Chapter 226
"In two days, we just need to wait patiently for two days until the other troops of our 129th Division arrive in this area." Hanging up the phone, Li Yunlong said to Liu Gen and others.

Liu Gen heaved a sigh of relief. The bosses of the division agreed to Li Yunlong's idea of ​​attacking the devil's county seat, which undoubtedly proved that Li Yunlong's idea was quite feasible.Coupled with the fact that not only the independent regiment attacked the devil's county, but also with the help of other friendly troops, Liu Gen was naturally relieved.

Now at least Liu Gen didn't have to worry about attacking Guizi County, with only the independent regiment's own strength, which was too difficult.

"Lao Li, hurry up and tell the brigade commander to call the artillery team over. Don't wait until the battle is about to start. The artillery team hasn't arrived yet." Knowing that the division chiefs agreed to Li Yunlong's plan to attack Guizi County, Kong Jie reacted quickly, and he quickly reminded.

There is still a distance between the brigade headquarters and the location of the independent regiment. If the artillery team of the brigade headquarters is dispatched too late, it is easy for the artillery team to fail to arrive in time.In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, Kong Jie thought it would be better for Li Yunlong to call the brigade commander earlier.Presumably the brigade commander also got the news, and there would be no problem sending the artillery team.

"Okay! I'll call the brigade commander immediately and ask the brigade commander to transfer the artillery team over." Li Yunlong nodded and said.

After a while, Li Yunlong hung up the phone with obvious joy on his face. He called the brigade commander to ask the artillery team to come to support him, and there was no problem.After the bosses of the division headquarters agreed to Li Yunlong's battle plan, the brigade commander had already issued the corresponding mobilization order to the artillery team.When Li Yunlong called, the soldiers of the artillery team were already preparing to set off.

"It's done! The brigade commander agreed to send the artillery team out, and we also benefited from the kid Genzi. When the artillery team knew that they were coming to support our independent regiment, they were very active." Li Yunlong looked at Liu Gen and smiled. Said.

Liu Gen was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect to have something to do with him, but when he thought of the soldiers of the artillery team, he had some expectations in his heart, and hoped that the soldiers of the artillery team would improve again.During this period of time, Liu Gen also knew that the brigade headquarters had mobilized several artillery teams to deal with the devils, and each time they achieved good results.Having experienced the baptism of battle, the combat effectiveness of the artillery team should be stronger, right?
I just don't know what the casualties of the artillery company were during these few battles. I hope there will be no big problems.

"Next, the fighters of our independent regiment will try their best to infiltrate the devil's Liao County, especially Zhang Dabiao's first battalion. As long as the soldiers can get in, then our attack will be easier." Li Yunlong said.

Judging from the information detected by Zhang Dabiao, the Devil has an ammunition depot in Liao County, and in Liao County, the Devil has a squadron for defense.Coupled with the heavy machine guns, light machine guns, mortars, grenades and other weapons equipped by the devils, if the ordinary Eighth Route Army troops want to take down the county occupied by the devils, they must pay a large number of casualties as the price. .

After all, the firepower used by the devils for defense is not weak, coupled with the condescension, as long as the Eighth Route Army does not have heavy weapons in their hands, it will undoubtedly be quite difficult to take down the county town of the devils.Not to mention that in the surrounding area of ​​the county seat, the devils still have a lot of strongholds.Only the eight devil strongholds in the Yuliao section can support Liao County in a short time.

Kong Jie frowned, recalling the information Zhang Dabiao had brought back, he realized that it might be difficult for Li Yunlong to let the soldiers mix into Liao County.To be precise, it is a bit troublesome to let the fighters of the independent regiment mix into Liao County.

First, after the Eighth Route Army attacked the Zhengtai Railway, the devils in all parts of North China have stepped up their vigilance, and the same is true for the devils in Liao County. It is quite difficult to sneak in with weapons; This area is not long, so I don't know much about the surrounding situation, let alone how much I know about Liao County occupied by the devils.That is to say, even if the soldiers of the independent regiment entered Liao County, it would be difficult to make too much movement.

"Lao Li, I'm afraid this won't work. This time, we have to touch the soldiers of our independent regiment in Liao County who can't use them. In addition, the soldiers can't be allowed to carry weapons." After a moment of silence, Kong Jie said.

Li Yunlong looked at Kong Jie and could see the seriousness on Kong Jie's face, which made him think.It didn't take long for Li Yunlong to understand, which he didn't notice.If you really want to send soldiers into Liao County, which is occupied by devils, it is really inappropriate to use soldiers from the Independent Regiment.

"This is my inconsideration. Maybe we can contact the Pingliao detachment active in this area. Compared with our independent regiment, they know the devil's situation better. Old Zhao, you are on the side of the Pingliao detachment." Contact? Then please continue to contact them to see if they are willing to help take down Liao County occupied by the devils." Li Yunlong looked at Zhao Gang and said.

The political commissar Zhao Gang has always been responsible for contacting the Pingliao detachment. Li Yunlong doesn't like dealing with people.But Zhao Gang is different. He has a gentle personality and can easily fight with the soldiers. Zhao Gang is also responsible for contacting the Pingliao detachment.It was Zhao Gang who was able to use the phone line of the Pingliao detachment to find the Pingliao detachment before.

It has to be said that Zhao Gang, the political commissar, is quite capable, at least no one else can contact the local troops like Zhao Gang.

"Okay, leave this matter to me. I have contacted Captain Wang of the Pingliao Detachment. They are all teams that really fight devils. The Pingliao Detachment has been active in this area and has killed many devils. It is well received by the folks. Your welcome." Zhao Gang nodded and took over the task.

As time went by, Li Yunlong and the others seemed to be ignorant of their exhaustion as they continued to formulate battle plans.

Liu Gen stayed in the regiment headquarters, he was a little helpless, he could understand the battle plan drawn up by Li Yunlong and others, but he couldn't join in it.There is no way, Liu Gen is still not suitable for such a thing. If he has time, he is willing to pay attention to his artillery company and make the soldiers of the artillery company stronger.

"Regimental Commander, I'll go back to the artillery company first, and you can just order me to do anything next." Finally, Liu Gen couldn't help but said.

Li Yunlong froze for a moment, raised his head, and when he saw the helplessness on Liu Gen's face, he realized that Liu Gen was not very interested in these things.Seeing this, Li Yunlong was also very helpless. He let Liu Gen stay in the regiment headquarters. He wanted to train Liu Gen. What's more, in Li Yunlong's view, Liu Gen was quite spiritual and might be able to offer some good opinions.

Now it seems that Liu Gen is not very interested, so Li Yunlong can only stare at Liu Gen, wave his hand, and signal Liu Gen to leave quickly.

Liu Gen left the regiment headquarters alone, and his whole body relaxed a lot. When he was in the regiment headquarters, in order to listen to the analysis of Li Yunlong and others, he needed to maintain enough attention at all times.But for Liu Gen, the things he wasn't interested in made him a little bit unmotivated.

Now that he left the regiment headquarters, Liu Gen became more energetic. As soon as he walked out of the regiment headquarters, he realized that something was wrong.Liu Gen could feel that the eyes of many soldiers were on him, and in the eyes of these soldiers, there was a joy that had not yet dissipated. This made Liu Gen realize that when the independent regiment was about to attack Guizi County, it was already blocked by the whole army. The soldiers of the regiment knew it.

It is also known that once the independent regiment is not ready to attack the devil's county, it will be a big blow to the morale of the soldiers.

Liu Gen shook his head. The orders from the bosses of the division were issued. The matter of the Independent Regiment attacking the Devil's County is a matter of certainty. The decision to attack Devil Liao County.The morale of the soldiers of the independent regiment will not be affected easily, Liu Gen is still somewhat sure about this.

Returning to the artillery company, looking at the soldiers of the artillery company who were resting, Liu Gen did not urge the soldiers of the artillery company to fight. He could see the excitement of the soldiers of the artillery company. We will work harder in these two days of training.

Before Liu Gen sat down, Zhang Qiang came to Liu Gen's side, without him asking, Liu Gen knew what he wanted to ask.

"Company commander, is our regiment really going to attack the devil's county seat?" As expected by Liu Gen, Zhang Qiang really wanted to ask about this matter.

Liu Gen looked at the soldiers of the artillery company and noticed that many soldiers were quietly looking at his position. Obviously these soldiers also wanted to know the next move of the independent regiment.Since the last time the devil's infantry brigade was killed, the artillery company had no chance to take action, and the independent regiment took action against the devil's small unit.Facing the small army of devils, the mortars and grenades provided by the battalions of the independent regiment were enough, and there was no need for artillery batteries to show their might.

Of course, the most important reason was that Li Yunlong felt that the independent regiment was running out of shells, and if the artillery company was really allowed to show its power, it would not have any combat effectiveness after a few times.

There has been no combat mission, and the soldiers of the artillery company are full of anger. Why can't their artillery company fight?Even without mortars, soldiers do not feel weaker than others.Now that the independent regiment is going to attack the devil's county, the soldiers of the artillery company are all fighting. This time the artillery company must show off its power so that the whole regiment can see how powerful the artillery company is.

"Well, it's been confirmed. It's enough to take the soldiers for regular training in the next two days. At that time, the artillery team from the brigade headquarters will come to support and try to take the ghost county in the shortest possible time." Liu Gen said.

Zhang Qiang looked excited, the artillery team from the brigade headquarters is also coming?He would like to see how the soldiers of the brigade artillery team are doing!
 ps: Thank you Love Han Fei for the reward, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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