Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 431 Three Top Generals

Chapter 431 Three Top Generals
Mysterious Manor, inside the underground prison.

Lu Zhishen was bound with heavy chains and locked in the deepest part of the prison.

The original Lu Zhishen was not treated in this way. He had no strength at all because he was drugged before, and he didn't need to be tied up at all.

But as he spent more and more time in the mysterious manor, he began to develop resistance to the drugs used in this mysterious manor.

Since two days ago, he has recovered to a certain level and needs to be bound with iron chains.

However, the recovery of his state was not a good thing for Lu Zhishen. As his physical strength continued to recover, his strength continued to increase.

With the cost of control getting higher and higher, and there is even a great danger of breaking free, Mysterious Manor has already made a decision on him.

Although the Mysterious Manor has been blocking the news, Lu Zhishen deduced from some clues that the other party might have to deal with him, and the time would not be too late, maybe within these two days.

Sometimes, knowing too much is not a good thing.

Take the current Lu Zhishen as an example, he knew in advance that the Mysterious Manor was going to deal with him, but what could he do?

In his current situation, he couldn't do any resistance at all.

Knowing in advance, he can only let him drive himself closer to death step by step.

Unwilling to accept fate, but there is nothing to do.

Such a situation is very tormenting, and the more unwilling to accept this kind of fate, the more tormenting it will be.

In this kind of torment, Lu Zhishen approached his predetermined death step by step.

However, just when the predetermined time for his death arrived and he was about to despair, he suddenly discovered that today's mysterious manor seemed a bit strange, and at this moment, he heard a loud noise...


Outside the mysterious manor, a large number of Song troops surrounded the manor.

With Zhuifeng's special operation and Bao Heitan's own ability, the mysterious manor was finally discovered by Da Song.

When Lu Zhishen heard the loud noise, Song Jun had already opened the curtain to attack the mysterious manor.

It is not difficult to see from the troops dispatched by Song Dynasty and the posture they put on, that Song Dynasty has attached great importance to this mysterious force.

Their action at this time was not aimed at saving those martial soul awakeners at all, it was completely a posture to wipe out the group of people in the mysterious manor.

Not only dispatched [-] elite soldiers to surround the mysterious manor, but even dispatched three top generals, Lu Junyi, Yang Ye, and Yang Yanzhao, which can be said to be quite important.

Such a powerful force is naturally unstoppable once it makes a move.

On the side of the mysterious manor, they didn't seem to react at all, and they directly broke into the manor.

During this process, although Mysterious Manor had some resistance, that weak resistance was nothing in front of those top generals, and was quickly suppressed.

In less than half an hour, this Song army that suddenly appeared directly took down the mysterious manor.

However, at this time, Bao Heitan, who was in charge of directing the battle, was very dissatisfied.

Because they took this manor, but they found nothing in this manor.

There is no martial spirit captured in this manor. Although there are certain private armed forces, they are only at the level of a normal private army of an aristocratic family.

Such a manor looked like an ordinary family manor no matter how it looked, it was far from the stronghold of the mysterious organization they had expected.

"What's the situation? Where are the people? Why is there no one? Could it be that we have found the wrong place?"

Lu Zhishen was not found, so Lu Junyi came to Bao Heitan and questioned him.

"Impossible. They built this manor in the name of the White Lotus Chamber of Commerce in three months. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

"But we obviously found nothing. Could it be that they can still hide people underground?"

Lu Junyi's words were originally just an angry remark, but unexpectedly woke up Bao Heitan.

"Underground? It seems that this is the only possibility. Send everyone out to search with all your strength. I suspect that there is an underground secret room in this manor."

Bao Heitan gave an order, and the entire army immediately moved into action.

They found the right direction this time, and soon they found a secret passage leading underground at the rockery of the manor.

After finding this passage, Lu Junyi, who was anxious to save people, led a team of elites to kill them first.

This time, however, it was not so easy for them.

Almost as soon as Lu Junyi's elite team entered, they immediately counterattacked wildly.

There are a lot of organs in that secret passage.

As soon as Lu Junyi and others entered, 50 of the team of about 49 people died instantly, and only Lu Junyi survived.

However, even with Lu Junyi's top military strength, in that narrow environment, facing densely packed arrows and endless traps, he was not sure how to kill him, and had no choice but to retreat.

Even Lu Junyi couldn't break through. The strength of the defense of the secret base was obvious. It would be difficult for ordinary people to get in in a short time with ordinary methods.

But what kind of ordinary people are there in this group of people?They are the elite of Song Dynasty, how could they be bound by a secret way?
"This group of people is really extraordinary!"

After Bao Heitan sighed softly, he immediately ordered the troops around him to mobilize, preparing to violently excavate this underground space.

Can't you fortify?Don't all kinds of institutions emerge in endlessly?It won't be long before they directly dig out the organs together?
Simple and crude, but effective.

And Da Song seems to have capable people in this area. A literati took a look at it, and he probably knew the scale of the underground space and drew a simple sketch.

According to the sketch drawn by the man, Bao Heitan dispatched people to keep an eye on the other exits, and started excavation. Under the simultaneous operation of thousands of soldiers, the mysterious underground space was already approaching them in just a few hours. The veil of mystery has been unveiled.

However, just when they thought they were close to victory, in a corner of that underground space, hundreds of Yellow Turban warlocks who had made preparations in advance used [Earthquake Art].

What would happen if hundreds of people simultaneously used [Earthquake Technique] on an underground space that was structurally tampered with?

The structure is of course that underground space, that one of their Wuhun research base was collapsed in an instant, and thousands of Song soldiers who were working were directly buried alive...

(End of this chapter)

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