I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 279 Scapegoat

Chapter 279 Scapegoat
"Where are we?" Hideki Yamanaka woke up and found himself lying on a stretcher, and soldiers were carrying the stretcher forward quickly.

Looking around, Hideki Yamanaka found that the soldiers around him looked a little embarrassed, and he could clearly see their panic on the faces of these ghost soldiers.At the same time, Hideki Yamanaka could hear the shouts of killing coming from the rear, and the charge horn sounded by Tuba Road, which made Hideki Yamanaka's face extremely ugly. He realized that something must have happened after he fell into a coma matter.Otherwise, with the strength of these Tuba Routes, how dare they launch an attack so easily?
"Captain, when we were retreating, a shell exploded around you, knocking you out. After you passed out, the artillerymen of the Eighth Route Army somehow found our hidden artillerymen. Their shelling was very accurate. , Our hidden artillery was almost wiped out, and only a few artillerymen were left alive." Naku Hashimoto, the squadron leader, said hastily.

Hideki Yamanaka's face was extremely ugly. He sat up directly from the stretcher, slapped Hashimoto Naku on the face, and cursed: "Baga! Trash! A bunch of trash!"

"Assemble the soldiers, our Imperial Japanese Army is going to fight back! If you can't even do this well, what use do I need you for? Organize a counterattack! Organize a counterattack immediately!" Hideki Yamanaka roared loudly.

Many devils around looked at Hideki Yamanaka, without the slightest thought of stopping, they were still fleeing quickly.Unlike Hideki Yamanaka who was in a coma before, these little devils who escaped knew how accurate the artillery of the Eighth Route Army was, and the extension of the artillery fire of the Eighth Route Army had not yet ended, how could they dare to turn around and organize a counterattack?I'm afraid that as soon as they gather, shells will fly in and kill them directly.

"Captain, let's retreat, at least we have to get out of the artillery range of the Tuba Road! The artillery of the Tuba Road has been extending the artillery fire. If we continue to stay, it is likely to extend to this area." Hashimoto Naiku said persuaded.

Hashimoto Naku looked at Hideki Yamanaka in front of him, and a hint of disgust flashed in the depths of his eyes. At first he chose to join Hideki Yamanaka because he wanted to go further. With his family background, without the support of his family, It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to get promoted again.But now, Hashimoto Naku no longer has the slightest idea of ​​wanting to join Hideki Yamanaka, he doesn't want to be Hideki Yamanaka's subordinate.From Hideki Yamanaka's decision-making, he could see Hideki Yamanaka's stupidity. Following such a commander was undoubtedly joking with his own life.

"Baga! It's all because of you that our hidden imperial artillery was exposed! After returning, wait for the punishment from the headquarters!" Hideki Yamanaka said directly.

This is the first time that Hideki Yamanaka has led troops into battle. As the leader of the Yamanaka family, Hideki Yamanaka does not want the defeat to affect him, so it is very important to find a scapegoat.Hideki Yamanaka looked at Hashimoto Naku next to him, with a bit of pride in his eyes, this person in front of him is the most suitable scapegoat!Hideki Yamanaka knew the family background of Hashimoto Naku, an ordinary civilian family, and no one would care if he died here, let alone a small squadron leader.

Hashimoto Naiku lowered his head, his expression was cold, "Hai! Please retreat, Captain, the Eighth Route's artillery fire extension is coming soon."

He looked at the gunfire that kept looking at him, and the fleeing devil soldiers.Hideki Yamanaka also knew that it was irrational to organize a counterattack now, let alone other devil soldiers, even he himself was unwilling to stay in this area.Hideki Yamanaka glanced at Hashimoto Naku with satisfaction. Apart from being a little stupid, this person is fine, and he is a good candidate to be a scapegoat!

As soon as the words fell, Hideki Yamanaka decisively chose to escape. He didn't want to die under the gunfire of Tuba Road.

Behind him, Hashimoto Naku didn't leave immediately. He looked at the other devils around him, and he could see the pity in the eyes of these devils. They all knew what Hideki Yamanaka meant.But even so, these devils are not prepared to do anything, they don't want to offend Hideki Yamanaka, even though Hideki Yamanaka has just taken over the post of captain and has not yet developed his own cronies.

Feeling the gazes of other ghosts looking at him, Hashimoto Naku's heart sank, and he resolutely gave up the idea of ​​asking these people for help. He knew that it would be useless to ask these people, but it would make Yamanaka Hideki wary.However, if Hideki Yamanaka dared to say it in front of him, he was ready for Hashimoto Naku to turn his face.

Hashimoto Naku can be sure that as long as he shows the slightest intention to harm Hideki Yamanaka, many devils will directly capture him, or even kill him directly!

The autumn wind hit, rolled up the dust on the battlefield, fascinated Hashimoto Naku's eyes, rubbed them vigorously, tears flickered in his eyes.Hashimoto Najiu didn't want to die, he didn't want to be a scapegoat, not to mention that once he was punished in the army, his family members who stayed in the mainland would also be punished to some extent.

But in the infantry brigade, who can help him?Another infantry captain?Hashimoto Naku shook his head secretly, he knew that the infantry captain could not protect himself, let alone help him.

Looking at the continuous artillery fire behind him, Naijiu Hashimoto had an idea. He couldn't get help in the infantry brigade, but on the battlefield, there were still these Eighth Route Army!I think the Eighth Route Army will be very interested in an infantry captain, but how can he get in touch with these Eighth Route Army?
"Hashimoto? Follow up!" a ghost soldier reminded.

Hashimoto Naku nodded quickly, and quickly chased after the fleeing Hideki Yamanaka and the others. He hadn't thought of a way to contact the Eighth Route Army, and it would take a certain amount of time.It's just that Naiku Hashimoto knew that there would not be much time left for him, and the defeat this time would definitely affect the next battle.With the cover of artillery fire, the Eighth Route Army can launch an attack at any time, but it will be quite difficult for the infantry brigade to resist the attack of the Eighth Route Army.

From the rear, the Eighth Route Army soldiers shouted to kill, and some devils who hadn't had time to retreat were continuously beheaded by the soldiers. The extended artillery fire not only drove away some devils, but also managed to keep a group of devils behind.These abandoned devils were powerless to resist the fierce offensive of the Eighth Route Army soldiers.After being beheaded and killed a group, some devils chose to surrender, and they who were abandoned had no need to continue to stand firm.

Facing the surrendered devils, the soldiers took away their guns and ammunition, escorted them to the rear, and the battle continued, and these devils without weapons, with the guards of the soldiers, would not have any problems.After killing these devils, the position of the 386th Brigade moved forward by 2000 meters. After reaching the range limit of the artillery team, the regiments stopped attacking.

Li Yunlong and others are very clear that the ability to attack so smoothly has a lot to do with the artillery support of the artillery team.Without artillery support to continue the attack, once the devils organize a counterattack, the soldiers will suffer a lot of casualties.Li Yunlong and others all knew the principle of accepting as soon as they were good. After stopping the charging soldiers, they quickly cleaned the battlefield.

In the artillery position, the soldiers stopped shelling, and the obvious excitement could be seen on their faces.The shelling of the devils this time made the soldiers of the artillery team quite refreshed. They kept shelling without worrying about the shells, which was somewhat rare in the artillery team.

"Have you enjoyed the fight?" Liu Gen looked at the soldiers and asked with a smile.

The soldiers all smiled and nodded. They really had a good time, but now that they stopped, they could all feel obviously tired.I didn't feel it when shelling the devils. At that time, the soldiers were all in a state of concentration enough, so naturally they didn't care about their own conditions.But now, feeling some sore bodies, the soldiers are both in pain and happy.

"It's fine to play well! Now that the battle is over, what should our artillery team do?" Liu Gen's expression became serious, making the smiles on the soldiers' faces disappear immediately.

Looking at Liu Gen with a serious expression, the soldiers did not dare to laugh anymore, some soldiers reacted, and some soldiers failed to react.Continuously shelling the devils without worrying about the devils' counterattack, this kind of battle is too comfortable, making them forget the training they usually receive.

"I don't know? Then let me tell you!"

"Transfer the artillery position! Quick! Immediately! Use your fastest speed!" Liu Gen roared loudly.

Liu Gen has discovered that the soldiers should not be too complacent, they need to learn to remain calm no matter what the situation is!In Liu Gen's view, the soldiers of these artillery teams are not yet qualified artillerymen. The truly qualified artillerymen should move the artillery positions immediately after the battle without his asking!After getting some things done, there is plenty of time for them to have fun!Instead of forgetting to move the position in time as it is now.

"Captain, the Devils don't have artillery anymore, so don't worry about moving positions, right?" Zhang Jun looked at Liu Gen and couldn't help asking.

The other soldiers didn't speak, but from their expressions, it could be seen that Zhang Jun had expressed their thoughts.The devil has no artillery, even if the artillery team reveals its position, there is no need to worry about being attacked by the devil!The devils were unable to launch any attacks on the artillery team, so it probably didn't matter whether the artillery positions were moved in time.

"Don't worry? Now, as the captain of the artillery team, I am ordering you to move the artillery position immediately! As long as I am still the captain of the artillery team, then you must obey me! Take action! Let me act now!" Liu Gen said again .

Facing the order of the captain Liu Gen, even if the soldiers of the artillery team were a little dissatisfied and puzzled, they didn't dare to object at all, and could only act quickly.Even Zhang Jun, who had spoken just now, acted decisively. He had always noticed the change in Liu Gen's expression, and he was very familiar with Liu Gen's expression now.Zhang Jun can be sure that if any soldier fails to act, he will be directly expelled from the artillery team by Liu Gen and will not be given any more chances.

Don't think about it, Liu Gen will definitely do this.

The soldiers of the artillery team acted quickly, with Liu Gen as the captain, how could they resist?The artillery soldiers in action were very fast, but someone was faster than them. Just halfway through the transfer, there was gunshots not far away, and a devil's infantry team approached!
(End of this chapter)

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