Chapter 308

"Genzi, you should know why you came to the brigade headquarters, and tell me your opinion." The brigade commander said directly when he first arrived at the brigade headquarters.

In the war room, the chief of staff and others also looked at Liu Gen. Before that, they had discussed and wanted to find a way to change this situation.But helplessly, they couldn't think of a solution at all. Compared with the devils, the Eighth Route Army was undoubtedly on the weak side. Even if they threatened the devils, they probably wouldn't care at all.

It was precisely because of this that the brigade commander found Liu Gen. He wanted to know if Liu Gen had any evil ideas.In the impression of the brigade commander, Liu Gen still has a lot of ideas, and Liu Gen has been with Li Yunlong for a while, so he may be influenced by Li Yunlong.It's good that Liu Gen can think of an idea. If he can't, the brigade commander and others won't care.

After all, to be precise, even they can't do anything about it, so how can they ask too much of a young man like Liu Gen?
"Brigade Commander, I can't think of any good way. This time the devils are aggressively mopping up, and the purpose is very clear, which is to retaliate against the large-scale battle organized by our Eighth Route Army! Unless we can directly destroy these Eliminate the mopping up little devils, otherwise there will still be problems in the village that appears in the sight of the little devils."

"With our current strength, it is definitely impossible to kill these devils who raided this time. Even if we kill the devils who raided this time, the devils will definitely mobilize more troops to sweep the base. In my opinion, the next In the coming time, I'm afraid we need to keep a low profile." Liu Gen said seriously.

The brigade commander and others nodded. They knew that Liu Gen was right. The large-scale counterattack organized behind the devils inevitably attracted the attention of the Japanese North China Front Command.In order to ensure a smooth frontline battle, the Devil's North China Front Army Command attached great importance to the stability of the rear. The most important thing was the development of the Eighth Route Army in the occupied area, which made the Devil feel a great threat.

"However, if we keep a low profile, the devils will still not let us go, let alone allow our Eighth Route Army to continue to develop. In my opinion, it is necessary to keep a low profile, but at the same time, we also need to show our momentum! Let the devils know that it will cost their lives to attack us!" Liu Gen said again.

Without waiting for the brigade commander and others to say anything, Liu Gen directly expressed his thoughts, "The devils attack the people in the base area, we can't do what they do. Aren't the devils afraid of being beheaded? Then we will Look for an opportunity to chop off the heads of some devils! A small army that is looking for devils, cut off their heads, and deter these little devils!"

"Okay! This method works! Devils are afraid of being beheaded. Devils are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that after being beheaded, they will not be able to enter their shrine."

"I remember that the Broadsword Squadron of the 29th Army once saw their heads cut off one by one during a hand-to-hand battle with the devils. The devils collapsed and fled because they were afraid that their heads would be cut off." The chief of staff's eyes lit up and felt The method proposed by Liu Gen is quite good.

The brigade commander also nodded in satisfaction, and laughed, "That's right! This method is indeed feasible, and I don't believe that these little devils won't be afraid!"

The atmosphere in the war room became much more relaxed. The solution Liu Gen thought of was not a good one, but at least it would be of some use.

"Xiao Li, go to the telegraph room immediately and ask them to call Li Yunlong and others. After killing the devils, cut off the heads of these little devils! I want to see if these little devils will be afraid!" The brigade commander directly ordered .

Xiao Li's heart trembled, and he walked out of the war room quickly, with cold killing intent in his eyes.It's also because Xiao Li is not on the front line, otherwise he will definitely take direct action, chop off the little devil's head, and make the little devil pay enough.

On the front line, Li Yunlong and others quickly received a telegram from the brigade headquarters. After seeing the order issued by the brigade headquarters, they all took action quickly.The soldiers on the front line are well aware of what the devils are doing, but they have no good way to retaliate. The only thing they can do is to shoot after aiming and killing as many devils as possible!

Well now, after killing the devils, cut off the heads of these little devils!Let's see if these little devils dare to be so arrogant!As long as there is a chance to do it, the soldiers will definitely cut off the devil's head, so that the devil cannot return to their so-called shrine after death!

Following the brigade's order, the soldiers on the front line took action one after another. They found the devil's small unit and attacked it resolutely. After winning, they chopped off all the devil's heads!
After the devil's reinforcements arrived, when they saw the severed heads, the faces of the devils who came over suddenly became extremely frightened.

"Baga! Baga! These Tubalu are looking for death!" the leader of the devil infantry squad who arrived first shouted loudly.Only with a loud enough voice can he conceal the fear in his heart. The devil captain is a little confused, why these bastards dare to do this!Tubalu should be well aware of the taboos of the imperial army of the Japanese Empire, and now they dare to take the initiative to provoke!
The ghosts in the team looked ugly. They looked at the soldiers whose heads had been cut off, as if they saw that they would become like this one day. After death, they could only become lonely ghosts and could not return to the local shrine!
"Tu Cun! Tu Cun! I want these Tubalu, these filthy rats to know that the Imperial Japanese Army does not tolerate any provocations!" The Devil Captain shouted again.At the same time, the devil squad leader did not forget to ask the soldiers to report the situation here. He believed that after the upper management knew about this matter, it would definitely be taken seriously!
Without waiting for reinforcements from other parties, the devil squad leader quickly marched into the base of the Eighth Route Army, wanting to avenge the dead devil!But the irritated devil captain didn't realize that not long after they left, there was an army of the Eighth Route Army following them, and there was an army of the Eighth Route Army waiting for them in front of them!

Seeing this devil squad that walked into the ambush without even noticing it, Li Yunlong grinned not far away. How dare you fight alone!Do you really think that a small team can run freely in the base area of ​​the Eighth Route Army?

"Blow the charge! Order the soldiers to charge up directly under the cover of artillery and kill this devil squad! Cut off their heads!" Li Yunlong ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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