I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 28 The Artillery Company Established

Chapter 28 The Artillery Company Established

Divide the soldiers into three artillery squads, each with fifteen members, and the rest of the soldiers will become a security squad to ensure the safety of the artillery during shelling.

Liu Gen did not choose to set up a platoon. Liu Gen was preparing for the expansion of the artillery company in the future. Besides, the artillery company now only has three [-]-type infantry guns, so setting up a platoon does not make much sense.Given the particularity of the artillery, in order to provide enough artillery fire suppression for the frontline soldiers, it is undoubtedly necessary to gather three infantry artillery for artillery fire.

There are three artillery squads and one security squad. It looks somewhat crude, but although the artillery company is small, its configuration is quite comprehensive.Since the new regiment did not have enough pistols, Liu Gen could only choose to equip the soldiers of the artillery company with [-] rifles.In the eyes of other troops, the devil's [-] cover is quite good.But Liu Gen was a little dissatisfied. He wanted to equip the soldiers with pistols.

It was impossible to expect the regiment headquarters to equip the artillery company with pistols. Liu Gen knew that this could only be done through his own efforts, so that it was possible to equip the soldiers with pistols.Of course, it is not a rush to equip the soldiers with pistols. With the range of the Type [-] infantry artillery, the artillery company is destined not to be too far away from the main force.

Moreover, it is undoubtedly a waste to equip all the soldiers of the artillery company with pistols, and the front line needs pistols even more.In the hand-to-hand battle with the devils, if he could kill the devils directly with a pistol, it would undoubtedly allow more soldiers to survive.

At noon, after Liu Gen had lunch with the soldiers of the artillery company, he handed over the fat pig to the soldiers of the artillery company to take care of them.The fat pig can't be eaten yet, and the soldiers need to take some time to take care of it. I think the soldiers of the artillery company will be very attentive, and eventually the fat pig will fall into their mouths.

After lunch, Liu Gen showed Li Yunlong the artillery training plan he had formulated. As the head of the regiment, Li Yunlong still needs to understand more or less.At the same time, Liu Gen also wanted to bring Li Yunlong to the artillery company and say a few words for the soldiers. Does Liu Gen know how much the soldiers respect and worship Li Yunlong, the regiment commander.If the artillery company is established, the morale of the soldiers of the artillery company will be affected to some extent if Li Yunlong, the regiment commander, does not appear.

Li Yunlong didn't want to go to the Artillery Company, he would leave soon and continue to come to the Artillery Company, which was somewhat bad.But unable to bear Liu Gen's forceful tugging, Li Yunlong followed Liu Gen to the artillery company. Looking at the soldiers assembled by the artillery company, Li Yunlong's expression was a bit complicated. Li Yunlong was a little excited and also a little depressed. The artillery company was formed. The new regiment will definitely be much easier in battle.

But with a new regiment of artillery, Li Yunlong will not continue to command him, which makes Li Yunlong somewhat uncomfortable.Feeling the soldiers looking at him, the discomfort in Li Yunlong's heart dissipated. Whether he will command the new regiment or not, it has nothing to do with these soldiers. These soldiers have no problems.

"Comrades, everyone knows that I am an old revolutionary and an old Red Army! Thinking of our time, we were bombarded by the enemy, but we had no way to fight back. We could only watch our comrades die under the enemy's shelling Under the circumstances, at that time I was thinking, when will we have our own artillery. When I took over the new regiment, it was a complete mess, not to mention the artillery, and even the soldiers were not enough. "

"There are less than five crooked guns, and we don't even have a single mortar. Finally, we saved up some property, and life became better. Who knew, our artillery was also destroyed during a devil's siege. We also lost a lot of belongings. Fortunately, Liu Gen, the company commander of your artillery company, guided our regiment to successfully seize the enemy's Type [-] infantry artillery, which made up for the loss of our regiment."

"The Type [-] infantry artillery is a good thing. With these infantry artillery, if we fight the devil again, we will definitely be able to make the devil drink a pot. If you follow Lieutenant Commander Liu and learn hard, maybe you can only bomb the devil once. Command, at that time, you will be the pride of the artillery company, maybe you can lead an artillery company yourself."

"I said so much, but in fact there is one purpose. You must follow your company commander to learn how to operate these infantry artillery. Today we have three, and we will definitely have more in the future. Your future is very bright. Many of you They are all new recruits, and I don’t know your company commander Liu, but I can tell you that despite his young age, he has real skills. During the battle with the Sakata Regiment, your company commander Liu bombed several times, but he successfully helped our regiment break out of the encirclement. "

"If it wasn't for you, Lieutenant Commander Liu, more people in our Xinyi Regiment would have died. You are all lucky."

"Damn it, anyway, if you practice well, you can eat meat! If you don't practice well, you won't even have to eat shit!" Li Yunlong said loudly.

There are quite a few new recruits in the artillery company, Li Yunlong can see that, in the end, he, the regiment commander, chose to reprimand the soldiers of the artillery company, hoping that Liu Gen could relax during the training.Li Yunlong had no doubts about Liu Gen's ability to control infantry artillery, but he was a little worried about whether Liu Gen could train these soldiers well.

Liu Gen has formulated a pretty good training plan, and Li Yunlong has also listened to Liu Gen's explanation. I have to say that Liu Gen's plan is very complete.Li Yunlong couldn't understand Liu Gen's training plan, and he didn't know many words, but he knew the plan was good.But during the training process, the soldiers didn't follow the plan. They had their own minds. After doing such a thing as training soldiers for the first time, Liu Gen was still a little immature.

"Do you have the confidence to train well?" Looking at the soldiers, Liu Gen asked loudly.


"louder please!"



After Li Yunlong left, Liu Gen officially started training the soldiers. He took out the rough drawings he had drawn, which showed the steps of operating the infantry artillery.In order to enable the artillery company to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible, Liu Gen planned to teach the soldiers how to operate the infantry artillery directly. As for other things, they needed to be taught at another time.Only by ensuring that the artillery company has a certain combat effectiveness can the soldiers be improved more.

If there is enough time, Liu Gen wants the soldiers to learn from scratch, but this is impossible. Not many soldiers in the artillery company are literate, not even one-tenth of them.Wanting to teach the soldiers to learn from scratch, the first thing Liu Gen has to do is to teach these soldiers how to read, but now Liu Gen doesn't have that much time.

Liu Gen will teach the soldiers to read, but this needs to be established after the artillery company has a certain combat effectiveness, so that he can devote a certain amount of time to teach the soldiers more things.

(End of this chapter)

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