The reborn Duke's wife

Chapter 178 Expulsion

Chapter 178 Expulsion (7)
He didn't say a word just now, because he didn't want the Sanfang family to dominate, so he allowed a few juniors to contradict the Bai family. After entering the stage, the scene was forcibly suppressed.

Liu Ruxin looked at old Ding Bohou coughing and almost out of breath, her heart seemed to be run over by a sharp steel needle, the pain was unbearable, but there was nothing she could do.Sighing deeply, she didn't say anything in the end, she only thought about it, after she moved to the Princess's Mansion, she decided to open up a courtyard for Old Ding Bohou, so that he could recuperate in her Princess's Mansion a period of time.

At that time, she will use the spirit spring and the fruit in the space to assist him, and it will probably have a certain effect on his body.Just like her body, it is cold today. However, the cold syndrome that fell after falling into the water in the previous life has not yet recurred. Does it also mean that the spiritual spring in the space actually has the effect of nourishing the body?
Thinking of the fate of her grandfather's previous life, she wondered if she could change it.In the previous life, my grandfather died suddenly of no illness at the beginning of the spring of the next year.But now, the beginning of spring after leaving is only a few months away.Now, because of her, all the conflicts in Dingbo Hou's mansion, openly and secretly, have been brought to the fore, and I don't know if my grandfather's body can bear it.Thinking of this, Liu Ruxin inevitably felt guilty in her heart!At the same time, the desire to make up for my grandfather grew stronger.

But in an instant, Liu Ruxin thought about it so much, and it wasn't until He Gonggong answered that she stopped her thoughts.

"Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and we can understand that it is the old Dingbohou who is out of touch! However, since the old Dingbohou talked about reconciliation, then our family has to repeat the old story. I would like to ask my son to quickly take out the account of Wangting Lake and reconcile it with our family. The sky is already dark, and the emperor and queen mother are still waiting for us to return to the palace! It's the slaves who make things difficult!" Eunuch He said in a deep voice.At the same time, he lowered his posture.

However, the more Eunuch He was like this, the more troublesome Liu Yuanbo felt.He smiled and said: "Forgive me, Mr. He. This son really didn't intend to embarrass you, but that Wangting Lake has never been developed. As for the account books in Mr. He's hands, I am also puzzled! I think it must be Ding Bohou The government's political opponents used it to instigate me into Dingbohou's mansion's peace, and I hope the general manager will be aware of it, and don't be fooled by that indiscriminate trick."

Liu Yuanbo continued to pretend to be stupid!Now, it is not as simple as whether he is willing to hand over the account books. After the intensification just now, the seriousness of the situation has also escalated. Now, as long as he makes a wrong step, the matter will develop to the point where it cannot be controlled.

"Don't worry, my son. Although our family is getting old, we are not so confused as to lose our minds." Eunuch He said sarcastically.Seeing that Liu Yuanbo still looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, he decided to throw down a heavy weight, and said one by one: "The son of the world has acted like this, does it mean that we must send witnesses from our family to confront you! If it is true At that time, have you ever thought about the consequences? You must know that the property of the princess is bestowed by the royal family. Once this matter breaks out, the final result can only be handled by the clan mansion. By then, one of them is so powerful, I'm afraid we don't need our son Dao Xiao to know, right?"

When Liu Yuanbo heard that Eunuch He mentioned the clan's mansion, his face immediately turned livid and embarrassing.However, Eunuch He was entrusted with an important task by the emperor and sent down, which also represents the face of the Tian family. He is not something that he, a little prince, can easily offend. I can only hold back.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help turning to Wei Shi, who had the same embarrassing expression, and said angrily: "You bastard, what Manager He said is true? Tell me honestly, how many things are you hiding from me? Hurry up and get it right!" At the same time, he did not forget to raise his foot, and kicked Webster's face fiercely...

Webster really didn't expect Liu Yuanbo to do something to her, he didn't notice for a while, and Liu Yuanbo kicked him straight.It wasn't until a burning pain came from his thigh that he realized it.

No one in the room seemed to have expected that Liu Yuanbo, who is usually gentle and refined, would beat someone with his hands.

There was still panic in Yun's eyes that hadn't had time to dissipate. When he looked at Liu Yuanbo, there was a touch of disdain in his eyes, and he felt that Liu Yuanbo was not like a man, and he didn't take responsibility!When things happen, they will only hide behind women.At the same time, he felt a little sympathetic to Webster, for this man, he spent most of his life, dedicating all the best years of a woman to this man, but in the end he got such an ending.For some reason, Yun's heart suddenly felt sad for the death of a rabbit, and involuntarily, he turned his eyes to Liu Yuanmo who was at the side, and Liu Yuanmo seemed to feel something in his heart, and just turned his head to meet Yun's gaze .

Yun's heart panicked, she didn't expect to meet her husband's eyes, she quickly lowered her head to avoid it, but Liu Yuan still caught the sadness in her eyes that she couldn't hide in the future.Liu Yuan was suddenly puzzled, so he couldn't help frowning.

Not to mention Yun's, even Liu Ruxin disdained Liu Yuanbo's behavior in her heart.I just hate myself for not discovering in my previous life that her third uncle is not only a greedy one, but also a fake man who has no responsibility!

For a moment, the expressions of the people in the room were different, but one thing was the same, that is, they were all shocked by his sudden action.

"Mother!" After Liu Ruhua came to her senses, she rushed forward and protected her mother behind her, then turned around, glaring at Liu Yuanpo with eyes full of resentment, and said, "Father is too cruel! Mother has worked so hard for the family for so many years, but father has only relied on an outsider's slander to suspect that mother is cheating? And you!" Liu Ruhua changed the subject, pointing her index finger at Liu Ruxin, and said nothing Wuyin said cruelly: "Liu Ruxin! My mother has been pitying you for having no father or mother these years, so she took care of you in many ways, loved you even more, and even surpassed my own daughter. Now, I will take care of your property , you made a lot of money for you, but in the end, it’s fine if you don’t get a thank you, but you even joined forces with outsiders to bite your mother back! I really want to cut open your chest to see what your heart is for. You did it with such a hard heart. These years, my mother should be familiar with raising a wolf! And you! You are not even as good as an animal!"

(End of this chapter)

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