I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 10 stalemate

Chapter 10 stalemate
With the bayonet stabbing quickly, Liu Gen had no idea of ​​dodging, he couldn't dodge!

At this time, Liu Gen wished that the [-] rifle in his hand could be replaced by a big knife, so that he could kill a few more devils even if he desperately tried!The bayonet pierced into the body of a ghost, but suddenly there was another person in front of Liu Gen, a soldier who should have been hiding behind the Type [-] infantry artillery!

"Puff puff"

The devil's bayonet stabbed fiercely into the soldier's body, but Liu Gen could see the slightest smile in the soldier's eyes. Liu Gen reacted, roared, quickly pulled out the bayonet in his hand, and stabbed fiercely at the soldier. Another devil!There were still three devils left in front of Liu Gen. If this soldier hadn't blocked the bayonet for Liu Gen just now, he would never have survived!

"Die! Let me die!" Liu Gen roared, and the bayonet in his hand stabbed out again.Liu Gen's outbreak was unexpected by the devils, and they also did not expect that a person who was destined to die could survive!
The bayonet pierced fiercely into the devil's heart, killing him directly!Liu Gen didn't dare to hesitate, the soldier died because of himself, he didn't dare to live up to the soldier's expectations.Pulling out the [-] rifle forcefully again, Liu Gen kicked one devil down, and stabbed another devil less than half a meter away with the [-] rifle in his hand!
The little devil just realized that he was about to pull the bayonet out of the soldier's body when he was killed by Liu Gen directly!
Before he had time to pull out the [-] rifle again, Liu Gen threw himself at the devil he had kicked. The blood splattered on his face made Liu Gen look extraordinarily ferocious!Forming fists with both hands, Liu Gen waved his fists and slammed fiercely at the little devil. He would not give this little devil any chance!The devil was also constantly fighting back. He stretched out his hands, trying to grab Liu Gen's neck!

But Liu Gen knew what the little devil was thinking, so he raised his head so hard that the little devil couldn't catch his neck. The devil's arms were too short, and he was always a little short of distance!The fists kept falling, and Liu Gen gasped heavily, but he didn't dare to slack off. He gritted his teeth and mobilized every last bit of strength in his body. He didn't relax until he beat the little devil to death.

Liu Gen stood up, his fists had been worn out, and the collision between the fist and the devil's head made his hands very painful.Liu Gen's hands were trembling slightly, but even so, he still picked up a [-] rifle from the ground, and he needed to support Zhang Dabiao and the others.Zhang Dabiao and the others had to face more devils than Liu Gen and the others. Now that Liu Gen survived, I don't know what happened to Zhang Dabiao and the others!
Taking a deep look at the soldiers who fell on the ground, Liu Gen took a deep breath, and quickly rushed towards the position of Zhang Dabiao and the three of them!

At this time, seven or eight devils were rushing towards Zhang Dabiao and the three of them. There was only one bullet in the bastard box in Zhang Dabiao's hand, while the other two soldiers had no bullets in their hands.After entangled with these devils for so long, how could there be any bullets left?
"Brothers, how many grenades do you have in hand?" Zhang Dabiao asked in a deep voice as he shot and killed a devil who rushed to the front.

"I have another one."

"I do not have anymore."

The two soldiers answered quickly, and the soldier with the grenade deliberately took the grenade to Zhang Dabiao's side. They knew that Zhang Dabiao didn't have a grenade on him either.Coming down from the hillside just now, Zhang Dabiao and the others were too clever to collect some bullets.In order to resist the devil's attack, all the things Zhang Dabiao and the others could use had already been used up.

"Okay! We still have a grenade. If the devils charge up, then we will try to bring a few of them to die together!"

"Killing so many devils, brothers should be enough." Zhang Dabiao glanced at the grenade, and signaled the soldiers to hide the grenade, and detonate the grenade when the devils rushed up.

Zhang Dabiao and the others were all wounded, and it was impossible to fight hand-to-hand with the devils. They could only hope that this grenade could take away more devils.


A grenade flew out from the hillside and landed in front of the advancing devils, which shocked the devils. How could there be grenades on these dirt roads?On the hillside, Liu Gen felt helpless. If he hadn't been injured and hadn't fought hand-to-hand with the devils, then with his strength, he could have thrown the grenade among the devils, and he would definitely be able to easily take away a few devils.Now Liu Gen is extremely tired, and naturally he can't do it if he wants to go so far with the grenade.

"Brother Gen!"

"Brother Gen is here!"

The two soldiers turned their heads and saw Liu Gen rushing towards him, with joy on their faces, they saw Liu Gen carrying some bullets.While feeling the eyes of the two soldiers, Liu Gen also directly threw some bullets on his body at the two soldiers. These bullets were collected from the devils, not many, but they fell into the hands of the two soldiers. Everyone should There will also be ten bullets.

The bullets fell around the two soldiers. They quickly collected the bullets and quickly pressed them into the three rifles.

Liu Gen did not choose to rush down the hillside, he stayed on the hillside, condescending, and it would be easier to deal with devils.With Liu Gen joining, the three of Zhang Dabiao felt a little more relaxed, and the devils did not dare to charge easily.There were not many devils, Zhang Dabiao and others could not rush out, and the devils did not dare to rush forward, which made the two sides stalemate.

Seeing the temporary stalemate between the two sides, Liu Gen's expression did not change much, and he did not relax.The devils are too cunning, who knows what evil ideas those devils will come up with, unless these devils are fools, otherwise they will not let Zhang Dabiao and others go easily.The devils are now in an awkward position, they can't rush to Zhang Dabiao's side, and they don't dare to go back the same way.If you choose to return rashly, you will undoubtedly send yourself to the guns of Zhang Dabiao and others.

"Battalion Commander Zhang! Next!" Liu Gen found a [-] rifle, removed the bayonet, and threw the rifle at Zhang Dabiao's position.When Liu Gen saw Zhang Dabiao design the [-] rifle, he knew that the [-] rifle should be able to play a greater role in Zhang Dabiao's hands.

At the same time, taking advantage of the stalemate between the two sides, Liu Gen quickly searched for the ammunition on the devils on the hillside. He stabbed the [-] rifle in his hand from time to time to prevent the devils from dying.It was because Liu Gen was cautious enough that he did not encounter the counterattack of the injured devil, otherwise, in Liu Gen's state, it would be quite difficult to deal with the devil's counterattack!Finding bandages and other simple bandaging medicines from the devil, Liu Gen simply bandaged his wound.

Returning to the position above Zhang Dabiao and the others, Liu Gen threw down the collected ammunition, bandages and other items. With these ammunition, the devils could not rush up in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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