Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 31 The Arrival of Black Reef Island

Chapter 31 The Arrival of Black Reef Island

The Great Zhou Empire, the deserted island where Donghai and Liu Cheng reside.

That ship, which Liu Cheng saw a day ago, was parked on the coast of this deserted island. On the deck, twenty or thirty strong pirates were looking at the deserted island.

The one in the lead was a strong man in a black uniform with a long knife on his waist. This man was about 30 years old, with a scar on his left face, and he looked fierce.

The man looked at the island in front of him, although his eyes were cold, but he seemed a little absent-minded.

After watching for a long time, he gave an order to the pirates behind him: "A team of three, search this island."


The man with the scar was obviously very prestigious among this group of pirates. With an order, twenty or thirty pirates quickly got off the ship, and then divided into groups of three and scattered to search the island in front of them. .

There is no doubt that the group of pirates in front of them are the pirates from [Black Reef Island], and the man with the scar in the head is the second island owner of [Black Reef Island], and their purpose this time is to Came here to search for Zhang Kui.

However, for this task, it seems that not many people have any hope. In the past half a month, they have searched more than a dozen islands, but they have not found a single one. Can they gain anything from this island? Well, these guys really don't have much hope.

Before the twenty or thirty pirates entered the island, each of them was very serious, but as soon as they entered the depths of the island, the atmosphere among the pirates became more relaxed.

They chatted and spat one by one, completely indifferent to their task of searching the island.

"It's true what you said above. The three island masters just ran away. What are you chasing? With this skill, we might as well rob a few more caravans."

"Yeah, eating dry food every day and running around the deserted island, I haven't eaten meat for a few days, and my mouth is almost fading like a bird!"

The three pirates, wielding long knives, complained as they walked deep into the island.

"Hey, there is a piece of news. Have you heard it?" When the two pirates in front were complaining, the one behind suddenly lowered his voice and said mysteriously.

"What's the situation?" The two islands in front were stunned for a moment, and turned their heads at the same time.

"I heard that the three island owners actually escaped because they got a treasure map." The island behind said with a smile on his face.

"Tch, I thought you were going to say something. This matter has been spread a long time ago. Half of the people in [Black Reef Island] know it. It's some kind of secret."

The pirate in front snorted, turned back and continued to move forward, when an anxious voice sounded.

"Be careful! Stop!"

However, although the voice sounded, but I don't know whether it was the pirate who was distracted or what, the guy still stepped on that foot.

Stepping on it, the unlucky guy stepped on a trap, and fell down like that.

And that's not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is that when this guy fell, a vine on the side of the trap was pulled, and suddenly a piece of wood tied with the vine fell over, directly hitting the bottom of the island. On the back, there was a piece of wood more than one meter long, and the violent blow immediately knocked the guy down.

This sudden change made the two nearby islands dumbfounded, and it took a long time before they came back to their senses.

At this time, the two were about to cut down the instigator who suddenly came out, but they found that before they could make a move, the guy who looked like a 'savage' in tatters ran over nervously , Check out the situation of that unlucky pirate.

"How are you? Are you okay? Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't expect someone to come over. The medicine is right, come... Take this medicine!"

The two pirates looked at the 'savage' who was so nervous that he couldn't even speak, and hurriedly took out a black thing and was about to stuff it into the mouth of the hapless pirate.

The unlucky pirate was even more dazed. First, he fell into the trap for no reason. He hadn't recovered from the trap yet, and then another 'savage' popped out and stuffed medicine into his mouth.

He didn't realize it for a while, this guy opened his mouth, and swallowed the medicine. After he realized it, that guy's expression changed. Nima took it without knowing what medicine it was. What if it was poison?
"Boy, stop, what are you doing!" The two pirates saw the face of the unlucky man change, they finally came to their senses, stepped forward and kicked the 'savage' directly.

The 'savage' didn't seem to have thought that these two pirates would be so fierce. After being kicked over, he was dumbfounded and trembling slightly. Looking at the two pirates in front of him in fear, he stumbled and said, "I, I just want to Feed him medicine, I am a doctor, this medicine is very effective, he will be fine after taking it."

As he spoke, the 'savage' took one and shoved it into his mouth tremblingly, expressing that there was nothing wrong with his medicine.

Seeing the hopeless appearance of the 'savage', the two of them immediately lost most of their wariness, and just at this time, the effect of the [Primary Fitness Pill] that the unlucky guy ate also came into play.

A warmth emanated from his dantian, and then spread all over his body. Under this warmth, the original pain disappeared immediately.

This time, the eyes of that unlucky guy suddenly lit up, this guy obviously has a little bit of eyesight, this medicine is definitely a good thing.

"Boy, you said you made this thing?"

The 'savage' trembled and nodded.

Seeing Liu Cheng nodding, the unlucky pirate's eyes immediately brightened: "Quickly, send this kid to the ship. The second island master must be happy to bring it back!"

"On the boat? Are you the guards of the caravan?" Upon hearing the word boat, the eyes of the 'savage' lit up immediately, and he seemed to have more courage.

However, when the pirates heard this, they immediately laughed: "Merchant ship guards? Your grandfather and I rely on killing those useless merchant ship guards to make a living at sea."

The two pirates spoke, and waved the long knife in their hands, showing a hideous look.

Seeing this situation, the timid 'savage' immediately understood.

"You are pirates!"

The 'savage' turned around trembling and wanted to run, but he was chased by the two pirates before taking two steps. After kicking him over, the two pirates put a knife on the neck of the 'savage' one from the left and one from the right.

With the long knife in his neck, the 'savage' suddenly softened, and was grabbed by the two pirates like a little sheep and headed towards the pirate ship...

 Thanks for [Heartless Live] [Xin Ge is a Beard] [Five Poisons Are Bad but Reading Books] [Once Suffering and Joy] [Little Donkey in the Mill] [Booklist] for your support!

  It's been so cold these days, my hands are almost numb!
(End of this chapter)

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