't leave.

He was worried that his grandfather would force Lian Cheng to leave.

"Ann, if someone bullies me, I'll just take one shot."

Old Shen: ...

Dean: ...


Shen Xiuyan touched her head, "Thank you."

"Go out."

Shen Xiuyan was pushed out.

He knew that if the other party was not his grandfather, Lian Cheng would not have rescued him.

Lian Cheng sterilized the silver needles in his hand one by one.

The dean was holding a pen and a notebook seriously, as if it was the first time an intern was listening.

When Mr. Shen lay down, Lian Cheng stabbed it neatly one after another.

With that technique, the dean's eyes lit up.

Damn, it's not like 20 years of skill can't do it!

Could it be that Lian Cheng started to learn acupuncture when he was in the womb? ?
No way!
God, he's running out of brains!

Shen Xiuyan was waiting outside the door, and Wen Qi leaned over, "Third brother, having such a powerful girlfriend is quite stressful!"

"It's okay, after all, you, a one-handed dog, can't understand it."

"Third brother, just now Lian Cheng was protecting you as if he was protecting his son, you are suspected of being soft food!"

"Oh, what's wrong with my willingness to eat soft rice? Do you have some to eat?"

Wen Qi: ...

you win.

No face, no skin, invulnerable!
Shen Chongming came over angrily, "You know that Lian Cheng has this ability, why didn't you say that you are only happy if we lose face?"

Shen Changyi's hands were still hurting.

Gong Yun was about to cry, and Shen Changle was comforting her.

"I have this obligation?"

"Shen Xiuyan! Don't forget, you are also from the Shen family!"

"Okay, why are you angry at the child?!" Huo Shuyuan held Shen Chongming back.

Wen Qi couldn't see it, "Uncle, Third Brother and Lian Cheng didn't receive good looks as soon as they entered the door."

"Whatever your business!"

Useless stuff!

Go to the entertainment circle to fool around!
Shen Xiuyan is just like Shen Wenqi, who doesn't know what to do and what not to do!

Wen Qi shrugged.

His uncle is really blind all his life, Shen Changyi and Shen Xiuyan are compared, that is, ants and sun, moon and stars, the difference is not the slightest bit!
"Shen Xiuyan, I warn you, if something happens to your grandfather, I will see how I deal with you! Also, when that little star comes out, both you and her will apologize to Chang Yi!"

Shen Xiuyan sneered.


"It's okay if you don't apologize," Shen Changyi stood up, "Why don't you give me the little star, anyway, she's not just you..."

Shen Xiuyan's eyes suddenly became cold.

He was holding half an orange in his hand, which Lian Cheng hadn't finished peeling, and he had been holding it since just now.

He gave it to Wen Qi, "Take it well, don't steal it."

Wen Qi:? ? ?
In the next second, Shen Xiuyan strode forward, passed Shen Chongming, grabbed Shen Changyi's collar, and punched him.

Punch after punch, without mercy.

Gong Yun and Shen Changle screamed, Shen Chongming and Huo Shuyuan went to pull people.

But Shen Xiuyan was like crazy, he couldn't hold back at all...

 I saw a message saying that I'm in school and I can't come to check in every day.

  No matter what, sister Xiu Cheng will be waiting for you!
  ok~ good night~
(End of this chapter)

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