Chapter 256 Tears
"Company commander, are you leaving now? Isn't it too early?" Zhang Qiang couldn't help asking.

Liu Gen was a little helpless. He didn't expect that the brigade would let him go to the brigade for two days. With Captain Niu around, the artillery team of the brigade would have no problems.After asking the staff at the brigade headquarters, he also knew why the brigade headquarters asked him to go so early. Captain Niu was about to leave the artillery team. After receiving an order from the headquarters, Captain Niu needed to go to the headquarters because he had more important things to do. he does.

"Captain Niu of the brigade's artillery team is leaving. Without Captain Niu, the combat effectiveness of the artillery team will definitely be affected. I went to the brigade headquarters to take over the artillery team to prevent the artillery team's combat effectiveness from being greatly affected." Liu Gen smiled wryly. said.

Immediately, Zhang Qiang understood, no wonder Liu Gen needed to go to the brigade headquarters quickly, it turned out that Captain Niu was leaving.Thinking that Liu Gen will soon go to the brigade headquarters to take over the artillery team and become the captain of the brigade artillery team, Zhang Qiang's mood is a bit complicated. He wants to keep Liu Gen in the artillery company, and he also wants Liu Gen to take over the brigade artillery team Team.

Leaving Liu Gen in the artillery company, even with Liu Gen, Zhang Qiang could only serve as Liu Gen's deputy, but he was quite willing.As for Liu Gen also wanting to go to the brigade headquarters to take over the artillery company, it was because Zhang Qiang knew that after Liu Gen took over the artillery team, he would definitely have more room to play.

"Company commander, can you really not stay for a few more days?" Zhang Qiang asked again.

Liu Gen shook his head, stretched out his hand and patted Zhang Qiang's shoulder, "You've done a good job, without me, the artillery company wouldn't have any problems with you."

"Besides, the brigade headquarters is not far from our independent regiment. If you have anything to do, you can come to the artillery team directly to find me. Even if I leave, I will still be the company commander of the artillery company."

Zhang Qiang stopped talking, he looked at Liu Gen, he could see the sincerity and seriousness in Liu Gen's eyes, after a moment of silence, he nodded vigorously!Tears flickered in Zhang Qiang's eyes. He was reluctant to leave Liu Gen. He believed that when the soldiers of the artillery company knew that Liu Gen, the company commander, was about to leave, they would not be much better than him. Did he know that the soldiers of the artillery company treated Liu Gen well? Worship and love.

The soldiers in training didn't notice Zhang Qiang's emotions, otherwise they must have realized something. Liu Gen patted Zhang Qiang's shoulder again, signaling Zhang Qiang to control his emotions.

"Okay! The man bleeds and doesn't shed tears! I went to the artillery team, but it doesn't mean I won't see you again!" Liu Gen comforted.

Zhang Qiang stretched out his hand and wiped his eyes vigorously. He didn't want to cry, but for some reason he couldn't control his emotions.Zhang Qiang turned his head and sorted out his emotions before looking at the soldiers in training again.Just looking at the soldiers in training, they didn't know that Liu Gen was going to leave. Thinking of this, Zhang Qiang felt that there were tears in his eyes again.

"Okay! I'll go to the regiment headquarters!" Noticing that Zhang Qiang still seemed unable to control his emotions, Liu Gen said.

Liu Gen turned around and left without stopping, staying in the training ground of the artillery company. He was worried that Zhang Qiang would not be able to control his emotions.Most importantly, seeing the tears in Zhang Qiang's eyes, his eyes were a little sour.Liu Gen didn't want to stay here and cry with Zhang Qiang. If he really wanted to cry, what was his prestige as the commander of the artillery company?
Leaving quickly, Liu Gen could see the villagers coming out of the mountain along the way. The fighting came to an end, and the villagers who hid in the mountain chose to return to Yang Village after seeing the independent group come back.With the independent group, the villagers can feel a deep sense of security, and they believe that the independent group can protect them.

Liu Gen could see that the expressions of these villagers were somewhat depressed. So many people died in the village, how could the villagers be happy?

Looking at these villagers, Liu Gen's eyes flickered coldly. He realized that he hadn't killed enough devils. How could the devils he killed be enough to avenge the villagers?Not to mention, in this large-scale battle, Yang Village was not the only village destroyed by the devils. Too many villages were destroyed, and too many innocent villagers died.

When he came to the regiment headquarters, Liu Gen could see that the regiment's security company was training. During the battle, the security company suffered a lot of casualties.And because the number of soldiers absorbed is relatively small, the security company has no way to replenish enough troops. As the directly subordinate personnel of the security regiment headquarters, it is very important whether the security company can maintain sufficient combat effectiveness.

It's a pity that the independent regiment failed to absorb too many troops to replenish, otherwise the combat effectiveness of the independent regiment would definitely be restored in the shortest possible time.

"Report!" Liu Gen shouted when he came to the regiment headquarters.

Li Yunlong, who was resting in the room, got up, his arm was wrapped with a thick bandage, and he looked a bit embarrassed.When he walked out of the room, Li Yunlong saw Liu Gen, but he couldn't see much joy on his face when he saw Liu Gen.

"When are you going to leave?" Li Yunlong asked a little unhappy.

Liu Gen smiled wryly. He could feel Li Yunlong's current mood. It's no wonder he was happy that his most powerful artillery was leaving!Seeing Li Yunlong who was obviously not in a good mood, Liu Gen was not angry, but rather happy. He knew that Li Yunlong was like this, and he didn't want him to leave.

"Tomorrow! Captain Niu of the Artillery Team of the Brigade Headquarters is about to leave. Go there early so that you can grasp the situation of the artillery company earlier." Liu Gen said.

Since he was going to take over the artillery company, Liu Gen would naturally not be negligent. He was no stranger to the soldiers of the artillery team.But while Captain Niu was still there.With the assistance of Captain Niu, what Liu Gen should do is to master the brigade artillery team as quickly as possible.You can't wait until Captain Niu leaves, Liu Gen has not yet arrived at the artillery team of the brigade headquarters.

"Well, you have a good idea, the brigade commander transferred you to the artillery team, and he also hopes that you can improve the combat effectiveness of the artillery team! Captain Niu is leaving, you should go there earlier, and this should not affect the combat effectiveness of the artillery team !" Li Yunlong looked at Liu Gen, but couldn't help but confess.

Li Yunlong admired Liu Gen very much, but he also knew that Liu Gen's performance was too dazzling, and it was not advisable to choose to keep Liu Gen in the independent group.If Liu Gen was kept in the independent regiment, not only the brigade commander would be dissatisfied, but Liu Gen might also be somewhat dissatisfied.Besides, Li Yunlong didn't want to affect Liu Gen's future because of the independent group.

Staying in the independent regiment, Liu Gen will only be an artillery company commander, but going to the brigade headquarters is different. He will become the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, and may also become the commander of the artillery regiment. His development potential is not in the independent regiment can be compared.

(End of this chapter)

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