The reborn Duke's wife

Chapter 254 Warning

Chapter 254 Warning
As people often say, their own children can beat and scold them however they want, but they cannot tolerate the slightest finger from others.That's the case for Emperor Xizhao.Although they are not the children of Emperor Xizhao, they also have a network of relationships that connect them as a family. This analogy couldn't be more appropriate.

Emperor Yanzhao watched Liu Ruxin's expression quietly, and saw that she was both regretful and sighing. His originally dull mood suddenly became lighter, which would damage his stern image, but he had no choice but to force it in his heart. endure.

Empress Nangong was extremely satisfied when she saw Su Zijia humbly prostrate at her feet.With a cold snort in his heart, he thought to himself: It's just a plaything, and he even regards himself as a person.Danyang's idea is not something that a merchant's daughter can do.Even though he thought so in his heart, he didn't show the slightest thing on his face.He only smiled softly and said to Su Zijia who was below: "Although girls are extroverted, but now that my sister has become the emperor's person, she should only think of the emperor in her heart. How can I always use the emperor's help?" to seek profit for her natal family? Although Xiaowei Su is good, he was born into a merchant family. Although the emperor was kind enough to let him hang up in the court, he still couldn't get rid of the fact that his birth was too low, and his foundation was still weak. How can you add trouble to the emperor?" Empress Nangong covered her lips and smiled.

Since ancient times, scholars, farmers, businessmen!The merchants were at the bottom of the list. Empress Nangong gave birth to a businessman, and each merchant's son, stabbing Su Zijiao's heart with every sentence.Su Zijia, who was lying on the ground, had reddened eyes, wishing she could step forward and tear up the Queen's face to relieve her anger.However, she finally restrained herself with forbearance.The viciousness in her eyes was quickly hidden the moment she raised her head, and disappeared from her eyes.

Su Zijiao looked at the queen, smiled respectfully and said: "My concubine is taught, thank you for your advice, empress." After saying that, he kowtowed to Queen Nangong again.Then he turned to Emperor Yanzhao and said: "I beg the emperor to forgive my concubine this time. The concubine did this only because she was worried about her family. Please also forgive my concubine's innocence!" .

Su Zijia is not stupid, the more she is like this, the emperor can't get angry with her because of it.This dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, and Emperor Hezhao was the first among them. Although he was in the royal family and his family ties were weak, when it came to protecting his family, no one could compare to Emperor Hezhao.After all, in those years, when the Empress Dowager was neglected by the first emperor, the three of them, mother and son, had suffered together in this man-eating harem.Not to mention anything else, but this friendship is unmatched.

It was precisely because Su Zijia grasped this point that he acted unrepentant.

Seeing this, Emperor Yanzhao secretly sighed.How many people can share weal and woe, but once rich and honored, it is difficult to recall the friendship of that year.Nowadays, there are not many people who are not afraid of offending Long Yan and seeking benefits for their family like Su Shi!
Emperor Yanzhao watched Su Zijiao quietly, until after a long time, he said: "Get up first! Forget it this time, don't let me have any more unrealistic thoughts in the future." Listen, otherwise, don't blame me for not remembering old love!"

"The concubine should always remember the teachings of the emperor and the empress!" After saying that, she bowed to the two of them again, and then endured the pain in her knees, and got up from the ground.However, his body was unstoppably cold.It wasn't until this time that Su Zijia realized that the obscene clothes that were close to her body were soaked with sweat at some point. After this experience, if she didn't take a hot bath quickly after returning home, she would be sweating all over, and she would definitely be stained because of it. The upper wind and the cold are impossible.

Looking at Liu Ruxin who was watching a play, Su Zijia secretly hated her.Just now, what Emperor Yanzhao said was clearly a warning to her, telling her not to think about that bitch again.It's just that I feel sorry for my brother at home.Looking at his elder brother's appearance, it seems that he has already fallen in love with that bitch Danyang.Brother's temperament seems to be gentle, but he is the most left-hearted and paranoid. If he is not allowed to achieve his wish, with his disposition, he may spend his whole life, and he will not be able to forget it.It seems that this matter has to be well planned and considered in the long run.

Emperor Yanzhao was quite satisfied with Su Zijuan's understanding of current affairs, and wanted to open his mouth to let the matter go. However, Empress Nangong was unwilling to let Su Zijuan go. She was a person who held grudges very much. Her natal family was already jealous, but she did not forget what Su Shi said before, so that her natal family turned into a long thorn in the heart of Emperor Yuzhao again, piercing deeply.

Empress Nangong looked at Emperor Yanzhao with a smile on her face, and said: "Since the words have come to this point, the concubine can't help but say one more thing, the emperor must not annoy the concubine because of this!"

Emperor Xizhao was silent, and Empress Nangong didn't intend to ask him to ask and answer, so she just continued to say: "Now, Danyang is not too young, seeing that he is about to reach the age of marriage, my concubine Knowing that the emperor does not want to let go of Danyang, he still wants to keep her for a few more years, but he can't delay her because of this. After a year, Danyang will be old, and the emperor should take good care of Danyang, so as not to In the future, things will be in a hurry. The concubine thinks that taking advantage of this autumn hunting will be a good opportunity." Empress Nangong suggested.At that time, all the sons and daughters of officials above the third rank will gather here, and it will not be indebted to her that Emperor Yuzhao chooses a husband-in-law for Danyang from among them.Empress Nangong thought so in her heart.

Empress Nangong's words were like a thunderbolt, which created a turbulent wave in Liu Ruxin's heart for no reason.However, she had to act like a little girl on her face.In my heart, I was thinking quickly about countermeasures.Fortunately, she was reminded by Zongzheng Yuye that day, so she was prepared in advance so that she would not be too surprised.However, for a while, she couldn't figure out the real intention of Empress Nangong's move.

Emperor Yanzhao looked at the shy Liu Ruxin, his heart moved, he was quite satisfied with her current state.After all, she was just a teenage girl. Although she looked very alert and intelligent in the past, she was also afraid and shy when faced with certain things.However, Su's suggestion might not be a bad choice.

Although Xiaowei Su was born a little lower, he is still a man of fame after all.What's more, the person is born handsome, a man like Zhilan Yushu, and Danyang is also suitable.Thinking of this, Emperor Yanzhao couldn't help asking: "Is there a suitable person in Danyang's mind? Why don't you tell me about it, so that the emperor can advise you."

(End of this chapter)

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