Chapter 335
"How's the situation on the frontline?" Boss Peng asked in the frontline headquarters.

The expressions of the division commander and others were a little dignified. It was good to launch an attack in the dark, but because the Okazaki Battalion built a strong enough fortification, the attack of the frontline soldiers was not smooth.The biggest fruit of victory on the front line is that the Artillery Team of the 386th Brigade successfully killed the Devil's Mountain Artillery Squadron!

Without the Mountain Artillery Squadron, the Devils would be much easier to attack from the front line.But even so, the soldiers still suffered a lot of casualties during the attack.In particular, the devils occupied the cave dwellings where the villagers lived on the front slope of Guanjianao, and the machine gun positions set up after opening up the cave dwellings made it difficult for the soldiers to kill the devils stationed in the cave dwellings.
"The attack on the front line was not going well. The devils opened up the caves where the villagers lived one by one, and arranged machine gun positions in them. The firepower was fierce, and it was difficult for the soldiers to deal with them." The division commander said.

The faces of all the people present were not very good-looking, and the forces of the two regiments gathered together could not successfully capture the cave dwelling defended by the devils. This is undoubtedly a bit embarrassing!It is also very difficult for the soldiers to attack the devils in the cave dwellings with grenades. The devils are very clever and have set up bulletproof trenches in front of the machine gun positions arranged in the cave dwellings. Unless the grenades directly hit the devils' machine gun positions, the grenades will fall into the bulletproof trenches. Among them, it is difficult to kill the devil's machine gun directly.

"No matter how difficult the attack is! Let's fight! Aren't the mountain cannons brought by the 386th brigade still there? Use these mountain cannons to blast me out of the cave dwellings occupied by the devils!" Boss Peng looked at the brigade commander, his face full of murderous intent!Boss Peng walked out of the frontline headquarters, and he could see the frontline soldiers charging again and again!

It's just that the charge again and again was always repulsed by the devil's fierce firepower, but even so, the soldiers did not stop charging!

"Yes! I will immediately issue an order to the artillery team to kill the devils occupying the cave!" The brigade commander said seriously.

Boss Peng nodded, "At the same time, I ordered the soldiers to attack Liushunao as soon as possible. The devils should not be allowed to cross fire and affect our attack on Guanjianao! The artillery team of the 386th Brigade can provide artillery support if necessary!"

Liushu Nao was just opposite Guan Jia Nao, and when the battle started, the crossfire between Liu Shu Nao and the devils on Guan Jia Nao completely blocked the trail leading to Guan Jia Nao.Instead of attacking from this path, there are fortifications built by the devils in other directions. It will undoubtedly be more difficult to kill the fortifications of the devils.

"Boss, I'm afraid it won't work. I didn't bring many shells this time, only about [-] rounds. If I want to kill the cave dwelling occupied by the devils, the remaining shells may not be enough. There will be no extra shells to cooperate with the soldiers." Attack Liushunao." Seeing Boss Peng's unsightly expression, the brigade commander said with a wry smile.

Boss Peng frowned. He didn't expect this to happen. That's right. In order to get to Panlong Town in time, even though the distance from the 386th Brigade was not too far, they couldn't afford too many supplies and ammunition.Boss Peng shook his head, looked at the teacher and the others, and wanted to know if they had extra shells in their hands.

"Boss, this time we didn't bring shells for the mountain cannon. You also know that in order to get here in time, all the troops are light and simple, and they don't carry any heavy weapons." The division commander said helplessly.Who would have thought that the 386 brigade would bring mountain cannons?If they had known about this earlier, they would definitely have brought enough shells.

"There's nothing we can do if we don't have enough shells. If that's the case, let's kill the caves occupied by the devils first! I can see that if we don't kill the caves occupied by the devils, the casualties of the soldiers will be even greater." Boss Peng said in a deep voice.

Soon, a corresponding order was conveyed to the artillery team, and the soldiers received the order and acted quickly!Based on the information fed back from the front line, they quickly calculated the location of the cave occupied by the devils and the corresponding distance.Instead of having an artillery battle with the devil's mountain artillery squadron, the soldiers naturally had enough preparation time.

After 10 minutes, the soldiers of the artillery team had done enough precision, and it was enough to use the mountain cannon to deal with the cave dwelling occupied by the devils.Cave dwellings that have not been specially reinforced can be directly destroyed with up to three shells!

"Fire! Let it go!" The soldiers of the artillery team commanded to fire!With a bang, the cannonball flew out of the barrel directly, bringing out a bright flame!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The cannonball crashed down, hitting the cave dwelling occupied by the devil accurately, and it was even said that one shell flew directly and precisely into the cave dwelling of the devil.The loud explosion sounded in the cave dwelling, compared with the ordinary cannonball sound, it seemed a bit dull!The devils defending in the cave had no time to escape from such a six-kilogram shell.

The Devil's machine gun position in the cave could not withstand the power of the shells and was directly destroyed by the shells. Facing the artillery team of the Eighth Route Army, the Devils decisively chose to hide.As for the devils defending in the cave, they could only choose to hide in the dug trenches, hoping to escape the shells of the Eighth Route Army by chance. As for being directly hit, it can only show their bad luck.

The devils knew very well that they could not give up the machine gun position in the cave dwelling. Once they retreated and were seen by the Eighth Route Army soldiers, and then occupied by the Eighth Route Army, it would undoubtedly be even more difficult for them to resist the attack of the Eighth Route Army!With the machine gun positions in the cave dwellings, the Okazaki brigade can hold on for a while longer. Without the cave dwellings, the Eighth Route Army may be able to attack the top of Guanjianao today.

"The shells are out!"

"Me too!"


The [-] rounds of shells were used up very quickly, even if they ran out of shells, they still couldn't destroy all the cave dwellings occupied by the devils!But even so, the soldiers became a lot easier during the attack, and with the help of mortars, it was difficult for the devils defending in the cave to spend too much time defending.In order to help the troops destroy the devil's defense, the soldiers of the artillery team went to the front line one after another to control the mortars they carried. With their artillery skills, they could undoubtedly better exert the power of the mortars!
The brigade commander had some headaches for these artillery soldiers going to the front line to participate in the battle. Now there are only so many artillery soldiers in the brigade headquarters. Once they suffer casualties on the front line, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult to get replenished.But in the face of these soldiers who strongly demanded to go to the front line, the brigade commander had no way to stop them. He could only hope that these soldiers would not suffer any casualties.

Considering that this battle will not end in a short time, and the five mountain cannons have no shells, and staying here will not be of any use, the brigade commander directly ordered the soldiers to bring the mountain cannons back to the brigade headquarters to avoid being attacked by the devils. kill.

(End of this chapter)

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