I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 296 Explanation

Chapter 296 Explanation
"Assemble!" Half an hour later, Liu Gen shouted.

The soldiers reacted and quickly came to Liu Gen, and completed the assembly in less than half a minute.Being able to do this is also because the soldiers have enough energy to concentrate, and when the time is almost the same, they are fully prepared.

However, even so, Liu Gen was quite satisfied to see that the soldiers were so active.At least these fighters were able to complete the assembly within half a minute and stood in a neat formation.

"I know that everyone has long wanted to learn how to use mortars to take down the devil's fighter planes. During this time, I will explain to you. Whether you can do it depends on whether you have enough hard work!" Liu Gen Looking at the soldiers present, he spoke seriously.

There was obvious joy on the faces of the soldiers. The busy training these days made them forget about this matter.Although some soldiers wanted to ask Liu Gen, they didn't have the courage to ask. Now that Liu Gen was going to teach them how to use mortars to shoot down devils, they were naturally extremely excited.At this moment, the soldiers seemed to see that they had successfully shot down the Devil fighter plane.

In the team, none of the fighters opened their mouths. They still maintained enough calmness, but the joy on their faces was a little obvious.The soldiers clearly knew the discipline to be followed during training, and unless they were ordered by Liu Gen, they couldn't speak easily or make small moves.Immediately Liu Gen was going to teach them how to use mortars to shoot down the devil's planes, and the soldiers naturally didn't want any accidents to happen.

"If we want to shoot down the Devil fighter plane, we need to grasp one thing first, that is the flying height of the Devil fighter plane! Everyone should know that the mortar shell will be a parabola after being ejected. What we need to do is to take advantage of the Seeing that the Devil's fighter plane overlaps with this parabola, seize the opportunity to fire and use the shells to blow up the Devil's fighter plane."

"The devil's fighter plane is very fast. During the attack, everyone should not think about hitting the devil's fighter plane directly with shells! If you want to do that, unless you are really lucky, the chance of hitting it is too small. We should be flexible Using the effective killing range of the artillery shells, as long as it can hit the Devil fighter plane, it will pose a certain danger to the Devil fighter plane, so the Devil fighter plane will not dare to continue flying at low altitude!"

"And as long as the Devil fighters dare not continue to fly at low altitudes, it will reduce our pressure a lot."


In the artillery camp, Liu Gen carefully explained to the soldiers, and the soldiers did not disappoint Liu Gen. During his explanation, none of the soldiers lost their minds or made other small moves.The soldiers' eyes were fixed on Liu Gen, and they kept taking notes in their hands, wishing to write down every word Liu Gen said.In order to take care of the soldiers taking notes, Liu Gen deliberately slowed down his speaking speed so that they could have enough time to take notes.

After devoting his energy to this matter, Liu Gen found that time passed quickly. The whole day passed in the serious training and discussion of the soldiers. calculation.The soldiers even took advantage of the rest time to ask Liu Gen to randomly give out several sets of data so that they could perform calculation exercises.At the beginning, it was difficult for the soldiers to calculate their speed. Even with the calculation method given by Liu Gen, their speed still could not be increased.

However, after the soldiers have done a lot of calculation exercises, their speed has improved to a certain extent. Even if this speed is still too slow on the battlefield, the soldiers are very satisfied to see their own improvement.The fighters believe that as long as they continue to train hard, they will definitely be able to continuously improve, and their calculations will also become faster.

After watching the performance of the soldiers this day, Liu Gen was also quite satisfied. He could see the seriousness of the soldiers in training and their eagerness to master the method of using mortars to fight Japanese planes.During the period, if Liu Gen hadn't forced the soldiers to rest, the soldiers might not have given themselves any rest time at all. They had high demands on themselves, and they would not relax at all if they did not reach the corresponding level.

There is no way, with Liu Gen as an extremely demanding captain, how can the soldiers dare to relax their requirements.This time Liu Gen taught the soldiers to learn. He didn't say anything about the requirements for the soldiers. He thought that there should be two or three soldiers in the artillery team who successfully mastered this method.But the soldiers of the artillery team didn't think so. From their point of view, Liu Gen, the captain, was so hardworking that he undoubtedly wanted them to master all of them successfully.

Under Liu Gen's teaching, the soldiers all knew that it was very difficult to successfully shoot down the devil's fighter plane with mortars, and it was precisely because they knew the difficulty that they worked so hard.The soldiers knew that this was not like normal training, and they needed to work harder to truly master what the captain Liu Gen taught.

In the evening, after Liu Gen finished summarizing the day's affairs, he walked out of the room, ready to check the soldiers' situation as usual.

But when Liu Gen came to the soldiers' room, he could hear the soldiers' voices, they hadn't rested yet.Noticing this, Liu Gen was a little angry. There were so many heavy trainings during the day, and the soldiers didn't have a good rest at night. So what should we do about tomorrow's training?Liu Gen didn't go directly into the house, he stayed outside, patiently listening to the conversation of the soldiers.

"Zhang Jun, you said, is there any simple way to measure the flying height of the Devil fighter?"

"We don't have enough measuring instruments in our hands. If we have, it will be much easier. When we can easily see the flying altitude of the Devil fighter with the naked eye like the captain."


In the house, the voices of the soldiers came, and Liu Gen couldn't help but fell silent.At this moment, Liu Gen didn't know why the soldiers hadn't rested yet. They were discussing about using mortars to fight the Japanese fighter planes.Listening to the conversation of the soldiers in the room, Liu Gen was somewhat satisfied. He could see that the relationship between Zhang Jun and the other soldiers was much better, which was what he hoped to see.

Liu Gen hoped that the soldiers of the artillery team could unite together and cultivate enough tacit understanding. Only in this way can the combat effectiveness of the artillery team become stronger.What's more, Liu Gen also likes this kind of atmosphere. The relationship between soldiers needs to be cultivated. Only in this way can they trust the brothers behind them after going to the battlefield.

"Aren't you going to sleep? What are you all doing? Go to bed now!" Liu Gen's voice sounded, making Zhang Jun and others in the room silent, and they dared not continue talking!

 ps: Thank you Yuanwai 509 for your reward, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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