Chapter 198

"Head, why are you beating me?" Looking at Li Yunlong in front of him, Liu Gen looked helpless.

Li Yunlong glared at Liu Gen, and said directly: "What? I'm not allowed to hit you twice? Damn, just use this to fool me? I will also say this!"

"Head, there is no way, I really don't speak Japanese." Liu Gen said again.

This time, after Li Yunlong stared at Liu Gen carefully for a few times, he realized that Liu Gen might really not speak Japanese.This made Li Yunlong a little strange. After knowing Japanese, he still doesn't know how to speak Japanese. This is a bit abnormal.

"Genzi, it's strange that you know Japanese but can't speak Japanese." Looking at Liu Gen, Li Yunlong said.

Liu Gen shook his head. What kind of logic is this? Knowing characters but not knowing how to read them is quite normal.Besides, even if Liu Gen wants to learn Japanese, he needs someone to teach him.In the absence of anyone to teach, Liu Gen was able to learn Japanese alone, which is quite good.

"Head, this is still very normal. For example, in our Chinese characters, you know how to read some characters, but you don't know how to write them. Isn't there a lot of situations like this? I learn Japanese like this, but I know Japanese. Meaning, I don’t know how to read it.” Liu Gen explained.

Li Yunlong nodded. Liu Gen's explanation was very clear, which made him understand Liu Gen's situation immediately.According to Liu Gen, it is quite normal.Li Yunlong imagined his own situation. He knew how to read many characters, but couldn't write them. It was similar to Liu Gen's situation.

"Okay, you kid, just wait for the news from the headquarters, who made you so good at writing these good things." Li Yunlong patted Liu Gen on the shoulder and said with a smile.

As the head of the independent group, Li Yunlong would not let Liu Gen have problems. Besides, Liu Gen wrote good things, and the biggest possibility is to get rewards.Li Yunlong was quite clear about this, and Liu Gen's usual performance could also prove that this kid was a talent, and it was this talent that exceeded his expectations.

"It's fine to stay at the regiment headquarters. Commander, please ask Xiao Wang to send some canned beef to our artillery company." Liu Gen said with a smile.

Li Yunlong's face darkened, damn it, he knew that nothing good would happen to Liu Gen if he opened his mouth.It took a while for the devil's canned beef to be seized, and Liu Gen still remembered that now Li Yunlong had the idea of ​​letting Liu Gen go back to the artillery company. Now it's canned beef, what's next?Maybe the independent group will be bankrupted by Liu Gen.

"Wherever we have canned beef in our independent regiment, we hand it over to the brigade headquarters. If you want your artillery to eat canned beef, you need to ask the brigade commander for it." Li Yunlong decisively chose to refuse.

The independent regiment seized not many canned beef, not to mention that Li Yunlong had already arranged for the use of those canned beef, and the artillery company was very good.But as the head of the regiment, Li Yunlong needs to level a bowl of water. He can't let the soldiers of the artillery company eat meat, and the other soldiers in the independent regiment drink soup, right?
In order to prevent Liu Gen from raising any conditions again, Li Yunlong stood up resolutely, walked to the table, and checked the military map of the regiment headquarters.On the map, the positions of many devil troops and strongholds have been marked long ago. For the next battle, the independent group has made enough preparations.

Every day, soldiers who go out to investigate come back and report the information on the detected devil troops and strongholds, making the military map of the regiment headquarters more and more detailed.

Li Yunlong is well aware of the importance of investigation. For the past few days, he has been studying the devils around the Independence Regiment. The devil's cage policy has resulted in many devils' strongholds in the area around the Independence Regiment.At the same time, the soldiers who went out to investigate also saw that the devils had no intention of stopping the construction of the stronghold.

In the southeast of Yangcun, there is a devil's stronghold under construction, and there is a road not far from the stronghold.The devils built a stronghold not far from the highway in order to ensure the safety of transporting materials on the highway, and to divide the base areas of the Eighth Route Army to restrain the development of the base areas of the Eighth Route Army.

Liu Gen got up and looked at the military map, seeing the devil troops and strongholds marked on it, his eyes flickered.Liu Gen could see that there were many devil troops marked on the map, and there were not many strongholds, but if you look at them together, you can see that these devils are almost all on the same line.

"Genzi, did you see something?" Looking at Liu Gen, Li Yunlong asked.

Liu Gen didn't speak. He took out two steel watches beside him and put them on the military map, "Regimental Commander, do you see that the troops and strongholds deployed by the devils are on the same line?"

"The devil's cage policy is constantly dividing the bases of our Eighth Route Army. The bases that are constantly being built have become the nails for the devils to divide the bases. The roads built by the devils are chains. If these nails and chains are not pulled out and destroyed, our bases may be destroyed. It's dangerous."

Seeing that Liu Gen could see this, Li Yunlong nodded in satisfaction, and there was nothing wrong with what Liu Gen said.Li Yunlong looked at several devil strongholds not very far from Yangcun, with a cold light in his eyes. These devil strongholds need to be eradicated as soon as possible.

"Genzi, look at these strongholds of the devils. According to the observations of the soldiers, there are not many devils in these strongholds, and there are only a dozen people in each stronghold. If the artillery company cooperates with the attack, how long will it take to destroy these few strongholds?" Get the devils in the stronghold?" Looking at Liu Gen, Li Yunlong asked.

Liu Gen frowned slightly. The stronghold built by the devils was relatively safe. The soldiers of the artillery company were not as skilled in artillery as Liu Gen. It might be difficult to drive shells into the stronghold of the devils.It's just that there is only one Liu Gen, and he can only cooperate with the soldiers to take down a devil's stronghold.

"It will take at least half an hour to an hour. The devil's stronghold is still very strong, so we need to fire a few more cannons. Of course, if we can use the flying thunder cannon, it may be easier." Liu Gen pondered for a moment, and said Said.

Li Yunlong nodded. He knew what Liu Gen said was right, and the devil's stronghold was not easy to attack.The reason why the devil's stronghold could be taken down so easily before was because Liu Gen was there, and he could drive shells into the devil's stronghold, so that the soldiers could easily take down the devil's stronghold.

This time it was not possible. The independent regiment was going to take down several strongholds of the devils at the same time, and Liu Gen didn't know how to clone himself, so it wouldn't be of much use.

"Captain, maybe we can try to encircle a point to fight for aid? As long as we move a devil's stronghold, the devils in other strongholds will definitely provide support. Then it will be the opportunity for the soldiers to take down other strongholds!" Liu Gen's eyes lit up. I thought of a way.

(End of this chapter)

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