Chapter 274
"What do you think of what Comrade Zhang Jun said?" After Zhang Jun finished speaking, Liu Gen looked at the soldiers of the artillery team, wanting to know their reaction.

The soldiers of the artillery team did not disappoint Liu Gen. They all knew what Zhang Jun said was very reasonable. After Zhang Jun's explanation, they also felt that the Devil Artillery might be in this position.The eyes of many soldiers looking at Zhang Jun have changed. The soldiers have a little more affection for Zhang Jun. It seems that Zhang Jun still has some skills.

During this period of time, Zhang Jun's changes were seen by the soldiers. Now Zhang Jun's opening explanation let the soldiers know that Zhang Jun really wants to change, and they naturally have a lot of favor for Zhang Jun.What's more, what Zhang Jun said was well-founded, and the soldiers couldn't find any faults.

If there is no change in Zhang Jun's previous behavior style, let alone the soldiers of the artillery team will not talk to him, and Liu Gen, the captain of the artillery team, will not let him stay in the artillery team.The reason why Zhang Jun can continue to stay in the artillery team is because Liu Gen has seen the changes in Zhang Jun. He really wants to change himself.The same is true for the other three fighters. After being punished, they never made any mistakes again.

For the soldiers, it is a good thing to stay in the artillery team to be an artilleryman. The training of the artillery team is a bit heavy, but in the artillery team, every meal can be full, and you can also learn from the captain Liu Gen. Artillery knowledge.It can be said that as long as the soldiers don't want to eat and wait to die, then staying in the artillery team is undoubtedly the most suitable choice.

In fact, none of the soldiers in the artillery team is just waiting to die. Every time they train, the soldiers are quite serious. When Liu Gen, the captain, explains the theoretical knowledge about artillery to them, the soldiers will be more serious take notes.The efforts of the soldiers of the artillery team were all seen by Liu Gen, the captain. During this period of getting along, the soldiers also got used to Liu Gen's strictness.

"Very well, it seems that everyone can still tell the difference, and I didn't waste my efforts."

"Comrade Zhang Jun had some problems before, but after being punished, there has been an obvious change. During the training during this period, everyone should be able to see that our artillery team is a whole. I hope our artillery team Soldiers can unite and kill devils! Forget about the previous conflicts, I hope everyone can get along well in the future, especially Comrade Zhang Jun must work hard to integrate into the collective." Looking at the artillery soldiers present, Liu Gen spoke seriously Said.


After finding several areas where the Devil Artillery might be hiding, Liu Gen led the soldiers to quickly calculate the relevant parameters needed for the shelling. With Liu Gen's ability, he could easily calculate these parameters.But this time Liu Gen did not choose to do so. If he really wanted the artillery soldiers to grow up quickly, then he couldn't devote all his time to himself.

The artillery team has more than 300 soldiers. As the captain of the artillery team, it is impossible for Liu Gen to take care of every soldier.The current artillery is not bad, Liu Gen can calculate the parameters by himself, but what about in the future?The Eighth Route Army will definitely have more and more artillery, and the same is true for the 386th Brigade. With the increase in the number of artillery, even Liu Gen cannot calculate the parameters of all the artillery in a short time.At this time, the soldiers of the artillery team are needed to do it.

As artillerymen, soldiers can't even calculate the corresponding parameters, can they?Liu Gen would not let such a thing happen, it would be too embarrassing!Taking advantage of the fact that the battle hadn't started yet and the artillery team hadn't received the order from the brigade commander, Liu Gen simply asked the soldiers to do the calculations themselves. The soldiers trained very seriously on weekdays, and Liu Gen still had a lot of confidence in them. Expected.

Before Liu Gen had to wait too long, he saw a soldier calculate the parameters needed to bombard each area, but after seeing the parameters calculated by the soldier, Liu Gen's face suddenly darkened.For the soldiers, Liu Gen had great expectations, but who would have thought that this soldier was not one of them?According to the parameters calculated by this soldier, if we really want to engage in an artillery battle with the devils, the error is enough to make the artillery team fall into a passive state.

When the soldier saw Liu Gen's black face, he also realized that he had not counted well, otherwise Liu Gen, the captain, would not have reacted like this.The other fighters noticed this scene, quickly lowered their heads, and calculated the parameters they had calculated again. They didn't want to face Liu Gen's black face.Just Liu Gen's black face made the soldiers feel a lot of pressure. If they made too many mistakes, then Liu Gen's reprimand would definitely be indispensable.

Coming to the soldiers of the artillery team, Liu Gen observed them patiently. He didn't stay by the soldiers for a short time. With his eyesight, it was very easy to see the parameters calculated by the soldiers.Just looking at the shelling parameters calculated by the soldiers, Liu Gen's complexion became darker and darker, because the soldiers made too many mistakes in their calculations.If the bombardment was to be carried out according to the parameters miscalculated by the soldiers, even if Liu Gen was present in the artillery team, it would definitely not be able to take the initiative, and even the artillery battle had a high probability of failure.

After Liu Gen read all the parameters calculated by the soldiers of the artillery team, Liu Gen's face was almost turned into a pot. The soldiers became extremely quiet when they saw Liu Gen's expression. Dare to look into Liu Gen's eyes.Liu Gen, the captain, had taught them so much, but now they had disappointed Liu Gen. From Liu Gen's expression, the soldiers knew that there were certain problems with the shelling parameters they had calculated.

"The shelling parameters calculated by everyone have some problems. Among them, you forgot to consider some things."

"When calculating, many soldiers chose to use the current location for calculation. Let me ask you, is our artillery position here? In addition, do mortars, infantry artillery, and mountain artillery have the same range? The most important point Yes, few of you thought of measuring the exact distance from the Devil Artillery position when calculating, I would like to know where you got the data? Can you know the distance between the Devil Artillery position and us without measuring?" Looking at the artillery For the soldiers of the team, Liu Gen pointed out their problems.

Liu Gen's voice was a little cold. Looking at the soldiers of the artillery team, he felt a little disappointed.

The soldiers of the artillery team were silent. They lowered their heads, knowing the mistakes they made. The soldiers didn't know how serious the mistakes they made were. If the parameters they calculated were followed, the artillery team would definitely die here , Still want to kill the devil's artillery?It's good not to be killed by the devil's artillery!

"Keep your heads up! Damn it! If you miscalculated the parameters of the bombardment, you will calculate again! While there is still time, what is the matter of lowering your head? Move! Let me move! I hope you don't do it this time." Let me down again! Otherwise, after returning from this battle, you don't have to think about having time to rest!" Liu Gen looked at the soldiers and cursed.

Facing the angry Liu Gen, the soldiers acted decisively and quickly. If they really want to stay here, they are fools, and they are just looking for scolding
 ps: Thank you for the reward of Lonely, Empty and Cold, thank you very much!Ask for a monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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