I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 24 Unreasonable

Chapter 24 Unreasonable
When I came to the cooking class, there were cornmeal buns and sweet potato porridge. The buns looked a bit dark, so there should be no white flour added.

Each soldier has three buns and a bowl of sweet potato porridge, if there are too many, there will be nothing.Now is not a time of war, and when fighting devils, the food intake of the soldiers will not be restricted.Now there is no need to fight the devils, the soldiers naturally can't eat too much, the independent regiment has a big business, but no matter how big the family is, it can't afford so much material consumption.

Liu Gen also took three steamed buns, dipped in a little chili, if not dipped in chili, he might not be able to swallow the steamed buns.Unlike the steamed buns that Liu Gen had eaten before, the steamed stuffed buns in his hands were very hard and very black. If it hadn't smelled bad, then he might have suspected that the cooking class was going to murder him.Picking up a steamed bun and biting hard, Liu Gen frowned, it was a little hard.

Picking up the sweet potato porridge and taking a sip, Liu Gen swallowed the steamed buns in his mouth, which was much different from the steamed buns he had eaten before.

Looking carefully at the cornbread in his hand again, Liu Gen understood that, unlike the fine flour of later generations, the cornmeal that is ground with a stone mill is not so fine, and it is not just cornmeal, it should have been added something else.Liu Gen looked at the other soldiers, and could see that the soldiers were eating calmly, and they should have been used to eating this kind of steamed buns for a long time.

Even, some soldiers were still a little unsatisfied. Three corn buns were not enough for soldiers with a big appetite, but the breakfast made by the cooking team was limited, and there was nothing the soldiers could do if they were not full.

Liu Gen started to eat again, took a bite of steamed corn bread, and drank some sweet potato porridge.This kind of Wowotou made Liu Gen feel a little uncomfortable when he ate it. He had no choice but to endure it. After 10 minutes, Liu Gen put the last bit of Wowotou into his mouth and began to chew. At the beginning, he felt something was wrong.Suppressing the discomfort caused by Wowotou, Liu Gen spit out the wrong part, it was a pebble.

After drinking sweet potato porridge, Liu Gen felt a lot better. Thinking of eating these in the future, his face was a bit ugly. Damn, this kind of life is a bit too hard.
Thinking of how he conveniently put away the two oceans when he was searching for bullets, Liu Gen's eyes lit up, maybe he could use the two oceans to improve his life.Excitedly walking out of the cooking class, Liu Gen ran back to his room, found the two Dayangs that he had randomly placed under his pillow, and put Dayangs in his arms. He was going to see if there was anything to eat in the village.

After searching around the village, Liu Gen cried. There was no place to sell things in the village. As for buying from the villagers, they didn't dare to take the ocean they had in their hands.Returning to the regiment headquarters, Liu Gen felt very helpless. It was really uncomfortable to have money but not be able to spend it.After sitting in the room for a while and drinking a glass of boiled water, Liu Gen picked up the list he copied last night and walked towards the regiment headquarters.

Artillery training should be put on the agenda as soon as possible. No one knows whether the new regiment will have a battle in the future. Once a battle occurs, it is still very important whether there are artillery with sufficient combat effectiveness.

After being informed by the soldiers, Liu Gen met Li Yunlong. It was because of the battalion commander Zhang Dabiao that Liu Gen was not stopped yesterday.Otherwise, if Liu Gen wants to see Li Yunlong, he still needs to be notified by the soldiers. Now he is an artilleryman, which is a bit special, but not so special that he ignores the rules of his superiors.

"Genzi, you are here, come, have a drink with me." As soon as he entered the room, Li Yunlong called Liu Gen to drink.

Liu Gen looked at Li Yunlong, and could see that Li Yunlong's face was not very optimistic, presumably because he was depressed about being transferred to the rear, which made him sigh inwardly.Liu Gen sat down, had a drink with Li Yunlong, and then took out the selected list. These are all suitable candidates for artillery.Since Li Yunlong only gave him [-] places, the [-] people selected by Liu Gen were all relatively good friends among the registered fighters.

"Head, take a look. These are the fighters I have selected. If you agree, I will start training tomorrow and make them qualified artillerymen as soon as possible." Liu Gen said in a deep voice.

Li Yunlong glanced at the list that Liu Gen handed over. He was the head of the Xinyi Regiment, and he had a little impression of every soldier in the Xinyi Regiment, which let him know that Liu Gen had made serious choices.Looking at Liu Gen, Li Yunlong could see the seriousness on Liu Gen's face, which made him pick up the list he had put down again, and look at it seriously again.

Liu Gen waited quietly, he didn't have much interest in drinking, besides, as an artilleryman, drinking too much alcohol is not good.When he has time to drink, Liu Gen is more willing to do some things. He is still young and has a lot to learn and improve.In order to avoid dying on the battlefield in the next battle, Liu Gen made a lot of training plans for himself.

"This list is not bad, is thirty places enough?" Li Yunlong asked after putting down the list in his hand.

Liu Gen shook his head, "It's definitely not enough. The devils have equipped each Type 15 infantry artillery with an artillery squad of 45 people. In this way, we have three infantry artillery, which means [-] people. Shotgun."

"Thirty people can only form a five-man artillery squad for each infantry artillery, barely exerting the power of the Type [-] infantry artillery."

"Is that so, or do you know a lot about artillery? I want to know if the five-man artillery squad has a big impact on the performance of the Type [-] infantry artillery? On the battlefield, if you misfire, maybe I will shoot you " Li Yunlong looked at Liu Gen with a serious expression, he didn't want our artillery support to be untimely on the battlefield.

In the battle against the devils, the Eighth Route Army was already at a disadvantage in terms of artillery fire. If misfiring occurred again, it would be fine if nothing happened, as any accident would cause considerable losses to the frontline soldiers.

"The five-person squad will definitely have an impact. This is the minimum configuration. The soldiers will consume a lot of energy to load the infantry artillery. If we want to ensure the continuous combat effectiveness of our infantry artillery, it is very helpful to configure more soldiers. Necessary. For a five-member artillery squad, I dare not make any promises to you, regimental commander!" Liu Gen said helplessly.

Li Yunlong's eyes widened, "Damn it, you're dishonest, you and Zhang Dabiao snatched the devil's six infantry guns during the battle with Bantian United. I heard Zhang Dabiao say, You guys managed six infantry guns with two people, now you tell me that you can't do it?"

"Head, that's a special situation, it's different." Liu Gen said with a wry smile.

There is a big difference between that kind of shelling and real shelling controlled by artillery.What's more, such a battle also has great requirements on the physical fitness of the artillery, and it is Liu Gen's good physical fitness that can survive.

"Damn it, I don't care! You can do it! Your artillery should be able to do it too! You also know that our new regiment is nervous. I can only give you twenty more places at most, fifty people! Successfully form the artillery company of our new regiment, if you succeed, you will be the company commander of the artillery company! If you fail, I will not give you any rewards, but will also shoot you!" Li Yunlong said loudly.

Seeing that Li Yunlong began to be unreasonable again, Liu Gen felt a little headache, "Commander, that's fine, but our artillery company is only responsible for three [-]-type infantry artillery. As for the mortar, you can assign it to each battalion. , do you think this will work?"

(End of this chapter)

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