I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 228 Changes in Liao County

Chapter 228 Changes in Liao County
Leaving the regiment headquarters with Captain Niu, Liu Gen asked his doubts. He knew Captain Niu's physical condition, and he could still be the captain for a few more years.

"Captain Niu, you said at the regiment headquarters that you would hand over the artillery team to me. Did you mean you were leaving the artillery team?" Liu Gen looked at Captain Niu and asked.

Captain Niu was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, I will leave the artillery team after this battle, and then the artillery team will be handed over to you. Under the leadership, the combat effectiveness has become stronger."

Noticing Captain Niu's look of sadness, Liu Gen realized that something must have happened to Captain Niu, but what exactly happened?After thinking for a while, Liu Gen couldn't think of an answer, but Liu Gen was sure that Captain Niu's feelings for the artillery team would make it impossible for him to leave the artillery team easily. Could it be that Captain Niu had a physical problem?

"Captain Niu, is there something wrong with your body?" Looking at Captain Niu, Liu Gen asked again.

Captain Niu laughed, "Okay, don't guess, you kid. I left the artillery team because I have more important things to do. Don't worry, my health is fine."

The two were walking back to the artillery company. This time, Captain Niu did not bring all the personnel of the artillery team, but only brought one-third of the soldiers of the artillery team, and only three artillery pieces for support. Mountain cannon. The 386 brigade also has other troops, and the devil troops they are facing also need artillery support from the brigade.What's more, apart from the mountain artillery, the power of other artillery in the brigade headquarters did not pose much threat to Liao County occupied by the devils.

Besides, there are five or six 81mm mortars in the artillery company. In real combat, these mortars are enough.

"Genzi, you will be in charge of commanding the artillery company and the soldiers of the artillery team in the upcoming battle. You will soon go to the artillery team of the brigade headquarters. It will be good to get used to commanding the soldiers earlier." When we walked to the artillery company , Captain Niu spoke again.

Liu Gen nodded vigorously. Relying on the power of the system, he successfully raised his combat command skills to the top level. He knew how to be a good commander.Now that Liu Gen is asked to command the soldiers of the artillery company and artillery team, he doesn't have so much resistance. The reason why he chose to refuse before is because Liu Gen knows that his command ability is not strong. casualties.

Now that the combat command skills have been improved, under his command, the soldiers can cooperate more efficiently and their combat effectiveness will become stronger.

Liu Gen and the two returned to the artillery company and announced the next battle plan. Artillery is the main force to attack Devil Liao County this time.On the way back, Liu Gen was also seriously thinking about how the artillery company should deal with the next battle. The mountain cannons are powerful and have a long range, so there is no need to worry about the devils posing a threat to the mountain cannons.

Instead of directly announcing the next battle plan, Liu Gen felt that it was better to be more cautious. After the cavalry company borrowed three horses, Liu Gen took the soldiers to inspect the surrounding area of ​​Liao County, hoping to find a suitable place to serve as a horse. Artillery emplacement.Considering that the independent map's attack on Liao County will be at night, Liu Gen also understands that he needs to observe the Liao County city occupied by the devils in advance. Attacking Liao County at night can reduce the casualties of the soldiers, but it will also increase the artillery hits. difficulty.

In the darkness, even an artilleryman like Liu Gen dare not say that he is [-]% sure that he will not make mistakes.Only by memorizing the specific situation of Liao County deep in his mind in advance can Liu Gen ensure the accuracy of the shelling.

With this in mind, Liu Gen led two soldiers towards the devil Liao county.When they were still some distance away from Liao County, the three of Liu Gen got off their horses, and after leaving a soldier to guard the horse, Liu Gen and another soldier quietly approached Liao County.

Since the three of Liu Gen were wearing Eighth Route Army uniforms, Liu Gen couldn't get too close to the devil's Liao County, so he didn't want to deliver food to the devil.At a distance of 300 meters from Liao County, Liu Gen took out the binoculars he carried with him, which was seized by the independent group from the devils before.

Being able to get a telescope is also due to the particularity of the artillery company, otherwise such a precious thing as a telescope would not be easily distributed to the company.In the Eighth Route Army, the binoculars have not yet been distributed to the first level of the company. There is no way, who makes the binoculars have to rely on seizures?

Hiding behind a small soil slope, Liu Gen kept observing the devil's Liaoxian County, which was similarly defended to other counties, with two heavy machine gun positions at the gate.The county seat of Liao County is not too high, and the city wall is built of blue bricks, with shooting holes left on it.

Using the binoculars in his hand to keep looking at the blue bricks on the city wall, Liu Gen could see that these bricks should be a bit old. After occupying Liao County, the city wall of Liao County was not damaged too much, so the devils did not choose to rebuild it.

Looking at the city gate below the tower, Liu Gen nodded. The city gate is just an ordinary city gate, and ordinary mortars may be able to blast it open.Of course, once the Eighth Route Army attacked Liao County, the devils defending Liao County would definitely pile up bricks behind the gate of Liao County to prevent the Eighth Route Army from attacking.

Liu Gen kept thinking, his eyes gleaming, he roughly had the idea of ​​attacking Liao County.As long as the artillery company can blast down the city gate of Liao County in the first place, then with the firepower of the independent regiment, it is still possible to rush to the county seat of Liao County.

As for the Devil's infantry squadron and the puppet army defending Liao County, Liu Gen didn't take it seriously. With the fighting power of the independent regiment, it was still possible to kill the Devil's infantry squadron.Besides, there is artillery support from the artillery company.

In addition, there are still soldiers from the Pingliao Detachment in Liaoxian County. Once it is launched, it will cause chaos in Liaoxian County, so it will more or less involve some devils' troops and reduce the pressure on the independent regiment to attack Liaoxian County.

After the observation, Liu Gen took the soldiers and prepared to leave. He spent half an hour observing Liao County.The soldiers who followed Liu Genlai kept vigilant all the time to prevent the two from being discovered by the devils.It's also because the devils didn't intend to come out to patrol, otherwise Liu Gen and the two of them might still be exposed.

"Company commander, have you finished observing?" Seeing Liu Gen put away the binoculars, the soldier asked.

Liu Gen nodded, with a smile on his face, "It's almost time to observe. After returning to the artillery company, I can assign combat missions for you. The Liao County that took down the devils will supplement the ammunition consumption of our independent regiment. Also let the soldiers avenge the dead folks!"

With Liu Gen's affirmation, the soldier's face showed joy. He is a soldier of the artillery company, so naturally he would not think that the company commander Liu Gen was lying.In the artillery company, the soldiers respected and admired Liu Gen, the company commander.

"Wait a minute!" When Liu Gen was about to lead the soldiers away, he suddenly pressed down the soldiers who were about to stand up, with seriousness in his eyes.

The soldier was slightly taken aback. Following Liu Gen's gaze, he could see a group of devils in khaki military uniforms and helmets walking quickly towards Liao County.

The soldier looked at Liu Gen, not understanding why Liu Gen was so serious. He wanted to say something, but Liu Gen pressed him down again.It was also because the warrior had enough respect for Liu Gen that he didn't choose to resist.

Liu Gen lay on the back of the small hill, pressing his body close to the ground. His face was obviously shocked. The soldiers around him didn't recognize these devils, but how could Liu Gen not recognize them?

After waiting for a while, Liu Gen raised his head again. He was able to see these little devils with special equipment entering Liao County, which made him take a deep breath.Liu Gen didn't expect to meet these special devils at the critical moment when the Independence Regiment was about to attack Devil Liao County. He was sure that these devils should be the devil special team formed by Kazuki Yamamoto!
"Let's go! Let's go back! The attack on Liao County has changed!" Liu Gen said solemnly.

The soldier quickly got up and followed Liu Gen's footsteps. He was still a little puzzled. He didn't understand why Liu Gen was so dignified. Did those devils seem to have nothing to do?The equipment is a bit special, and the military uniforms they wear are also different from ordinary devils.

(End of this chapter)

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