I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 292 Rewards

Chapter 292 Rewards
In the Matian area, the brigade headquarters of the 386 brigade, the brigade commander is talking about the next combat plan for the various departments of the 386 brigade.

The brigade commander could see clearly that the first thing the units of the 386th brigade should do next was to replenish their troops. The Matian area belonged to the depths of the Eighth Route Army's base area, so it was very easy to recruit some soldiers here.In addition, all troops should train as soon as possible and deploy defenses in the surrounding areas to ensure that when the devils sweep up, they can delay the progress of the devils as much as possible and buy time for the evacuation of the headquarters.

When the 386th brigade came to the Matian area, it was possible to see the evacuation of the various agencies of the headquarters. During this period, part of the evacuation was successful.Just because there are many people who need to be evacuated, it will take a certain amount of time to evacuate all the people.

Of course, in the area where the headquarters is located, there are many troops defending. At the same time, after the 386th Brigade reported the guessed devil's intentions, it was affirmed by the bosses of the headquarters, so that more troops were transferred and prepared to communicate with them. Preparations for devils battle.The bosses of the headquarters are also well aware of the situation of the various troops. The mobilized troops are more to cover the retreat of the headquarters, to stop the mopping up by the devils, and to destroy the devils' combat goals of destroying the Eighth Route Army's anti-Japanese base areas.

Fighting against the devils, all the troops are veterans, they have many ways to deal with the attacks of the devils, and they can also use various methods to successfully delay the progress of the devils!
The next task of the artillery team is very simple, that is to do a good job in the training of the soldiers to ensure that there will be no problems when the artillery team is needed to fight.During the battle, the brigade commander could see that after Liu Gen took over the artillery team, the combat effectiveness of the artillery team did not weaken, but became stronger.The combat effectiveness of the artillery team was not weak before, but it could not achieve the accuracy after Liu Gen took over, and this is undoubtedly the most important.

The brigade commander knew that as long as other troops knew that Liu Gen could do this, there would definitely be many troops who would send invitations to Liu Gen and want to transfer Liu Gen to their troops.I am afraid that without other troops taking action, the bosses of the division headquarters will directly order Liu Gen to be transferred away. In order to avoid this from happening, the brigade commander did not specifically indicate this in the report of the record.

The awards from the division headquarters came quickly. Liu Gen, who was training the soldiers of the artillery team, also saw his own award order, but he didn't care about it and put it away directly.In Liu Gen's view, he hasn't done enough, so it's nothing to be rewarded.Liu Gen didn't want to relax his requirements on the soldiers of the artillery team because of the reward.

The soldiers of the Artillery Team also received their own awards. They couldn't be as indifferent as Liu Gen. Looking at their own awards, their faces were full of joy.After seeing the conditions of the soldiers, Liu Gen knew that the training of the soldiers would be affected, but this kind of thing is unavoidable.Receiving an award is an honor that belongs to the soldiers. No matter how unkind Liu Gen is, he will give the soldiers a certain amount of time to calm down.

Under Liu Gen's gaze, the soldiers looked at each other's awards with excitement written all over their faces. They were all very happy to receive such an award.A soldier came to Liu Gen's side, wanting to see Liu Gen's award, but after coming to Liu Gen's side, he didn't know what to say.When the soldiers saw the calm expression on Liu Gen's face, they all decisively gave up the idea of ​​asking Liu Gen. They didn't want to be reprimanded by Liu Gen, the captain.

Half an hour later, when Liu Gen saw that the soldiers hadn't calmed down, he realized that it was time to say something.Otherwise, let the soldiers continue like this, do you want to train today?Liu Gen could understand the feelings of the soldiers after receiving the award, but he didn't want the soldiers to affect the next training due to this.

"Assemble!" Liu Gen shouted.

The soldiers of the artillery team reacted and ran towards Liu Gen's position quickly, and completed the assembly in just half a minute.

The soldiers were a little puzzled. They didn't understand why the captain Liu Gen asked them to gather and finally got a reward. Couldn't the captain Liu Gen make them excited for a while?Just looking at Liu Gen's serious expression, the soldiers couldn't help but shudder, they realized that Liu Gen, the captain, was a little angry!

"Zhang Jun, collect all the reward orders from the soldiers!" Liu Gen ordered.

Zhang Jun smiled wryly, feeling the eyes of other soldiers looking at him. To be honest, he wanted to refuse.But Zhang Jun also knew that he couldn't refuse, unless he wanted to offend the captain Liu Gen and be punished by the captain Liu Gen.Zhang Jun knew that he had only one choice, and that was to obey Liu Gen's order.

Coming in front of the soldiers one by one, Zhang Jun put away the commendation orders in their hands. Even if some soldiers were unwilling, under Liu Gen's watchful eyes, they dared not say anything, let alone do anything too unreasonable. overt resistance.After successfully collecting the commendation orders from the soldiers, Zhang Jun sent these commendation orders to Liu Gen, wanting to return to the team.

"Zhang Jun, is one of these reward orders missing?" Looking at Zhang Jun who wanted to return to the team, Liu Gen asked.

Zhang Jun stopped, and turned around helplessly. He wanted to get away with it, but who knew Liu Gen would see it?It's just that Zhang Jun was also ready to be seen by Liu Gen. He turned around and took out the commendation order hidden on his body and handed it to Liu Gen. Zhang Jun wanted to return to the team again, and he didn't want to stay with Liu Gen. It's a little too dangerous to be beside the captain.

"Zhang Jun, did I ask you to go back? One hundred push-ups! Get ready!" Liu Gen looked at Zhang Jun again and said.

Zhang Jun fell silent. He didn't expect that he would be punished. Before Liu Gen could speak again, he bent down and began to do push-ups.After staying in the artillery team for a period of time, Zhang Jun found out, and in any case, don't argue with the captain Liu Gen, otherwise he will only be the one who suffers.

Seeing that Zhang Jun started to do it directly, Liu Gen nodded in satisfaction. It seems that Zhang Jun has become a little smarter.If Zhang Jun hadn't acted just now, then Liu Gen might be rude and punish Zhang Jun again.

"I know that the brothers are very excited after receiving the award. I and everyone must be very excited too! But leaving half an hour for everyone to relax and have fun, I think it is enough, I believe you do not want to affect the Next training!"

"Of course, I also respect everyone's opinions. If you don't want to train, you can stand up. I will allow you to continue to relax and have a good time!"


(End of this chapter)

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