I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 330 Okazaki Kencho

Chapter 330 Okazaki Kencho
"Matsushita-kun, where are we? How far is it from Guanjianao?" asked Okazaki Kencho, the captain of the Okazaki brigade.

Okazaki Kenchang's face was covered with dust. In the past few days, the Okazaki brigade he led has been chased by the Eighth Route Army.Kencho Okazaki didn't expect that the brigade he led would be so embarrassed. Before sweeping the base of the Eighth Route Army, he came here with an extremely relaxed mind.But now, Kencho Okazaki couldn't continue to relax. Looking at the Eighth Route Army soldiers not far behind him, who was poking his head out to observe the movement, he felt extremely depressed.

As the infantry lieutenant of the Imperial Japanese Army, Kencho Okazaki has experienced many battles, and he is considered a veteran in the Japanese army.After being left in the occupied area, Okazaki Kencho has been fighting the Eighth Route Army with her own soldiers, but these Eighth Route Army were too captured, like extremely slippery loach, so she did not achieve any record that could be obtained.

This time, he led his brigade of soldiers to raid the base areas of the Eighth Route Army, just to cooperate with the raids of the 36th Division and the Independent Mixed 4th Brigade, and their combat target was the command organization of the Eighth Route Army.In order to have a fighting opportunity, Okazaki Kencho took the initiative to sweep towards the hinterland of the Eighth Route Army, trying to kill the Eighth Route Army's headquarters.It was only because of the flexible tactics of the Eighth Route Army and the unfamiliarity of the local terrain that the Okazaki brigade was exhausted, and it was impossible to find the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

The long-term battle in the hinterland of the Eighth Route Army caused the Okazaki Brigade to be blocked by various units of the Eighth Route Army. Frequent fighting caused the ammunition of the Okazaki Brigade to be quickly consumed.It was also the good luck of the Okazaki Brigade, who was lucky enough to find the Huangyadong Arsenal of the Eighth Route Army. After successfully occupying the arsenal, Kencho Okazaki saw the Eighth Route Army troops coming to support him, so he chose to set fire to the Huangyadong Arsenal and escape.

Okazaki Kencho was a little excited to successfully find and destroy the Eighth Route Army's arsenal. After he went back to report his military exploits this time, he would definitely be rewarded by the headquarters.But then the Eighth Route Army troops that caught up with him made Okazaki Kencho realize that what he had done fell into the eyes of the Eighth Route Army, and given the importance of the Huangyadong Arsenal, the Eighth Route Army troops would not let him go easily.

All kinds of phenomena that followed made Okazaki Kencho understand that his guess was right. The troops of the Eighth Route Army were rushing over, forming a siege to his Okazaki brigade!Okazaki Kencho wanted to lead his soldiers to break through, but the Eighth Route Army troops following behind him made it impossible for him to get rid of it.What made Okazaki Kencho extremely depressed was that the Eighth Route Army troops following behind him would only follow him closely, and had no intention of fighting him at all.

Whenever Kencho Okazaki wants to lead his brigade soldiers to fight the Eighth Route Army troops, the Eighth Route Army troops will directly distance themselves and will not fight the Okazaki brigade at all.When encountering such situations in the past, Okazaki Kencho might feel proud and proud. Look, these Tuba Road troops would only choose to run away when facing the Imperial Japanese Army, and they did not dare to fight against the Imperial Japanese Army.

But now, Kencho Okazaki didn't have the slightest idea of ​​this. This army that didn't fight with him made him clearly aware of his situation, which was extremely dangerous.Kencho Okazaki could clearly feel the hatred in the eyes of these Eighth Route Army soldiers, and he was able to make these soldiers restrain their hatred for him. It can only be said that the Eighth Route Army's plans are very big!
"Captain, we are two kilometers away from Guanjianao, just ahead." Hideo Matsushita replied loudly.

Okazaki Kencho nodded and looked at the soldiers under him. He could see the obvious exhaustion on the faces of these soldiers. Being attacked by the Eighth Route Army troops all the time, his soldiers had no time to rest at all.Okazaki Kencho knew clearly that his soldiers needed to rest, otherwise, if they continued, these soldiers would only become more tired and unable to persevere.And when these soldiers couldn't hold on, the Eighth Route Army troops following behind would attack like hungry wolves.

"Rush to Guanjianao as quickly as possible, occupy Guanjianao for defense, let the soldiers rest for a certain period of time, and request rescue from the headquarters. I hope we can persist until reinforcements arrive." Okazaki Kenchang issued an order.

A gleam of joy flashed in Matsushita Hideo's eyes, and he was finally able to have a place to rest, and he couldn't hold on if he continued.


"Speed ​​up! The captain said that as long as he resists the Guanjianao who is going, he will have time to rest." Hideo Matsushita shouted.

When the devils around were exhausted, when they heard Hideo Matsushita's words, they all showed obvious joy on their faces. The exhausted them, strength surged out of their bodies again, supporting them to rush towards the Guanjianao they were heading to.These ghost soldiers were extremely exhausted, and now Okazaki Kencho gave them hope and mobilized their enthusiasm again.

Looking at these soldiers who were speeding up significantly, Kenaga Okazaki's eyes flickered coldly. He would take a rest to resist Guanjianao, but it needed to be established after all defensive positions were built.Without a strong enough position, how could Kencho Okazaki let these soldiers rest?Okazaki Kencho didn't want to die, especially after he made military exploits, he still wanted to return to Qin County and get a promotion.

"Captain, let's set off as soon as possible. If we slow down, the Tuba Road troops will catch up." Hideo Matsushita looked at Kencho Okazaki expectantly. He also wanted to arrive at Guanjianao earlier for a certain period of time. the rest.Just looking at Okazaki Kencho in front of him, Hideo Matsushita felt a little bad feeling in his heart, he seemed to see something from Okazaki Kencho's face.

Ten minutes later, the Okazaki Brigade arrived at Guanjianao. When they arrived, the village on the southern slope was empty, and all food was taken away or burned.In the well water, the villagers even deliberately threw dead rats and the like, in order to disgust the Okazaki brigade.If it weren't for these devils, then the villagers of Guanjianao wouldn't have to leave their homes.

When Okazaki Kencho saw the situation in the village, his face became extremely ugly. The well water was polluted and no food had been found. With the supplies they carried, they might not last for two days.Seeing some soldiers closing their eyes and wanting to rest, Kencho Okazaki yelled directly ordering the soldiers to dig trenches to prepare for the next battle.

The ghost soldiers who were about to rest did not expect that Okazaki Kencho would let them do this, and there was obvious disbelief in their eyes, but when Okazaki Kencho shot dead a soldier who wanted to rest without hesitation, the others The soldiers again did not dare to have any thought of resting.

Under the supervision of Kencho Okazaki, the exhausted devil soldiers moved into action, digging out trenches and setting up positions for heavy machine guns.At the same time, in order to be able to persist until the arrival of reinforcements, the Okazaki Brigade also occupied Liushu Nao opposite Guanjianao, and built fortifications at the two places at the same time.The Okazaki brigade also opened up all the cave dwellings in the village, and built machine gun positions in each cave dwelling, covering each other with other cave dwellings, and forming a crossfire network.

When the Okazaki Brigade finished building the fortifications, it was already evening, and the devil soldiers took out the dry food they carried with them, ate some briefly, and then fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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