After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 369 Master Xiu Falls Off His Horse: President YUN

Chapter 369 Master Xiu Falls Off His Horse: President YUN
After Yu Huirong found out, she called Lian Cheng, but Lian Cheng didn't answer.

She went to Beijing University and blocked Liancheng several times, but she didn't see anyone at all.

Lian Cheng is almost always in the medical laboratory, perfectly staggered.
On the other hand, the Shen Group's annual shareholders' meeting was held again. This time, it was different from previous years. The group's cash flow was not working well, and many things were delayed.

The faces of the shareholders are getting uglier one by one.

The year-end bonus can't be transferred to pay it!
Several projects are almost stranded because of untimely funding!

Shen Chongming and Shen Changyi sat in the front seat, Shen Chongming looked proud.

"You don't have to worry, I have already contacted the president of Yun Group, and he has promised to come to the company for inspection!"

The shareholders all showed surprised expressions.

"Everyone knows that this time due to my negligence, the turnover of funds is not good. I will try my best to make up for it. I hope everyone will continue to support me."

Shen Chongming is shameless, it is clear that he made the decision to invest indiscriminately, and now the whole group will have to pay for his ignorance!
Shen Ruisheng said coldly, "Isn't it because you want to sell the shares?"

"Don't worry, YUN is easy to talk to."

There was a knock on the door of the conference room, and Shen Chongming stood up excitedly, "It must be YUN's boss who is here!"

Everyone stood up, and Shen Chongming went to open the door himself.

It's a familiar face.

"Why are you here?" Shen Chongming's hope turned into disappointment.

Except for Shen Changyi and Shen Ruisheng, no one knew Shen Xiuyan.

Shen Chongming got angry when he saw Shen Xiuyan, "What are you doing here! I still have something to do here, so hurry up!"

Shen Changyi also came over, "Why, come here to ask for money? What are your prospects?"

Both father and son did not reveal Shen Xiuyan's identity, this was to insult him!
"You didn't invite me here?" Shen Xiuyan's eyes didn't fluctuate, he had already guessed this situation.

"What nonsense are you talking about, and what tricks are you trying to play?"

The shareholders watched this scene curiously.

Shen Chongming suppressed his anger, "Hurry up, I have important things to do today and I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

"Dad, call the security guard!"

Chen Qi behind Shen Xiuyan said, "Did you make a mistake, we are members of the Yun Group, you didn't invite us here?"

Shen Chongming and Shen Changyi were both stunned.

Even Shen Ruisheng was surprised.

Ever since Mr. Shen fell ill, he had a vague feeling that something was wrong, and Shen Xiuyan seemed to be different from before.

Wen Qi repeatedly asked him not to offend Shen Xiuyan. It seems that his son knows something?
Shen Ruisheng approached directly, "Xiu Yan, please."

"Second Uncle." Shen Xiuyan called him lightly, and walked directly to the main seat.

Shareholders:! ! !

His name is Shen Ruisheng Second Uncle?
This man is...

The man walked straight to the main seat with slender legs and sat down, while Chen Qi stood aside with a briefcase.

It was Yun's person, Shen Chongming and Shen Changyi didn't speak, they just sat silently and Shen Xiuyan made a move.

Shen Chongming looked at Shen Xiuyan. He was wearing a black suit and a black tie. His whole body was only black, and his eyes were cold.

When did he defect to Yun?He also became the person who connected with the Shen Group.

Shen Chongming didn't think about Yun's identity as president at all.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Shen Xiuyan, the third young master of the Shen family, and also the president of Yun Group..."

 Master Xiu finally fell off the horse!

  Good night, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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