I am an artillery soldier

Supplement to Chapter 317

Chapter 317 Additional Details
"The ghost soldiers in the devil's secret service team are all the elite among the elite. They have undergone special training. During the training, they even use prisoners of war in the prisoner-of-war camp for training. The submachine guns in the hands of these devil soldiers are German weapons, MP40. This year, Germany The newly produced advanced weapon! The firepower is powerful, and the 9mm bullet makes it powerful enough. After hitting it, you will either die or be injured!"

"In addition, the other equipment on this devil's body is quite advanced. At night, except for the flames of the devil's gun, it is difficult to find the devil's position! Coupled with the devil's extremely accurate marksmanship, when the infantry battalion is charging, It is impossible to rush within 30 meters of the devils! It is because of this that I seized the command from Battalion Commander Hong, and I don't want to see the brothers in the infantry battalion sacrifice meaninglessly!" Looking at the people in the war room , Liu Gen said very seriously.

After a moment of silence, Liu Gen said again: "Facts have proved that I did the right thing. In the face of this devil's special agent team, only by suppressing them with artillery fire and scaring them can the lives of the soldiers be guaranteed! "

"It is very rare to be able to severely injure this devil's special agent team. After the devils fled, the soldiers pursued them, but even when they were fleeing, the devils kept laying booby traps. It was difficult to catch up with the escaped devils! With the strength of these devils Training intensity, if we really want to escape, then it will be difficult for us to stop him, unless we plow the ground with artillery fire!"

The brigade commander and others listened carefully to Liu Gen's words, and they could all see the seriousness on Liu Gen's face. Liu Gen attached great importance to the devil's special agent team!The independent regiment also reported the news about the Devil's Secret Service before, and the brigade commander also paid close attention to it at that time, but the Devil's Secret Service hadn't made a move for a while, which made him almost forget that the Devil still had this army!But now, this devil's special agent team has quietly touched the brigade headquarters. In a short period of time, the casualties of the soldiers can already prove how powerful this devil's special agent team is.

"Even so, it is wrong to forcibly seize Commander Hong's command on the battlefield! This is a mistake that should not be made! You can discuss it with Commander Hong, and I believe Commander Hong will also be willing to listen to your opinion. You saved the lives of many soldiers by directly seizing Commander Hong's command, but you set a good example for them. If they feel that they can do better than Commander Hong in the future, what do you say? Will the soldiers beat Battalion Commander Hong unconscious and seize the command right like you did?" The brigade commander looked at Liu Gen and said in a deep voice.

Looking at all this, Wang Gang felt that he should say something. The casualties in the battle statistics let him know that there was nothing wrong with Liu Gen's command.On the contrary, if Battalion Commander Hong continued to command, the casualties of the infantry battalion and cavalry battalion would increase, and the artillery platoon would not suffer any casualties at all.And most importantly, if Wang Gang remembered correctly, he discovered that the soldiers of the Devils Special Service Team were secret sentinels arranged by the Artillery Team.

In other words, the only soldier in the artillery team died because he was a secret sentry. In order to notify the brigade headquarters, he decisively chose to fire a warning shot, which enabled the infantry battalion and cavalry battalion to react.With the combat effectiveness of the Devils' secret service team, if there were no warnings, the casualties of the infantry battalion and cavalry battalion would be unimaginable, and even the brigade commander and others would be in danger.

"Brigade Commander, I want to say a few words." Wang Gang said.

The brigade commander looked at Wang Gang with some doubts. He didn't know what Wang Gang wanted to say. As the battalion commander of the cavalry battalion, Wang Gang focused all his energy on training.Under the leadership of Wang Gang, the cavalry battalion of the brigade is also extremely powerful, but there has been no suitable opportunity for the cavalry battalion to join the battle.On weekdays, the cavalry battalion is used more as a communication soldier, ruling the troops of the 386th Brigade!
Some troops with radio stations can be easily contacted by the brigade headquarters, but not all troops have radio stations. In addition, sometimes in order to prevent the radio signals from being monitored by devils, they need to keep silent. At this time, the soldiers need to work hard Ride to inform the various troops!

Since Wang Gang put most of his energy on the cavalry battalion, he didn't have much friendship with the cadres in the brigade. Even though the distance between the cavalry battalion and the cavalry battalion was very close, he didn't have much friendship with Hong Yong.It was precisely because of this that after Liu Gen knocked Hong Yong unconscious, he did nothing.

"Tell me, what do you want to say, boy? The responsibility for the failure of this battle lies with the three of you. Even if you want to plead with me, it will be useless." The brigade commander looked at Wang Gang and said.The Brigadier still admires Wang Gang very much. In some respects, Wang Gang's personality is almost the same as Liu Gen's.Among the cadres of the Eighth Route Army, Wang Gang also belongs to the younger group. Of course, compared with Liu Gen, Liu Gen is still younger.

Wang Gang quickly said, "Brigade Commander, I'm not trying to plead for myself, but to add some details."

"It was discovered that the soldiers of the Devil's Secret Service Team were not the secret sentries arranged by the infantry battalion, but the secret sentries arranged by the artillery team! In addition, Captain Liu persuaded Battalion Commander Hong to order the soldiers to stop charging, but it didn't work , Commander Hong didn't listen to Captain Liu's opinion at all! In my opinion, Commander Hong is a bit too rigid in battle, not flexible enough at all!"

"The exposed firepower of the Devil's Special Forces is very strong, but even so, Commander Hong still ordered the soldiers to charge towards the Devil's Special Forces, wanting to rush to the Devil's Special Forces for hand-to-hand combat, which caused so many casualties among the soldiers of the Infantry Battalion "Wang Gang could feel Hong Yong's gaze looking at him, but he still chose to speak out.

Wang Gang felt that if he didn't say these words, he would definitely feel quite uncomfortable in his heart. Liu Gen, the captain of the artillery team, did everything that should be done!In fact, only Hong Yong, the battalion commander of the infantry battalion, had a problem. If the soldiers of the infantry battalion were to continue to charge, I am afraid that even if they could win the Devil's Special Service Team, the infantry battalion would be removed from the troops directly under the brigade headquarters!
The war room became calm again. Everyone looked at Wang Gang with strange eyes, but they didn't expect that Wang Gang would take the initiative to say these things.

Liu Gen looked at Wang Gang, not expecting that Wang Gang would speak for himself, but just looking at Wang Gang's expression, after a while, he seemed to understand why Wang Gang did this.The reason is very simple. Wang Gang has such a personality. Even if he has to bear punishment, he still wants to let the brigade commander and others fully understand the situation at that time.What's more, in Wang Gang's view, Liu Gen had no choice but to knock Hong Yong out to take command of the infantry battalion.

If Hong Yong was willing to follow Liu Gen's wishes, why would Liu Gen want to seize the command of the infantry battalion?You know, after Liu Gen seized the command of the infantry battalion, he handed over the command directly to Wang Gang. He didn't care about this at all, and only hoped to reduce the casualties of the soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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