I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 323 I beg you

Chapter 323 I beg you

An hour later, the brigade commander at the foot of the mountain got the news that the artillery team had suffered heavy casualties. Among the 20 people who survived, only four soldiers were intact.

When he first heard the news, the brigade commander felt dizzy for a while. If Xiao Li beside him hadn't helped him in time, he might have fallen to the ground.After a while, the brigade commander calmed down, but his face was full of bitterness. He knew that facing the crazy shooting of the two Devil fighters, the artillery soldiers would suffer casualties.

But the brigade commander didn't expect, he didn't expect that the artillery soldiers would suffer so many casualties! Of the more than 50 soldiers of the artillery team, only four soldiers are still intact, and Liu Gen, the captain of the artillery team, is still missing!Such a result made it difficult for the brigade commander to accept!If he had known that the artillery team would suffer such casualties, then the brigade commander would definitely not let the artillery team attack the devil's fighter plane!

There will inevitably be sacrifices in war, but if some sacrifices can be avoided, the brigade commander will naturally want to avoid them. More than 30 soldiers died for the soldiers. After the four seriously injured artillery soldiers were taken down, they were sent directly for emergency treatment.It's just that everyone knows that it is extremely difficult for these seriously injured soldiers to be treated successfully and come back.

"Brigade Commander, you must find our captain!"

"Let me go to the captain. My injury is not serious at all. I can still go to our captain."


The captain of the artillery team who was sent down couldn't help shouting when he saw the brigade commander, and wanted to find Liu Gen, the captain.The injuries of these soldiers were not serious. Most of them were injured by stray bullets. After simple bandaging, as long as they did not engage in strenuous exercise, there would be no major problems.

However, even though the injuries of these artillery soldiers were not serious, they were still asked to rest by the brigade commander. It was not that there were no other soldiers in the brigade headquarters, so there was no need for these wounded soldiers to go to Liu Gen.The brigade commander believed that if soldiers from the infantry battalion and cavalry battalion went to look for Liu Gen, they would definitely find him.

The Brigadier's mood was a bit complicated. He knew Liu Gen's ability clearly. It can be said that in his eyes, Liu Gen was the most outstanding young man he had ever seen!Thinking that Liu Gen was still talking with him full of energy last night, the brigade commander felt a little uncomfortable. Who knew that Liu Gen would have problems during this mission?
"Brigade Commander, don't worry, the soldiers can find Genzi. With Genzi's strength, as long as he is not fatally injured, he will definitely survive." Xiao Li comforted Liu Gen when he saw the worried expression.

The brigade commander looked at Xiao Li, remained silent for a moment, and asked, "Are you sure? The root cause is that you have practiced martial arts, but what can you do with martial arts? It can't withstand the bullets of the devils at all. The soldiers of the artillery team have said that the root cause is He was shot and fell off the top of the mountain."

Xiao Li couldn't speak anymore, he knew the brigade commander was right, if he was hit by a bullet, so what if Liu Gen had practiced martial arts?I can't stop myself at all!Besides, Liu Gen fell from the top of the mountain after being shot, which meant that it was difficult for Liu Gen to make corresponding protection. Unless he was lucky, it would be extremely difficult to survive.

Seeing that Xiao Li stopped talking, the brigade commander smiled wryly. If possible, he wanted Xiao Li to continue talking, so that maybe he would be less worried about Liu Gen.But Xiao Li's silence now let the brigade commander understand that Xiao Li did not have much hope for Liu Gen's survival.

At this time, Hong Yong was leading the soldiers of the infantry battalion to find Liu Gen on the mountain. The soldiers found several artillery soldiers who jumped down the mountain, but unfortunately, these soldiers died.Because the brigade headquarters of the 386 brigade was bombed by devils today, the infantry battalion commander Hong Yong did not leave the brigade headquarters. The brigade commander has not yet appointed a new infantry battalion commander, so Hong Yong can only stay in the brigade headquarters temporarily to maintain The order of the infantry battalion.

Asking a few soldiers to put away the corpses of the artillery soldiers, Hong Yong's emotions were complicated and his face was solemn.Last night, Hong Yong had a conflict with Liu Gen. The fact that Liu Gen had seized the command of the infantry battalion made him not have much affection for Liu Gen.It was just the sacrifice of the infantry battalion soldiers that made him understand his mistakes in command, and he didn't have much feeling for Liu Gen.

In addition, Hong Yong will soon leave the brigade headquarters to go to the independent regiment. At that time, Hong Yong will need to start as an ordinary soldier. He doesn't think he will have too many intersections with Liu Gen.Who would have thought that Liu Gen had a problem the next day, and shot down three fighter planes of the devil at once. Hong Yong admired Liu Gen's record and felt that Liu Gen was very capable.The soldiers of the artillery team who were found all died unfortunately. This made Hong Yong feel that Liu Gen had little hope of surviving. He felt a little pity, and felt pity for Liu Gen.

"Help! Help!"


Not far away, there was an extremely small voice, but it was caught by Hong Yong and others. There was a gleam of joy in their eyes, and they finally found the surviving warrior.Hong Yong and the others ran quickly, rushing to the soldier calling for help at the fastest speed, but when Hong Yong and the others found the soldier calling for help, they couldn't help but fell silent.

Looking at the soldier whose abdomen was pierced by a branch, Hong Yong looked sad. The ground around the soldier was dyed red, which was the blood of the soldier.Hong Yong could see that the soldier's consciousness had become blurred due to excessive blood loss, and he didn't know what made the soldier persist until now.

He didn't dare to touch this soldier. If he kept this state, the soldier could persist for a while, but if he moved this soldier, he might die directly!

"Comrade! Comrade! Wake up! Wake up!" Hong Yong knelt beside the soldier, put his mouth close to the soldier's ear, and shouted loudly.

Hong Yong yelled loudly, wanting to bring this soldier back to his senses. Seeing this, other soldiers around him also yelled loudly.Looking at this comrade who was pierced through the abdomen, the soldiers were all incomparably sad. The most powerless thing in the world is seeing the wounded comrade dying, but they have nothing to do!
Perhaps the shouts of Hong Yong and the others had an effect. The injured soldier slowly opened his eyes, with a rare clarity in his eyes. Seeing the soldiers around him, he saw Hong Yong beside him!
"Hong, Battalion Commander Hong, did our artillery team succeed? How many devil fighter planes were shot down?" As he spoke, blood overflowed from the corner of the soldier's mouth.

Hong Yong's eyes filled with tears, and before he had time to wipe them off, he said loudly, "It's a success! Your artillery team is the best! You shot down three fighter planes of the Devils at once! The brigade commander will ask for credit for you!"

"Comrade! Don't sleep! Don't sleep!"

The soldier whose consciousness became blurred again regained some clarity, but this time his eyes were a little cloudier.Suddenly, the soldiers seemed to think of something, and they didn't know where the strength came from. He suddenly grabbed Hong Yong's hand forcefully!
"Hong, Hong, Commander Hong, I, save our captain! Help, save our captain! He is right around me! Help him! Please!"


(End of this chapter)

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