Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 286 The Second History Spirit

Chapter 286 The Second History Spirit

July [-]th, Hokkaido, Zhongtun Island!
In the end, Liu Cheng and his party escaped calmly, and returned to Zhongtun Island easily in just one day.

After returning to Zhongtun Island, thinking back to Donghai County's action this time, although this strategy was slightly dangerous, it was also a huge gain for Liu Cheng.

Of course, this so-called harvest is not reflected in the treasure chest. If it is really counted in this respect, Liu Cheng is actually at a loss this time.

Although Liu Cheng obtained a [Historical Wenling Treasure Box] and a [Historical Wenling] after beheading Li Wen.

But Liu Cheng also spent a lot. Of the seven talisman papers he got from Zhang Wuji, he directly used four in this battle, and two [God Armor Talismans]. Shrink the ground into an inch] and two [fixed charms].

As far as the value of the talisman paper used by Liu Cheng is concerned, Liu Cheng is really at a loss this time.

Moreover, Li Wen's [historical culture and spirituality] is not very satisfactory to Liu Cheng.

Regarding Li Wen's historical literary spirit, Liu Cheng had actually guessed a long time ago. He thought that Li Wen's historical literary spirit would be a first-class historical literary spirit like Li Ru, but when he got Li Wen's historical literary spirit And when he saw the attributes, he was a little confused.

Li Su (Historical Culture and Spirit) (Three Kingdoms)
Wen Ling level: second-rate (force: 80, spirit: 80, talent: 75, commander: 70)

Wenling talent: turn against each other

Turning against each other: special spiritual talent, which can take the opportunity to plant special spiritual seeds in the enemy's heart by means of angering the enemy. the behavior of the other party.

ps: This talent has a higher success rate for people with low mental power, and it can also be used to develop other uses after a certain degree of control over this talent.

ps: This Wenling has certain special features, and there is a high probability that the quality will not be reduced if used.

If it is from another dynasty, Liu Cheng may not know who Li Su is, but if it is from the Three Kingdoms, then Liu Cheng is too familiar with it.

It's just that I'm more familiar with Liu Chengcheng and more confused. Isn't Li Su in the Three Kingdoms a military general under Dong Zhuo's command, the one who is from the same hometown as Lu Bu and brought the red rabbit to instigate Lu Bu's rebellion?

"How did this Li Su become a historical literary spirit? Did the system classify him?" When he said this, Liu Cheng suddenly thought of Zhang Yan.

"No, no, I remember that Li Wen's spiritual power seems to be a little higher than that of this historical Wenling. Logically, Li Wen should not have a spiritual power that surpasses Wenling's. Could it be because Li Wen controlled this The reason for a historical cultural spirit?"

Regarding this issue, Liu Cheng did not figure out a result, and the system did not give an explanation on this aspect.

Simply, Liu Cheng didn't worry too much about this issue. After he came back, he quickly used this historical cultural spirit. As for the target, Liu Cheng currently has only two civil servants under his command. Li Dajiang got Zhang Wuji's literary spirit, and this one was naturally given to Jiang Ning.

At that time, Jiang Ning successfully accepted [Li Su]'s historical spirit, and his mental strength did not decline, but his military strength dropped sharply. When he arrived at Jiang Ning, he was only 65.

Of course, Liu Cheng doesn't pay attention to this, he is now focusing on another aspect.

Using this [historical literary spirit], Liu Cheng now has two templates of historical civil servants and seven templates of historical military generals.

Liu Cheng took a look at his task of [Surrender or Die], and found that in this task, the historical literary spirit also counts. In this case, Liu Cheng is only one short away from completing the task of [Surrender or Die] again. A task is up.

Thinking about the rewards given for this mission last time, Liu Cheng still has some expectations for this mission.

Judging from the current situation, Liu Cheng should not be far away from this task, of course, the premise is that Liu Cheng can survive this wave of attacks from the Yellow Turbans.

Of course, Liu Cheng is still very confident about this one. On the one hand, Liu Cheng himself is good at water warfare.

On the water, whether it's Guan Canghai or the last Zhang Chongshan that Liu Cheng saw on the Yellow Turban side, their skills have dropped by at least five levels.

More importantly, Liu Cheng successfully beheaded Li Wen this time, and while avenging Zhang Kai, he also disrupted the deployment of the Yellow Turban.

Without Li Wen, Zhang Chongshan and Guan Canghai, who have just arrived, must start from scratch if they want to gather the power of the aristocratic family and the pirates.

And Liu Cheng's shot this time also put a nail in the hearts of those aristocratic families.

How did Liu Cheng know that they were having a meeting, the time and place, he had full control over it, it was obvious that someone tipped Liu Cheng off at that time.

They never imagined that Liu Cheng had started to bury nails in the yellow scarf very early on, so the only ones that the aristocratic families could suspect were the group of pirates.

If the Yellow Turbans can't solve this problem at this time, it will not be easy for them to bring together the aristocratic family and the pirates.

Coupled with the fact that Guan Canghai was seriously injured by Liu Cheng, Liu Cheng estimated that they would not be able to attack Hokkaido for at least a month.

A month may not be of much use to others, but to Liu Cheng, it is completely different.

For Liu Cheng, one month's time means that [Junior School Field] can supply 420 million arms experience.


These two points alone can greatly improve Liu Cheng's combat effectiveness, but this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that Liu Cheng can use this month to challenge the two dungeons in his hand.

According to the information Liu Cheng currently has, the challenge of the dungeon should be able to provide him with military experience, supplies, money, and even population.

If Liu Cheng is lucky and directly clears the six difficulty levels of the two dungeons under his command, Liu Cheng's strength will definitely usher in a wave of explosion within this month.

And even if Liu Cheng was unlucky and couldn't usher in a wave of explosion in strength, Liu Cheng could still find a suitable general in this month to pass on the [Blue Dragon Blood] martial soul.

As long as someone can accept the inheritance of the martial soul of Qinglong's blood and obtain the same innate skills as Li Qinglong, Liu Chengcheng will not care at all whether the opponents come to the water battle or not, whether they are human or not.

It was precisely because of this idea that after Liu Cheng returned from Donghai County, Liu Chengcheng began to prepare for the challenge dungeon...

(End of this chapter)

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