The reborn Duke's wife

Chapter 152 Killing Intent

Chapter 152 Killing Intent (3)
Seeing her appearance, old Ding Bohou felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry!" Suddenly, the originally calm voice sounded in Old Dingbohou's ear.She continued to say: "If Xin'er hadn't been messing around, grandfather would not have lost his position as minister of the Ministry of War. It was Xin'er who made grandfather suffer."

Old Dingbo Hou suddenly laughed, it was hard to tell whether the smile was joy or anger!He only heard his vicissitudes of voice said: "Xin'er, don't blame yourself. In fact, grandfather had already signed up and resigned from the position of Minister to the emperor. The emperor just didn't find a suitable opportunity, so he ran aground. This time , the emperor can take advantage of your reasons to cut off his grandfather's position, isn't it a means? This is also the emperor's trick!"

Liu Ruxin was startled, and only then did she realize why Emperor Yanzhao would divert his anger in public.It turned out that she had been used unknowingly so long that there was not even a scum left!In her last life, she was a joke from beginning to end; in this life, she was cautious in every step, and she still couldn't escape being taken advantage of.

However, it was precisely because of this that she was able to seek a more secure guarantee for her future life.

Thinking of this, the originally dim eyes flashed a little bit of light. For the future, she already has a blueprint in her heart, just waiting for her to fill it in and realize it bit by bit!Now, she has taken the first step, and she firmly believes that in this life, she will never be like that dodder flower, who can only live by clinging.

It was already late at night when the carriage swayed back to Dingbohou's Mansion. After Liu Ruxin returned to Qinxin Garden, she let the maids serve her personally. After everything was ready and she was about to rest, Su Bai was at this moment Walked over, and then said: "Princess, during the day, He Baoyi's family came here today, wanting to redeem Yilu's contract of sale. The princess is not here, and the servant did not dare to agree, and is waiting for the princess to come back to make a decision ,look……"

After hearing Su Bai's words, an undercurrent flashed in Liu Ruxin's eyes, which made Su Bai's heart tremble.I just feel that the princess's mind is becoming more and more elusive now, but as a slave, she never dares to forget her duty.

"Well, this county knows about this matter. When He Baoyi's family asks you in front of you, let her come to this county! Yilu will serve this county anyway, and I was thinking of finding someone for her." It's a good home." Liu Ruxin said.But she had doubts in her heart, Yilu was a mercenary person, and she would never have the idea of ​​leaving just because she was punished, there must be something happening that she didn't know about.

"Yes!" Su Bai replied respectfully, finally pleaded guilty, and took two steps back.

Before, when Liu Ruxin was resting, there would be big servant girls taking turns to make a floor bunk under her bed to watch over her.However, since Liu Ruxin fell into the water, this requirement was cancelled.

After a day of tossing and tossing today, she was also extremely tired, and Liu Ru fell asleep as soon as her heart touched the pillow.

In a daze, Liu Ruxin seemed to have entered a dream, and saw a gentle woman with big chestnut curly hair, eyes like the blue sky washed by rain, clean and bright.

Liu Ruxin knew her, she was the grandmother in the painting hanging in the study of Jinsongyuan, but she felt more real than the grandmother in the painting.Liu Ruxin rushed towards her in surprise, but the grandmother in the dream seemed to be a flash in the pan, every time she rushed over, the picture would disappear into the air like a wisp of green smoke, and then in another direction, repeating With the same figure.Liu Ruxin kept chasing, but the picture kept disappearing, and then repeated, over and over again, Liu Ruxin's forehead was already soaked with sweat, and she was panting from exhaustion.

Liu Ruxin put her hands on her hips, panting heavily, her eyes stubbornly looked at Ba Tuo Yuwei who was waving and smiling at her, that Tuo Yuwei was still smiling gently, and would wave her hands from time to time...

But at this moment, she suddenly heard someone calling her, "Princess! Princess..." The voice changed from light to heavy, as if afraid of scaring her.Liu Ruxin opened her eyes tiredly, and what caught her eyes was Mother Lu's worried but caring eyes.

Liu Ruxin was in a trance for a while, then looked at the surrounding decorations, and then asked in a hoarse voice: "What's the matter? Why hasn't Mammy gone to rest yet?"

Nanny Lu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "My good princess, the sky is already bright at this time, don't you have nightmares again? Look at you, you're sweating profusely in sleep! At this time, you should have woken up long ago, and fortunately, the servants found out in time, and asked Su Bai to remove two of the braziers, otherwise, when you go out for a while, the wind, the cold and the heat will most likely make people catch the cold !” Now it is late autumn, and at night, the brazier is already lit in the house, which is also the reason for fear of freezing at night.

Nanny Lu was chattering, not paying any attention to Liu Ruxin's slightly complicated and disappointed expression.

"It's still thoughtful of the Princess, it's really a wise move to open the granary today! By then, our granary will be famous all over the world!" Nanny Lu said excitedly.It was as if the shop was her own. After serving Liu Ruxin to wash up, she picked out a light purple Baxiangfu dress for her to change into. It was luxurious without being ostentatious!It could not be better.

Liu Ruxin looked at Nanny Lu's happy face, and couldn't help a smile on her lips, and said, "By the way, after the preparations for our granary are finished, I still have important things to hand over. You have to help me find a capable and stable manager, otherwise, we will keep working hard for Manager Qin, and I feel a little bit sorry for that."

"Well, what the princess said is right, and we should do the same! Always trouble him. After a long time, people's hearts will inevitably be neglected! Since the princess has decided to intervene in these mundane affairs, he should know how to use restraint. Otherwise, , Those people at the bottom are used to bullying others and deceiving others! There is a saying in the art of war: Employ people without doubting others! This is good, but Mammy still feels that it is better to keep three points for people. Just in case something unexpected happens, I will be thrown into chaos!" Nanny Lu taught carefully.

"I understand what Mammy means. It's just that we have limited manpower now, so we still need Mammy to supervise me, so that I won't be deceived when I'm new to this trip!" Liu Ruxin said with a smile.Liu Ruxin looked at Nanny Lu who had worked so hard for her all her life, but ended up dying badly, and the thought in her heart became stronger.However, this also requires the cooperation of the mother.

(End of this chapter)

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