I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 237 The Explosion on the Artillery Company's Position

Chapter 237 The Explosion on the Artillery Company's Position

On the artillery company's position, the soldiers of the security squad exchanged fire with the devils. What the soldiers of the security squad did not expect was that these devils who touched the artillery company's position were obviously different from ordinary devils.

Seeing these devils who looked like elites, the soldiers of the security squad pulled the trigger in their hands, trying to kill these little devils who charged up.But under the suppression of the devil's powerful firepower, a soldier just poked his head out, and unfortunately died directly.Bullets kept sweeping around the soldiers of the security squad.The densely packed bullets made it impossible for the soldiers to raise their heads easily. The soldiers couldn't understand why the firepower of these little devils was so strong.

A soldier of the security squad pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit a devil, but seeing that the devil could only scream, he continued to charge towards him.Blood gushed out from the devil's wound, but even so, the devil did not die immediately.

The devil's surprise attack was very fast and ferocious. In a short period of time, these devils rushed to the artillery company's position, and the bullets shot out from the submachine guns in their hands. The firepower was extremely powerful.Even if the soldiers of the security squad resisted with all their strength, they still couldn't successfully resist these attacking devils. The security squad of more than a dozen people couldn't hold on for 3 minutes in the face of these raiding devils!

The attacks of these devils were too ferocious, and they rushed towards the artillery company positions in a desperate manner. The most important thing was the powerful enough firepower of these devils.With such a strong firepower, the soldiers were easily killed by the devils as soon as they poked their heads out.

Liu Gen retreated quickly with the soldiers of the artillery company, holding a handful of bastard boxes tightly in his hand, his expression was particularly dignified.From the gunshots of these devils, Liu Gen could hear something obviously wrong. He was sure that the devils who raided the artillery company's position might be the secret service team under Kazuki Yamamoto.With the strength of the Devil's secret service team, if the artillery company fails to retreat in time, it will undoubtedly suffer heavy casualties.

On the way to retreat, Liu Gen could hear gunshots from the artillery company's position, and the gunfire soon quieted down, which made him understand that the soldiers of the security squad who stayed behind to cover might have died.

The devil's special agent team is not weak in combat effectiveness, and the submachine guns in their hands are powerful. When all members are equipped with submachine guns, such strong firepower cannot be resisted by the security squad of the artillery company.Now the devil's special agent team should be chasing after the artillery company. Liu Gen led some soldiers to keep vigilant and ready to fight at any time.

On the artillery company's position, several devils wanted to use mortars to attack the independent regiment soldiers defending not far away.But when the devil just moved the mortar, puffs of white smoke came out from the shell box nearby. The devil suddenly changed his face when he noticed the white smoke.But before these devils could escape, there was a loud explosion, and the shell box containing the mortar shells exploded directly.


The Ghost Special Forces, who were chasing the soldiers of the artillery company, saw the explosion on the artillery company's position. They didn't understand that the soldiers of the artillery company had arranged some means before they left, otherwise such an explosion would not have occurred.And under the power of such an explosion, the secret service team members who stayed in the artillery company's position would definitely die directly, and it was undoubtedly impossible to survive.

On the independent regiment's position, Li Yunlong looked at the explosion that occurred in the artillery company's position, with a trace of worry in his eyes, hoping that the artillery company will have no problems.Turning his head to look at the devils rushing, Li Yunlong's eyes flickered coldly, he poked his head out to aim and shoot, killing one devil directly.

At this time, Xiao Wang had just arrived at the 772 regiment and found Captain Cheng. He was about to say something to Commander Cheng when he saw the explosion in the artillery company's position. Xiao Wang immediately knew that he didn't need to explain anything.Sure enough, without Xiao Wang opening his mouth, Captain Cheng led the soldiers of the 772nd Regiment to quickly move towards the position of the artillery company. The explosion of the artillery company was enough to explain the problem.

In the devil's infantry brigade, the captain of the devil's team saw the explosion in the artillery company's position, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He knew that Yamamoto's special agent team would not let him down. Artillery emplacements.The sudden explosion undoubtedly meant that the artillerymen of the Eighth Route Army had lost their combat effectiveness. Even if the artillerymen of the Eighth Route Army were still alive, what use would they be without artillery?
"Attack! Attack!" The devil's captain gave the order to attack again, and the last infantry squadron left beside him was sent out, and he wanted to take down the defensive position of the Eighth Route Army in one fell swoop!
The soldiers of the independent regiment defending in the position continued to shoot, and the battle was already at a fever pitch.The soldiers kept firing bullets, causing a lot of casualties to the attacking devils, even heavy machine guns and light machine guns did not stop firing.Seeing that the devils were about to rush to the battlefield, Li Yunlong decisively asked the soldiers to take out the trump cards of the independent regiment, nearly ten grenades, and under the control of the soldiers, grenades hit the charging devils one after another.

The grenade exploded beside the devil, killing the devil who was too close. The soldiers showed their fastest speed, and the grenade continued to fly towards the charging devil as if they didn't want money.This time, in order to be able to suppress the devil's attack, the independent regiment also broke its roots. Li Yunlong who was in the position felt a little distressed. Damn it, this is a bit too prodigal.

Facing the grenades suddenly brought out by the Independence Regiment, the attacking devils were unprepared, and the grenades fell one after another, directly curbing the devils' offensive momentum!
Devils continued to die, and many devils were wailing in pain in front of the independent regiment's position. The bullets fired by the soldiers made it impossible for the devils to continue to charge forward.The devils don't understand why the Eighth Route Army defending here has such strong firepower and so much ammunition. If they keep using such powerful firepower, aren't they really worried about the lack of ammunition?

The independent regiment's firepower was strong enough to beat down the charging devils. No devil could rush into the independent regiment's position. Even if they faced a devil's infantry brigade attack, the combat effectiveness of the independent regiment fighters was still strong enough.It is undoubtedly impossible to rely on an infantry brigade to easily take down the defensive position of the independent regiment. Li Yunlong will not agree, and neither will the soldiers of the independent regiment!
"Da da da"

Liu Gen led the soldiers of the artillery company to fight against the Devil's secret service team. The devil's secret service team's marksmanship was too precise, and the submachine guns in their hands gave them enough firepower. Facing the attack of the Devil's secret service team, the soldiers of the artillery company were constantly suffering casualties. .

(End of this chapter)

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