Chapter 385 Wife, I Was Wrong
——Lian Cheng won the best actress and became the youngest actress in history.

——The identity of the queen of the show is exposed, she is the daughter of the richest man
——The queen of Lian Ying was proposed by a rich man and became a winner in life
The news was exposed until the network was paralyzed.

There has never been such explosive news!
Lian Cheng is probably the person with the most vests and the highest achievements in the professional field!
Jian Siyue was dumbfounded when she saw the news. During this time, she called Yu Huirong from time to time, and she made countless reproaches in different ways.

Yu Huirong's dislike for Lian Cheng has reached an unprecedented height.

This is exactly what she wants to see the most!

Unexpectedly, Lian Cheng actually has such an identity!
Lian Cheng can walk sideways by relying on his identity, but why is he trying so hard to conceal his identity?

There is really no way to compare people!
What's the matter with her stepmother, her ex-husband is so developed, she doesn't even know?Is there a problem with IQ?
Jian Siyue was not willing to be compared to Lian Cheng, she tremblingly dialed Yu Huirong's number.

It's time for her stepmother to really play.

If she could trample Lian Cheng under her feet, she would not hesitate to use some means.

After Yu Huirong got the news, she rushed to the capital immediately. Her heart was restless all the way. The only regret was that Jian Hong felt ashamed and refused to come no matter what.

Lian Qingyun changed her name after they divorced her, and since she hadn't seen her for so many years, she couldn't imagine that Lian Qingyun had become the richest man.

And that kid Lian Cheng is too upbeat!

It was only after Yu Huirong and Jian Siyue met that they realized that they couldn't find Lian Cheng or Lian Qingyun at all, so they could only squat at Beijing University.

Jian Siyue also booked a hotel for Yu Huirong, as if she would not stop until she saw her.

After not coming to school for a week, people from the medical laboratory called Lian Cheng countless times, begging her for guidance.

Lian Cheng reluctantly agreed.

I got up early in the morning, and I was still confused when I had breakfast.

Shen Xiuyan personally sent her to the school, and after the car parked outside, he walked into the school gate with his arms around her.

Even with hats and masks on, the two are still very dazzling.

Since the marriage proposal, Shen Xiuyan's possessiveness towards Lian Cheng has become stronger and stronger, so he has to walk with his arms around him.

Lian Cheng yawned.

"I knew you were so tired, so I sent you here in the afternoon." The little girl looked pitiful.

"Why am I so tired, you don't know why?"

Who went crazy in the middle of the night until the early morning!

Do you know how much physical effort it takes? !
Shen Xiuyan touched his nose, "Baby, I think your physical strength is too weak."

"You want to fight?"

Shen Xiuyan leaned close to her ear, "At night, you are on top, you can call as you please."

Lian Cheng twisted his arm, "What nonsense!"

Her face was flushed.

Dare to say anything, really need to clean up.

"Wife, I was wrong..."

The two were flirting all the way, and suddenly two people appeared in front of them.

Lian Cheng and Shen Xiuyan stopped fighting in an instant.

Even already guessed what was about to happen.

What good things can Yu Huirong and Jian Siyue do!
Yu Huirong brewed a moment of emotion, "Lian Cheng, Third Young Master, can we have a chat."

Jian Siyue also said warmly, "Sister, Mom has been waiting for you for several days, can I trouble my sister and Third Young Master to have a chat with Mom."

Lian Cheng didn't speak, it was she who blocked Yu Huirong!
"What are you talking about?" Shen Xiuyan asked coldly.

"It's's inconvenient to say here..."

Lian Cheng pulled Shen Xiuyan around and left.

Ten minutes later, four people sat together in a cafe near the school.

(End of this chapter)

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