I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 235 Procrastination

Chapter 235 Procrastination
The devils heading south from the direction of Heshun appeared in the sight of Liu Gen and the others. These devils were wearing khaki military uniforms and marched neatly. Presumably, they had a lot of training on weekdays.

There are about 700 devils in a brigade. These devils are stationed in Heshun County, and they have a whole brigade.Generally speaking, the garrison in a devil's county is just a small team, and the counties where a squadron is arranged are all counties that the devil attaches special importance to.And Heshun County can have a brigade of reinforcements, presumably it must be the devils from the strongholds around Heshun County, otherwise there would be so many devils.

Looking at these devils from a distance, you can see that these devils do not carry too many heavy weapons. In order to support Liao County as soon as possible, the devils who went south from Heshun chose to travel lightly to ensure that they can support Liao County as soon as possible. county seat.

Noticing this, Liu Gen breathed a sigh of relief. If these devils were still carrying a large number of heavy weapons, it would undoubtedly be impossible for the Independent Regiment and the 772 Regiment to successfully resist the footsteps of these devils.And from the equipment of the devils seen now, it is still possible to resist the advance of these devils.


The advancing devils quickly dispersed, and an unlucky devil stepped on a landmine. The landmine's lethality was not strong, but it brought some confusion to the devils.After the devils observed carefully, they failed to find the Eighth Route Army soldiers hiding behind the positions. The positions were all camouflaged by the soldiers in order to be discovered by the devils as much as possible.

Unable to find any traces of the Eighth Route Army, the devil's light machine guns fired all around, trying to find traces of the Eighth Route Army in this way, but after shooting over, they still failed to find the slightest abnormality.

On the hillside behind the position, through the binoculars, Liu Gen could see the devils gather and move on.Watching these advancing devils, Liu Gen waited for the sound of landmine explosions to sound again. Did he know that in order to delay the devils' footsteps as much as possible, the soldiers of the 772 regiment buried the landmines a full 500 meters away from the position.

Of course, since the 727 regiment does not have many mines, the farther away from the position, the fewer mines will be buried.But no matter how few landmines there are, if so many devils pass by, they will inevitably be detonated by the devils.


The sound of landmine explosions sounded again, making the devil's footsteps stagnate, and he stepped on a landmine again, making the devil realize that these mines were not a coincidence, which means that these mines must have been planted by the Eighth Route Army.

The devils had no intention of rushing towards the hillsides on both sides. Firstly, they could not be sure whether the Eighth Route Army was on the hillsides on both sides. Second, because the hillsides were still a certain distance from the road, if they really wanted to rush up the hillsides on both sides, it would undoubtedly affect their support for the Liao army. The speed of the county seat.

"Company commander, the Devils have started clearing the mines." Zhang Qiang said worriedly when he saw the Devils send out engineers to clear the mines.

Liu Gen glanced at the devils who cleared the mines, and laughed, "Don't worry, let the devils clear mines if they like, we have enough time for them to clear mines."

Hearing Liu Gen's words, Zhang Qiang was slightly taken aback, not understanding why Liu Gen said that.But soon Zhang Qiang understood that this time they came here to delay the progress of the devils, not to eliminate them, so naturally they don't need to care about the devils' demining.

"Company commander, how long do you think it will take for these devils to clear the mines?" Zhang Qiang couldn't help asking.

Liu Gen thought for a moment, "It will take at least two hours, don't worry, our artillery company is the last to attack. After finding the devil's artillery, we will choose to attack, just wait patiently."

Zhang Qiang nodded, he didn't speak anymore, just kept staring at the devils who were clearing the mines.

None of the other soldiers of the Independent Regiment and the soldiers of the 772nd Regiment had the idea of ​​shooting. They all patiently watched the devils clear the mines, and the soldiers were very willing to use landmines to delay the progress of the devils.

Both Li Yunlong and Cheng Tuanchang looked flat, and they didn't take the devil's demining matter to heart at all. They wished that the devil could spend more time on mine clearance.With the time for the devils to clear the mines, the soldiers of the Independent Regiment and the 772 Regiment can also rest for a period of time to recover their energy.

Time passed slowly, and the speed of the devil's demining was not fast. The soldiers in charge of laying mines in the 772 regiment were all good hands. They knew where to bury the mines, which was the most difficult to find.It is also because of this that the speed of the devil's mine clearance will not be too fast.


A devil's demining engineer made a mistake, and the mine exploded loudly, killing the devil's engineer directly, and even the portable demining device he was carrying was blown off and could no longer be used.The loud explosion made the devil's other demining engineers lie on the ground quickly to avoid being hurt by the mine explosion.

The devil's engineer didn't lie on the ground for too long, and was ordered by the devil's captain to continue clearing mines. This time, the devil's mine-clearing engineer became more cautious, and the speed of mine clearing became slower because of this.

"Damn it! How long are these devils going to line up?" Li Yunlong raised his head and glanced at the sun in mid-air, and said impatiently.

The monk glanced at Li Yunlong, but didn't say anything. He didn't like this kind of battle very much, it was too unpleasant.If the monk was allowed to command the battle, he might have led the soldiers to fight the devils.

"Head, these devils have been clearing mines for too long, why don't I lead the brothers to shoot a few shots?" the monk said.

Li Yunlong gave the monk a hard look. Damn it, wars are fought like this, and it's not to destroy these devils.Besides, with the current strength of the Independent Regiment and the 772 Regiment, it is impossible to eliminate this devil infantry brigade.Li Yunlong is a little impatient, but he is not a fool and can control his emotions.

Being able to delay the progress of the devils without fighting, where can such a good thing be found?Li Yunlong tapped the monk's shoulder to signal him not to worry.

"Monk, don't worry, when the devils come up, you will be indispensable to the battle." Seeing that the monk was a little unhappy, Li Yunlong had no choice but to say so.Only this time the monk smiled with satisfaction. He looked at the devil expectantly, hoping that the devil would come up soon.

Two hours later, the devils discovered the position set up by the Eighth Route Army. It was normal that they were too far away to find it before. Now that the devils are less than 200 meters away from the position, how could they fail to find the existence of the Eighth Route Army position?As soon as they found the Eighth Route Army's position, the devils decisively mobilized the grenadiers they carried and launched an attack on the Eighth Route Army.

It's just that the devil's artillery didn't move, probably because it didn't carry many shells, so it needs to be used sparingly.Devil's grenade is still very good, but the power is not strong.Under the preparations of the soldiers, the devil's grenade did not cause too many casualties to the soldiers.

Seeing that the grenadier successfully suppressed the Eighth Route Army in the position, the captain of the Devils decisively ordered a small group of devils to rush towards the Eighth Route Army's position, and the deployed heavy machine guns fired continuously to cover the attacking Devil squad.But before the devil's team rushed out a few steps, there was the sound of a landmine explosion, and a devil stepped on a landmine.

But even so, the devil's team was still rushing forward frantically, trying to reach the Eighth Route Army's position.

In the position, a soldier from the independent regiment pulled the rope, and the landmines that had been planted a long time ago exploded around the devil squad.This time, it was a series of landmine explosions that successfully blasted more than a dozen little devils into the air. When these devils fell to the ground, there was no sound.

Faced with so many landmines, the attacking devil squad could only choose to retreat. The distance they rushed was not far, and there was still a distance of nearly 100 meters from the Eighth Route Army's position. Don't think about these devils, they also know that in front of the position, the Eighth Route Army has arranged a lot of landmines. Less mines.

"Baga! Baga!" Seeing that the infantry squad he had sent failed to attack, the captain of the Devil's Battalion cursed angrily.

Soon, the captain of the Devils came up with a way to crack the landmines of the Eighth Route Army. More than a dozen of the devil's grenade launchers fired again, and the grenades exploded in front of the Eighth Route Army's position.Under the baptism of the devil's shells, the minefields arranged by the soldiers of the 772 regiment in front of the position were directly broken.

"Little devil, the reaction is still very fast. Monk, get ready. The devil is about to come for real." Li Yunlong narrowed his eyes and explained to the monk beside him.

The monk nodded vigorously, holding a light machine gun in his hand. In battle, he still prefers weapons like light machine guns. It is really cool to use this to kill devils!Being able to operate this light machine gun is also because the monk's hit rate is not low when shooting with a light machine gun. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the monk is, Li Yunlong will not let him use the machine gun.

After all, a good machine gunner has a considerable impact on the battle.

"Rush to the Eighth Route Army's position! For His Majesty the Emperor! For the Great Japanese Empire!" The devil's captain mobilized the devil's emotions, and soon an infantry squadron rushed directly towards the Eighth Route Army's position.

Captain Guizi also knew that too much time was wasted here, and wanted to directly send an infantry squadron to capture the Eighth Route Army's position, resolve the battle here as soon as possible, and then reinforce Liaoxian County!
(End of this chapter)

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