Chapter 302

An hour later, Li Yunlong and others came to the war room, and they could see Li Yunlong and others in a hurry.In order to be able to get to the brigade headquarters as soon as possible, Li Yunlong and the others worked so hard that they didn't even have time to eat breakfast, in order to get to the brigade headquarters as soon as possible.

With the arrival of Li Yunlong and others, the brigade commander and the chief of staff also stopped. The devils have raided the base areas many times, and the troops have long known how to deal with the devils' raids.Guerrilla warfare and sparrow warfare, which the Eighth Route Army is best at, are enough to give devils a headache.To deal with the devil's sweep, the most important thing is to minimize the loss of the base area and organize the people to evacuate in advance.

The devil's war against the base area will inevitably destroy and burn the base area. The previous mopping up by the devil is enough to illustrate the situation.Timely evacuation of the people and reducing the losses of the people is what needs to be done most.Both the headquarters and the division headquarters are well aware of this. Soldiers in various units are also organizing the evacuation of the people. All that can be taken away will be taken away, and those that cannot be taken away will be destroyed, and they cannot be left to the devils.

"How is the strength of the regiments recovering? Can they be put into battle?" The brigade commander looked at Li Yunlong and the others and asked directly.

Li Yunlong and others nodded one after another, expressing that the supplementary troops could be put into battle. After nearly a month of training, the recruits recruited by each regiment have received sufficient training.If recruits want to really grow up and have enough combat power, they still need to be honed on the battlefield!A recruit can never become a veteran without seeing blood. Even if it is cruel to do so, there is nothing Li Yunlong and others can do.

As long as the devils have not been driven out of China, there will continue to be recruits going to the battlefield, all of them to kill the devils!

"I don't need to talk about the fighting methods of the regiments, right? The devil's two regiments are not weak in combat power. Even if it is to sweep our base area, the devil will inevitably disperse its forces, but it wants to deal with these little devils. It's not easy either. Concentrate the main force and kill part of the devil's forces. This time it is impossible to do so. The devils will definitely be prepared for the previous battles." The brigade commander looked at Li Yunlong and others, and said seriously.

Li Yunlong and others were speechless, their brows were tightly frowned, if the opponent was the 4th Independent Mixed Brigade of the Japanese Army, then they could still try to eliminate the vital forces of the devils.But this time the opponent of the 386th Brigade was the 36th Division of the Japanese Army. Li Yunlong and others did not dare to be careless if they really wanted to fight. The 386th Brigade fought many times with the 36th Division of the Japanese Army. Among the devils they fought against, the 36th Division of the Japanese Army was more difficult to fight, and it was a hard bone!

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, our independent regiment will definitely let these little devils come in alive and go back dead! Don't the little devils believe in Amaterasu? I will send these little devils to meet this Amaterasu! Let's see if the devil's Amaterasu can protect them!" Li Yunlong's eyes were full of killing intent, and he was ready for the devil to come and sweep them!

Even if the ammunition of the independent regiment cannot support too frequent battles, Li Yunlong also believes that the independent regiment he brought is enough for a devil to drink a pot!If you really want to fight, without bullets, the soldiers of the independent regiment will also chop off the devil's head with a big knife!The devil's fighting is strong, but what if the fighting power is strong?Isn't he still going to die in the hands of Li Yunlong?
Ding Wei and others also expressed their opinions one after another. Like Li Yunlong, they were fully prepared.Before they came, they ordered the soldiers to help the surrounding villagers retreat to prevent the devils from venting their anger on them.If you want to wait until Ding Wei and others go back, you only need to take the soldiers to prepare for the battle.

"I don't know about you, Li Yunlong? Li Yunlong, I told you in advance, don't make mistakes for me this time! Don't think about fighting the devil head-on!" The brigade commander looked at Li Yunlong and couldn't help but confess.For Li Yunlong and others, the brigade commander is very relieved, but for Li Yunlong, he can't be relieved. He knows Li Yunlong's character, which is prone to problems in battle.

Once Li Yunlong made an impulsive decision during the battle, what could he do with the strength of the independent regiment?To be precise, with the state of the regiments of the 386th Brigade, it was okay to deal with the devil's infantry squadron, but if they really encountered the devil's infantry brigade, they simply did not have enough combat power.The brigade commander knew that the regiments had replenished a certain amount of troops, but the recruits who had just received training for a month could not display much combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

Facing the menacing sweep of the devils, what the 386 brigade needs to do is to avoid their edge and not confront them head-on.The division headquarters also had the same opinion. The 129th division suffered a lot of casualties in the previous battles. Coupled with the wasted ammunition, if the troops really wanted to fight, it would definitely be prone to problems.

"Brigade Commander, why are you so worried about me? When did I, Li Yunlong, speak big words? Our independent regiment is famous in the whole division for killing devils!" Li Yunlong looked at the brigade commander and said.

The brigade commander looked at Li Yunlong, mother, he knew that this kid Li Yunlong had a lot of ideas.The brigade commander knew that Li Yunlong was good at fighting devils, but what could he do when he was short of troops?Now, the brigade commander only hoped that the independent regiment would not be destroyed in Li Yunlong's hands. After all the fighting power of the independent regiment was brought up by Li Yunlong, there should be no problems.

"Li Yunlong, I know that you are good at beating devils! But I hope you remember that you are the leader of the independent regiment, the lives of the soldiers are in your hands, and your command determines the survival of the soldiers! I hope you are here When commanding, think twice and don't act recklessly!" The brigade commander explained again with a serious expression.

This time, Li Yunlong's expression also became serious. He understood what the brigade commander meant. As the regiment commander, he would naturally consider the soldiers of the whole regiment.

The brigade commander looked at the other people in the war room, trying to find Liu Gen, but what made him a little puzzled was that there was no Liu Gen in the war room.The brigade commander asked Xiao Li to notify Liu Gen a long time ago, why is Liu Gen missing now?The brigade commander called Xiao Li from the side, wanting to know whether Liu Gen had come.

"Xiao Li, did Genzi come? Why didn't you find him?" The brigade commander asked directly.

Xiao Li reacted, yes, there seems to be no Liu Gen in the war room, but he clearly notified Liu Gen and saw Liu Gen come to the brigade headquarters with his own eyes, why can't Liu Gen be found now?Xiao Li looked around, trying to find Liu Gen's figure, and soon he found a person sitting in the corner, and that person was behind Li Yunlong.

Sensing Xiao Li's gaze, Li Yunlong moved his body quietly to block Liu Gen behind him. Damn, if Liu Gen hadn't fallen asleep, how dare Li Yunlong do this?Thinking that one day he still needs to cover for Liu Gen, Li Yunlong felt a little helpless, mother, what is all this?
(End of this chapter)

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