The reborn Duke's wife

Chapter 300 Overstepping

Chapter 300 Overstepping (1)
Su Zijiao's eyes suddenly brightened, and even then dimmed. Looking at those white jade feet, as if thinking of something, his face flushed involuntarily. He hesitated and said: "Lichen has been spread on the floor, and there is a charcoal fire in the room, so it should... be fine!" Her pair of lotus feet are very small and beautiful. When the emperor was making out with her, he once said, I like to see her barefoot the most!

Yuan Nanny is also someone who has been there before, seeing her like this, after thinking about it for a while, she vaguely understood something, and couldn't help showing a little embarrassment on her face.A little bit helpless said: "The girl is now a concubine, which is more important, I have already weighed it in my heart, so why do I need the old slave to talk too much? The old slave also said too much, as the girl's nanny Sister, of course, everything is not considered from the girl's starting point, if the girl insists on doing this, she will be an old slave and never mention it!"

It's really muddy that can't support the wall!

Nanny Yuan didn't intend to be troublesome at first, not to mention, she had already made plans to leave the palace, but, one day she was still working under Suzhou's subordinates, one day she had to make plans for her.It should be noted that it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree!The more favored Su Zijia is, the more people under him will benefit.The date of her departure is still unknown, she dare not make a wrong step.

This annoyed myself!Su Zijia became more and more dissatisfied.But she didn't know that Nanny Yuan was also very disappointed in her.

"My Majesty Wanan!" came the voices of the palace people from outside the door.

Hearing Emperor Yanzhao's voice, Su Zijuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately put on a joyful look.Nanny Yuan was still thinking about Su Zijuan's words in the afternoon. Seeing that the emperor was coming, Su Zijuan made a gesture to welcome him out. She didn't care about anything else, so she hurriedly used the words that could only be heard between the two of them. The voice whispered: "Girl, don't confront Danyang head-on! Remember!"

Su Zijiao frowned slightly, feeling that Nanny Yuan was taking too much care of her!Over there, seeing that the curtain had been raised by the palace maid, Su Zijia didn't think about it anymore, and hurriedly greeted her, with a charming and happy smile on her face.The moment he saw Emperor Yanzhao, the smile on his face involuntarily deepened by two points, he bowed his knees, and called out softly, "Your Majesty!"

"Ai Concubine is flat!" Emperor Yanzhao flaunted, then he laughed and said, "What did Ai Concubine do today? Do you have Zhen in your heart?" Obviously he was in a good mood.

Regarding the thoughts in her heart, Su Zijia became more and more determined.On the face, she put on a shy look, and said angrily: "Oh, the emperor hates it, everyone is watching!" After speaking, he half pushed and half let the big palm of Emperor Yanzhao knead her body.

It has to be said that the three thousand beauties in Emperor Yanzhao's harem allowed him to practice flirting all over. Seeing the blush on Su Zijuan's face, the smile on Emperor Yanzhao's face deepened by two points. But it was clear and bright, and he only said provocatively: "Let them watch it, if anyone dares to laugh, I will deal with them together! It happens to be your sister for many days, wouldn't it be beautiful!"

Su Ziyu's heart was suffocated, as if he hadn't expected that Emperor Yanzhao, who was diligent in governing and caring for the people, would say such lewd and immoral words, but in an instant, his complexion returned to normal, only showing a grievance that was about to cry and said "Your majesty, is it not good for the concubines to serve you? Or does the emperor already dislike the concubines?" The sour taste in the words could not be concealed no matter what.

Emperor Yanzhao suddenly smiled, "Is the beauty jealous? I don't like women who are too stingy."

Su Zizhen carefully looked at the face of Emperor Yanzhao, and saw that there was no annoyance on his face, so he boldly continued: "Your Majesty... For you, the concubine is just one of the three thousand beauties in your harem." One, insignificant; however, to the concubine, you are the concubine's husband and the concubine's heaven. The concubine has not read any great principles, but he also knows that once you despise him, the concubine's heaven It collapsed." As the words fell, a drop of crystal clear liquid dripped right here, as if he had just realized what was wrong with him, he turned into a frightened bunny in a hurry, turned his head away, leaving only the right A beautiful silhouette of Emperor Yanzhao.

A stream of light flashed in the eyes of Emperor Yanzhao, and his big palm moved on her body. After a while, there were small and broken sounds in the room, accompanied by bursts of female moaning.

After the affair, Emperor Yanzhao lay on the bed tiredly, panting heavily, and let Su Zijiao lean over like a bird, "Your Majesty, my concubine dares to ask for something, but I don't know what the Emperor can do." Should I be a concubine?"


"The concubine's natal family came from a humble background, thanks to the emperor's perseverance, let the concubine enjoy the favor of the emperor, and also supported her family a lot, so that the lowly merchant of the Su family became an official. The concubine is very grateful in her heart!" Said When he got here, he buried his head in the arms of Emperor Yanzhao and wept softly.After waiting for a long time, seeing that Emperor Yanzhao didn't seem to show signs of consolation, he couldn't help but felt a little uneasy, and after quietly shedding tears, he said with a little sobs: "Accordingly, the concubine's request is also a delusion, but what, My elder brother couldn't eat because of this matter, and the old parents in the family were very worried, so the concubine's mother begged the concubine to come to the concubine, hoping that the concubine could ask the emperor for a favor and save my brother's life!" , Then he choked up!

The snake heart is not enough!

For some reason, these words came to Emperor Hezhao's mind.Having said this, Emperor Yanzhao considered the usefulness of the Su family, and finally said: "I don't know what my concubine is referring to! The Su family is also a relative of the emperor after all, so it's possible that someone still dares to murder Xiaowei Su?"

"No, no, it's because my elder brother has high eyes. Since he met Danyang once a few months ago, he has been overwhelmed by the demeanor of Princess Danyang. However, because the Su family's family is not high, they are not worthy of the honor of Princess Danyang." Status; however, my elder brother is possessed like a demon, and has reached the point where he will not marry a non-Qing and cannot eat! I also ask the emperor to see that my concubine serves the emperor wholeheartedly, and fulfill my elder brother's infatuation !” As he said that, he didn’t care about his shame, and knelt down beside the Emperor Hezhao, naked.A small face is even more pear blossoms with rain, so cute and touching, arousing pity!

"Oh? Since you like it, just come to the door to propose marriage. Why do you have to discuss such a trivial matter in front of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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