After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 360 Make Ayan happy, I will save you

Chapter 360 Make Ayan happy, I will save you
For an old man, getting angry is too hurtful.

Shen Chongming just didn't understand.

Not only do you not understand, but you don't have a long-term mind.

Huo Shuyuan is considered a formidable character, and what she gave birth to is not a good thing.

The dean, an outsider, can see clearly.

If one day Shen Chongming had something good or bad, Huo Shuyuan would definitely be the first to disown him.

Hearing the dean's instructions, Huo Shuyuan accepted humbly, "You are right, Chongming is actually doing it for the child's good, but I am caught in the middle, they..."

The dean also lived a long time, staying in the hospital all year round, and seeing many things.

"This is your family background, it has nothing to do with me."

Huo Shuyuan smiled.

I didn't expect the dean to be so unreasonable and not even willing to agree.

"I'm leaving if there's nothing else to do." The dean packed up the medicine box.

This rich family, he still won't come here in the future, maybe someday some secrets will be silenced, there are too many dirty things.

Seeing this, Gong Yun personally sent him off, "Uncle Dean, thank you for coming today."

Gong Yun was educated to have manners since she was a child, and she also kept this in mind at this time, even today she would be pissed off by Lian Cheng.

The dean said indifferently, "Miss Gong, I have crossed paths with your father, even he would not call me to identify ginseng."

The dean left after speaking, leaving Gong Yun in a fool.

She had never been so ashamed in her life.
Coming out of the Shen family's old house, Shen Xiuyan and Lian Cheng were silent all the way.

Lian Cheng peeped at Shen Xiuyan several times, wanting to say something but didn't know where to start.

Both of them are quite strong in fighting tonight, it seems that there is no need to comfort each other.

Just as Lian Cheng racked his brains to think of topics, his stomach growled.

so embarrassing

Grunt again.

"Hee hee, I'm sorry, I'm hungry." Lian Cheng pointed to his stomach.

"I'm not good, I forgot you didn't eat."

This day was really irritating, I had a fever, I was sick, I took medicine, I went to see a doctor, I had to fight with people, and I didn’t even have dinner.

"Then let's go eat, I'm hungry."

"Okay." Shen Xiuyan looked at the nearby location, turned around and went directly to the restaurant.

You can't starve his little girl, the sooner the better.

When we arrived at the restaurant, there was no one there, so Shen Xiuyan asked for a private room.

I ordered a lot of dishes.

Soon, the dishes came.

Shen Xiuyan turned the sauerkraut fish directly in front of Lian Cheng, "It stands to reason that you can't eat spicy food."

Lian Cheng's chopsticks have already been stretched out, "It's okay to eat a little bit."

Shen Xiuyan smiled dotingly, "Don't smash your signboard as a forsythia doctor."

"No." Lian Cheng said firmly.

After Shen Xiuyan allowed Lian Cheng to eat pickled fish, he didn't allow her to eat shrimp. This was also a rare time that he didn't peel the shrimp for Lian Cheng.

Although he didn't eat it, Lian Cheng was very happy.

He is doing this for his own good!

She understands.

"Thank you for treating Grandpa." Shen Xiuyan patted Lian Cheng's head.

There may be no need to say thank you between close lovers, but he wants to say it.

Sometimes it's better to be honest.

"Ayan, studying medicine is to save people, especially relatives."

"Grandpa...I'm sorry..."

She wholeheartedly saved people, but Mr. Shen didn't give her a good face.

"Can't you see that Mr. Shen is actually a knife-mouthed bean curd heart, so he turned his mouth a little bit. The old man always wants to show some face. As long as Ayan is happy, I can save people."

(End of this chapter)

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