I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 230 Passive Beaten

Chapter 230 Passive Beaten
On the night of September 9th, at one o'clock in the morning, the Independence Regiment launched an attack on the county seat of Liao County!

At the same time, all the devil strongholds in the surrounding area were attacked by the Eighth Route Army troops. In less than half an hour, the devil's strongholds between Yushe and Liao County were all caught in battle.At the same time, the comrades of the county brigade and district team in the surrounding area all took action. They planted landmines on the road, dug deep pits, and destroyed the road built by the devil as much as possible!

In the county seat of Liao County, the Independent Regiment attacked fiercely. Each battalion had mortars to open the way, and the attack speed was very fast.Less than half an hour after the independent regiment launched the battle, it successfully advanced to the vicinity of the devil's city wall.Near the devil's city wall, the soldiers hid behind their bunkers, not daring to come out easily.

Facing the independent regiment that suddenly launched an attack on the county seat of Liao County, the little devils stationed in Liao County couldn't react. They couldn't figure out why a mere regiment dared to attack the county seat of Liao County?And from the attack of the independent regiment, the devil could see that the strength of the independent regiment was not large.

At this time, Liu Gen stood with the soldiers of the artillery team 3000 meters away from the city wall.The mountain artillery was too important to the Eighth Route Army, and the devil's mortar on the city wall had not been destroyed, so Liu Gen naturally didn't dare to take the mountain artillery to risk.

"Get ready! Let it go!" Liu Gen ordered directly after the soldiers of the artillery team got ready.

The three mountain cannons were controlled and adjusted by Liu Gen himself. He needed the mountain cannons to make a contribution in the first round of attack. Instead of targeting the defensive city wall, he placed the target on the city gate of Liao County!


Three shells weighing more than six kilograms flew out quickly, and after nearly ten seconds of flight, the shells landed directly on the devil's city gate.There was an explosion, and the smoke filled the air. When the smoke cleared, the soldiers of the independent regiment could see the devil's city gate being blasted open.Even the bricks that the devils piled up behind the city gate were directly dropped by half.

"Clean the barrel! Continue!"

The soldiers of the artillery team acted quickly. The soldiers were not as powerful as Liu Gen, so naturally they would not know whether the shells had successfully hit or not.On the other hand, Liu Gen had enough confidence in his own skills. He believed that there would be no problems. He remembered clearly the location and distance of the devil's city gate.

Looking in the direction of Guizi County, Liu Gen could hear the continuous explosion of shells. He looked to the southwest, where the artillery battery was located.After such a long period of arrogant shelling by the devil, the artillery company should have found the location of the devil's artillery.

As soon as Liu Gen's thoughts came out, there were a lot of explosions coming from the direction of the county, which made his eyes brighten. From the explosions, he could hear that five shells exploded at the same time, and only The artillery company has five mortars, and it must be the artillery company that took action against the devil artillery.

"Get ready! Let it go!" Seeing that the soldiers of the artillery team were ready, Liu Gen ordered again.

The shells flew out again in the direction of the devil's city gate, and soon, there was an explosion sound. The city gate that had been blasted open, at this time, all the bricks and stones piled in the city gate hole were blown apart.Some devils and puppet soldiers defending near the city gate were hit by bricks and stones flying out of the city gate, and there was a burst of mourning.Some unlucky ghosts were hit on the head by flying bricks and stones, and were crushed to death alive.

After Liu Gen led the artillery team to conduct another three rounds of shelling, news from the front came that the devil's artillery was directly destroyed by the artillery company.At this time, the soldiers of the artillery company were constantly shelling the city wall of the devils, firmly suppressing the firepower of the devils.

After knowing this, Liu Gen left the artillery team's position and asked Captain Niu to lead the soldiers of the artillery team to conduct another five rounds of shelling and retreat first.Then the artillery team will be useless. As for the invasion of the county, it is enough to have an artillery company.

Besides, the mountain cannon is too heavy to move easily. If the mountain cannon were really pulled near the city wall, the Independence Regiment would have already taken Liao County.

He rushed to the soldiers of the artillery company from the rear. Before the independent regiment launched an attack, Liu Gen led the soldiers of the artillery company to the front line.The devil's artillery was directly destroyed by the artillery company, which meant that the devil could not pose any effective threat to the artillery company.

In order to allow the soldiers to better bombard the devils, Liu Gen naturally would not forget to ask the soldiers to move their positions forward and get closer, which would also allow the soldiers to bombard the devils more accurately!
When Liu Gen led the artillery company soldiers to the front line, Captain Niu led the artillery team to shell the devil's city wall. Six kilograms of shells fell, and the lethality of each shell was not weak, especially on the devil's city wall. Blow out a gap.

The soldiers of the Independent Regiment took advantage of the gap between the stoppage of the artillery company and took the time to rest. Even if they hid behind the bunker, the soldiers still suffered a lot of casualties.Most of the casualties of the soldiers were devils in the devil's secret service team, and the devils who were able to enter the secret service team had undergone rigorous training and their marksmanship was accurate.

Even at night, the devils in these secret service teams should not be underestimated. Coupled with the equipment they are wearing, the devils in the secret service team are extremely powerful in combat.The chaos created by the Pingliao detachment in the county did not involve too much energy of the devils. To be precise, the devils did not take the Pingliao detachment seriously.

In order to ensure the peace of the county, the devil still sent a lot of puppet troops to maintain order in the county. With the dispatch of the puppet troops, it would be difficult for the soldiers of the Pingliao detachment hiding in the county to create too much chaos.

Bringing the soldiers of the artillery company to the front line, Liu Gen saw Li Yunlong who was a little impatient. The devil's firepower was too strong. Even if the soldiers didn't charge, they still caused a lot of casualties.Li Yunlong knew that the devil's secret service team was not weak in combat effectiveness, but after actually fighting against him, he realized that he still underestimated the devil's secret service team.

"Genzi, have all your artillery companies come up?" Seeing Liu Gen bring the artillery companies to the front line, Li Yunlong breathed a sigh of relief.

The devil's firepower is too strong, without the help of the artillery company, it will undoubtedly be quite difficult to rush up.Even if they can finally rush up, I am afraid that there will be heavy casualties.After seeing the firepower of the Devil's Secret Service, Li Yunlong did not dare to underestimate the Devil's Secret Service.

"Yes, they are all up, and the next battle will be handed over to our artillery company!" Liu Gen said confidently.

Li Yunlong patted Liu Gen on the shoulder hard, and laughed, "Okay, I'll leave it to your artillery company, don't let me down."

He led the artillery company to deploy the mortars one by one. Out of fear of the Devils, Liu Gen placed the artillery company's position 500 meters away to ensure the safety of the soldiers.After pointing out the positions of several devils' heavy machine guns, the soldiers of the artillery company quickly got ready.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

The cannon was ejected and knocked out several heavy machine guns arranged by the devil. Seeing that the shell landed exactly where Liu Gen pointed out, the soldier controlling the mortar couldn't help looking at Liu Gen with admiration.The soldiers knew clearly that it wasn't the position and distance reported by the company commander Liu Gen. If they wanted to hit accurately, they would probably need a few more shells!
"Baga! Yaga!" Kazuki Yamamoto saw several heavy machine guns being brought, and cursed angrily.

At this moment, Kazuki Yamamoto didn't understand that there were extremely powerful artillery in the Eighth Route Army attacking the county, otherwise how could he easily hit those heavy machine guns?The Eighth Route Army attacked with mortars, and it was useless for the devils to hide behind the city walls.

Some devils couldn't help but shoot back, but just after firing a few shots, the shells fell and landed directly beside the devil who fired, blowing the devil away.The other devils who were shooting quickly stopped and resolutely shifted their positions. With such a precise gunner, it would not be safe for them to shoot.

"Genzi! Good job!" Li Yunlong shouted.

As soon as Li Yunlong's words fell, many bullets hit the wall in front of him, and the devil had been staring at him.It was also Li Yunlong who didn't stick out his head, otherwise his life might be in danger.

"Damn it! These devils are really hard to deal with!" Li Yunlong cursed.

Liu Gen led the soldiers of the artillery company to fire again decisively, and the shells fell on the devil's city wall, and there was a wailing sound, which should have made another contribution.Seeing that the devils dare not show up easily.Liu Gen simply let the soldiers shell the devils on the city wall freely, anyway, there are still a lot of shells in the independent regiment.

While the soldiers of the artillery company were shelling, the soldiers of the first battalion got busy. In the night, they dug holes in the ground with slopes.The devils on the city wall were suppressed by the artillery fire from the artillery company, and they didn't dare to poke their heads out easily. After confirming that the Eighth Route Army hadn't approached the city wall, they didn't care.

A devil tried to shoot, but after shooting, he was accurately hit by a shell before he could shift his position.Such precise bombardment put great pressure on the devils defending the city wall, and no one knew whether a shell would fall on them in the next moment.

Kazuki Yamamoto poked his head out and looked down the city wall. In the night, he could only see a blurry figure. He wanted to shoot, but when he thought of the extremely accurate artillery shelling by the Eighth Route Army, he chose to give up. .Just now, Kazuki Yamamoto saw a member of the secret service team who had just started to rob, and before he could move, he was hit by a shell from the Eighth Route Army and died directly.

As an expert in special operations, Kazuki Yamamoto was a little depressed in the face of this situation. He had no choice but to take the artillery of the independent regiment, which meant that he could only lead the special agent team to be beaten passively on the city wall!This is unacceptable to Kazuki Yamamoto!
 ps: Thank you book friend 160819182357574 for your reward, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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