I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 272 Sharpening the Blade with the Blood of the Enemy

Chapter 272 Sharpening the Blade with the Blood of the Enemy (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass!)

After leaving the brigade headquarters, Liu Gen felt a lot more relaxed. He wanted to laugh when he thought that the brigade commander would be worried that he would run out of shells.

It seems that even the brigade commander can't bear the consumption of the artillery team. There is no way to do it. Who makes most of the artillery shells need to be captured on weekdays? The ability of the 386 brigade to accumulate such wealth has a lot to do with the fact that the brigade commander has enough "diligence and thrift to manage the family". Otherwise, the artillery team may have long since run out of shells.

Back at the artillery team, Liu Gen informed the soldiers to be ready for battle at any time, and some livestock used to transport the shells should be taken care of so that no accidents would occur.If you want to transport mountain cannons, you can only rely on livestock, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to use human power to pull them.Even if the 386 brigade had seized the devil's cars and motorcycles before, they were of no use.

After all, most of the fuel seized in the battle will be sent to the rear for use, and the frontline troops save some, and don't have to choose cars and motorcycles, which are too conspicuous and easily expose the position of the troops.

Take the soldiers to prepare all the artillery of the artillery team, and once the brigade headquarters has an order, then set off directly.Due to the heavy load of the artillery team, the artillery team has a lot of livestock, which can be used to transport artillery and shells.The soldiers were quite familiar with all this, and under the leadership of Liu Gen, the soldiers managed everything without wasting too much time.

Re-entering the training of the artillery soldiers, knowing that battles may happen at any time, the artillery soldiers were a little excited, and couldn't seriously devote themselves to training for a while.In the end, it was Liu Gen's cold face that calmed down the soldiers of the artillery team.

Facing the cold-faced Liu Gen, none of the soldiers in the artillery team dared to provoke Liu Gen's threat, and they decided to devote themselves to training seriously.The soldiers calmed down and devoted themselves to the training, and their efficiency was a bit higher than usual. Knowing that they would fight the devils next, the soldiers naturally wanted to make themselves stronger so that they could perform better. Kill the devil!

One day passed, there was no order from the brigade headquarters, and the soldiers of the artillery team could only control their emotions and devote their energy to training.

The devil troops are constantly gathering, as if they are waiting for something. More than [-] devils from Wu'an in West Shanxi are aggressively raiding the Yangyi area, trying to find traces of the Eighth Route Army.But even though the devils were allowed to sweep around Yangyi, they still failed to find any traces of the Eighth Route Army.

More than [-] people are just a devil's infantry brigade. Knowing the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army, the devils only sent one infantry brigade to sweep around Yangyi. No doubt they want to attract the attention of the Eighth Route Army and attract the Eighth Route Army troops to come .But unfortunately, the devil's plan fell through, and he was allowed to continue to sweep the Yangyi area, but he couldn't find any trace of the Eighth Route Army at all.

The people in Yangyi were reminded by the local Eighth Route Army long ago, and fled into the mountains in time. Not many people chose to stay in the village.The masses are naturally quite aware of what the devils did during the raid. The cruelty of the devils forced them to reluctantly leave their homes and rebuild after the devils raid was over.

Nothing was gained from the raids in the Yangyi area. The furious devils could only vent their anger on the innocent villagers.Every time the devils came to a village, they would kill all the villagers, burn the houses in the village, and rob the villagers of the food they had saved with great difficulty.

When the troops of the Eighth Route Army learned of the devil's actions, they all gritted their teeth, wishing to sharpen their blades with the blood of the enemy!
A few days later, I saw that the troops of the Eighth Route Army did not move, and they were not fooled.Arriving in Liao County early, the Japanese army in Wuxiang independently formed part of the 4th Brigade and two infantry brigades, and set out south to sweep the Eighth Route Army's anti-Japanese base areas.At the same time, a part of the Devil's 36th Division and two infantry brigades set off from Lucheng and Xiangyuan to go north.The two devil troops, with a total of more than [-] people, coordinated from the north to the south, launched a sweep of the areas on both sides of the Zhuozhang River between Yushe, Liao County, and Wu Township, encircling the area south of the Yuliao Highway!

Faced with the devil's big move this time, the Eighth Route Army headquarters ordered the 129th Division to block the enemy who came to mop up.In response to the devil's sweep this time, the 129th Division dispatched the 385th and 386th brigades under its command, and the strength of the two brigades, in cooperation with the first column of the decisive death, was ready to block the invading enemy on the inside.At the same time on the outer line, the new 129th Brigade of the 10th Division fought on the outer line.

After receiving the order, the various departments of the 386 Brigade quickly moved towards Dongtian and Zuohui areas to block the devils step by step and eliminate the vitality of the devils.At the same time, the brigade headquarters also dispatched decisively, preparing to take action against the invading devils.

More than 3000 devils can only be regarded as a trial of devils. Knowing this, the Eighth Route Army headquarters decided to severely beat these invading devils!Let the devils know that the anti-Japanese base areas cannot be easily invaded!Since you dare to invade the Eighth Route Army's anti-Japanese base areas, you should prepare for your life!
The artillery team also set off with the brigade headquarters. Due to the special nature of the artillery team, the brigade commander took special care of the artillery team. Special soldiers were responsible for paving the road and cooperating with the artillery team to pass.With the help of other soldiers, the artillery team was able to keep up with the progress of the brigade headquarters. Along the way, Liu Gen could see that the morale of the soldiers was very high.

On the 14th, the artillery team successfully arrived at the Zuohui area with the brigade headquarters, and merged with the troops here to stop the devils. The four regiments of the 386th Brigade are all in this area, conducting blocking warfare against the devils.The two infantry brigades of the Devil's 4th Division attacked this area, and their combat effectiveness was not weak.The Devil's 36th Division belongs to the Devil's Type B Division. It was established in 36. Its main task is to maintain security and law and order in the Japanese-occupied area.

Compared with the Type A Division of the Japanese Army, the Devil's 36th Division has only three infantry regiments, while the Type A Division has four infantry regiments.The Devil's 36th Division is regarded as the old opponent of the 129th Division. On weekdays, various troops fight against the Devil's 36th Division most frequently.

After arriving in this area, the brigade commander immediately ordered the four regiment leaders to come to a meeting and issue the next combat mission.But Liu Gen did not stay at the brigade headquarters. He led the soldiers to find a suitable artillery position to ensure that there would be no problems when the artillery team went into battle.Considering the range of the mountain artillery, Liu Gen needs to find two suitable artillery positions, or more.

In the process of finding a position, Liu Gen could see that many soldiers were in a panic, and there were even a lot of wounded soldiers, and the devil's offensive was a bit fierce.Faced with the blocking of the 386th Brigade, the devils of the 36th Division of the Devils continued to attack like crazy.

 ps: Ask for a monthly pass!Monthly ticket plus change program started!Every [-] monthly tickets, plus one update!
(End of this chapter)

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