I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 344 Chronic Death

Chapter 344 Chronic Death

On the front line, in the trenches dug by the soldiers, Li Yunlong looked dignified.

There are not many soldiers in the trenches, only about 60 people, there is no way, the terrain in the Guanjianao area is too complicated, and a regiment of soldiers cannot deploy here.It is also the independent regiment that uses soil work to keep approaching the devil's position. Otherwise, if they want to get close to the devil's position by a certain distance, they may pay the price of many soldiers' lives.

After seeing the actions of the soldiers of the independent regiment, the Okazaki brigade also dispatched devil soldiers, wanting to rush down to organize the soil work of the soldiers of the independent regiment.But as soon as these devils rushed out of the position, the soldiers stopped the soil work directly. At the same time, the soldiers of the artillery company of the independent regiment also fired directly, killing the exposed firepower of the Okazaki brigade.

After killing the firepower of the Okazaki Brigade, the soldiers' targets fell on the devil soldiers. The soldiers of the artillery company could not compare with Liu Gen's skills, but they were undoubtedly much stronger than ordinary artillery soldiers.Even compared with the devil's artillery, it is not much weaker.

The devil's mountain artillery squadron was killed, and there was no artillery in his hands. As for the grenades, they were killed by artillery soldiers during the battle.This also made it impossible for the devils to attack the Eighth Route Army soldiers who were doing soil work from a long distance. In order to prevent the Eighth Route Army soldiers from doing soil work, the devils could only rush out of their positions and launch an attack on their own initiative.

Without the protection of the position, the casualties of the devils were undoubtedly much greater. Coupled with the shelling by the soldiers of the artillery company, the devils who rushed out had to choose to retreat before they could reach the soldiers of the independent regiment.

The shelling of the artillery company of the Independent Regiment was not intensive, but it terrified the devil soldiers. Every time a shell fell, several devils would be killed.Even if he was lucky enough not to die directly under the shells, he would be seriously injured directly. Being seriously injured on the battlefield means that death will come soon.

Not long after the devil soldiers of the Okazaki brigade retreated, the soldiers of the independent regiment started the soil work again, which made the devils of the Okazaki brigade very angry, but there was nothing they could do.

"Mr. Matsushita, do we need to use red bullets and yellow bullets? If we really let these Tuba roads continue to carry out soil work, then their attack distance will be greatly shortened, and it will be much more difficult for us to resist!" Gang Qi Qianchang frowned, and continued to let these earthworks do soil work, which was a slow death.

It was only because the Okazaki Battalion was fighting on three sides, but on the west slope of Guanjianao, because these Tuba Roads were doing soil work, there was no fighting.On the front and east of Guanjianao, there were battles, which prevented the Okazaki Battalion from drawing too many troops to the west slope.The Eighth Route Army units attacking in the other two directions put great pressure on the Okazaki Brigade, but even so, Okazaki Kencho still hoped that the Tuba Road on Xipo could directly launch an attack like the Eighth Route Army units in the other two directions.

There were no battles on the west slope, but Kencho Okazaki felt great pressure. The troops of the Eighth Route Army launched a frontal attack, and with the fighting power of the Okazaki Brigade, they could last for a while.

The Eighth Route Army troops in Xipo now obviously want to play tricks, but Kencho Okazaki has no choice.The Okazaki Brigade took the initiative to attack just now, but it failed to have the slightest impact on Xipo's Eighth Route Army troops. On the contrary, the Okazaki Brigade suffered a lot of casualties.

Naturally Kencho Okazaki would not allow such a battle to happen again. As the battle continued, the casualties of the Okazaki Brigade were not small.The casualties in the battle just now made the Okazaki brigade's already difficult state even worse. Okazaki Kencho still wanted to live for a while, so naturally he would not attack rashly.

"For the time being, it's better not to use them. The red bullets and yellow bullets are our cards. If we use them rashly, they will be prepared and it will be very difficult to cause enough damage."

"The hole cards that are not exposed are the real hole cards." Hideo Matsushita said.

Hideo Matsushita's face is not very good-looking. The terrain in the Guanjianao area is very complicated, but here is a loess slope. These Tuba roads discovered this and chose to use soil work to shorten the attack distance!However, Hideo Matsushita also knew that even if these earthworks were carried out by earthworks, they would not be too close to the Okazaki Brigade's position.

Very simple, if it is too close, the Okazaki brigade is at the top, and it is easy to hit the soldiers who are doing soil work.

"Stop the soil work, let all the soldiers stop, the distance is enough! If you get closer, you will be hit by devils!" Li Yunlong ordered loudly after estimating the distance.

The soldiers stopped what they were doing, and except for a few soldiers who quietly poked their heads out to observe, the rest of the soldiers hid in the trenches to avoid being sniped by the devils.

"Come and find your battalion commander Zhang Dabiao, damn it! I asked him to do something, but it hasn't been done yet!" Li Yunlong looked at the soldiers beside him and said in a deep voice.

Some soldiers rushed towards the back quickly along the dug trench. From Li Yunlong's serious expression, he understood that Li Yunlong, the commander of the regiment, attached great importance to this matter!

Li Yunlong looked at the soldier who was running towards the rear, with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes. This soldier is still good, and his speed is very fast.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Dabiao came to the trench with a group of soldiers, holding baskets of grenades in their hands.He collected these grenades from the other three regiments of the 10 Brigade, and there should be more than 386 of them in total. These grenades will definitely make the little devils of the Okazaki Brigade drink a pot!
"Damn it! What are you doing, kid? The speed is so slow!" Li Yunlong cursed directly when he saw Zhang Dabiao rushing over.

Zhang Dabiao quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Commander, didn't I come here in time? It is not easy to get these grenades from Commander Ding. They are all old foxes, about the same size as you."

"Damn it! What did you say?" Li Yunlong's eyes widened, and he slapped Zhang Dabiao's shoulder, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

Even though Li Yunlong didn't train much on weekdays, but Li Yunlong had a good foundation and great strength, and Zhang Dabiao could feel the severe pain when he slapped him down.That's right, as the head of the regiment, Li Yunlong was able to rush to the forefront with the soldiers, which naturally meant that Li Yunlong's physical fitness was good, otherwise how could he rush to the forefront?
"What? When did you become so fragile, kid? I can't take a slap on you?" Li Yunlong looked at Zhang Dabiao, and felt that Zhang Dabiao's behavior was a little too fake. Could it be that he didn't know his own strength?

Zhang Dabiao shook his head hastily, "Commander, I'm not pretending, it's because your strength is too great."

"Is there?" Li Yunlong looked at his palm, a little uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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