I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 347 One more vote

Chapter 347 Do Another Vote

Two hours later, the battle between the Independence Regiment and the Okazaki Brigade ended, and the devils in the Okazaki Brigade were wiped out.

In order to be able to kill the Okazaki brigade, the independent regiment also suffered a lot of casualties, and I am afraid it will take a certain period of rest to recover.However, the Okazaki brigade that successfully killed the devils, such casualties are still worth it.

It was also after the soldiers of the Independent Regiment rushed to the position of the Okazaki Brigade, the devils defending in the other two directions of Guanjianao retreated, unable to continue to defend, so that the Eighth Route Army troops fighting in the other two directions also successfully rushed to the Guanjianao. Home Nao.To be precise, it is not only the independent regiment fighting the Okazaki brigade, but also the other two Eighth Route Army units.

However, being able to rush to Guanjianao is inseparable from the independent regiment.

"Damn it! You, Kong Jie, took the lead this time, damn it! I want to cut off Kencho Okazaki's head with my own hands! This is a lieutenant!" Li Yunlong looked at Kong Jie lying on the stretcher, and said scolded.

Kong Jie forced a smile. He knew that Li Yunlong would scold him, and he had long been used to Li Yunlong's character.Li Yunlong wanted to chop off the head of the devil's captain, so Kong Jie didn't want to?This is a devil's lieutenant, not a soldier, Kong Jie will not let such a piece of fat slip away from his eyes!

"Lao Li, you're a step too late. I can't blame anyone. I'll take the head of the devil's captain, and I'll give you the Zuoguan knife." Kong Jie said weakly.

Li Yunlong nodded quickly, "Okay, Lao Kong, you can go and recover from your injuries. When you recover from your injuries, we two brothers will fight side by side again!"

"Okay! Old Li, just wait!"


In the rear headquarters, the brigade commander is ordering the soldiers to prepare for retreat. It is good to kill the Okazaki brigade of the devils, but the devils who receive the news will inevitably retaliate.Devil reinforcements are constantly coming from all directions, and the devil's air force will definitely come again, and prepare for the retreat in advance, so that there will be no confusion when retreating.

"Brigade Commander, Xinyi Regiment, 771 Regiment and 772 Regiment have successfully killed the reinforcements that came from the devils. Ding Wei and others want to ask you what to do next." The Chief of Staff put down the phone with a smile on his face.

Being able to kill the reinforcements from the devils in such a short period of time, Ding Wei and others did a very good job. In the opinion of the chief of staff, it was a complete surprise that Ding Wei and others could directly kill the reinforcements from the devils.The regiments led by Ding Wei and others were good, and their fighting power was not weak, but the strength of each regiment was insufficient, and naturally there would be insufficient suppression to deal with the devils.

In addition, in order to be able to rush to the Guanjianao area in a short time, the troops of the 386th Brigade did not carry too many heavy weapons, which made it difficult for them to successfully suppress the firepower of the devils when they fought with the devils.

"Not bad! Ding Wei and the others did a good job this time! Order Ding Wei and others to prepare for the retreat and wait for the next order. Once the retreat order is received, they must withdraw from the Guanjianao area as quickly as possible. There is a slight delay!" The brigade commander relaxed a little, but his face was still quite serious.

Looking at the map in front of him, the brigade commander was a little unhappy. More and more devil reinforcements came, and many troops fought against the devil reinforcements. With the Guanjianao area as the center, there were a large number of soldiers within a hundred miles. Fights happen.It is good to kill the Okazaki Brigade of the Devils, but what cannot be ignored is that in order to kill the Okazaki Brigade of the Devils, many troops of the Eighth Route Army suffered casualties.

During this period of time, all units of the Eighth Route Army needed to recuperate, and the shortage of troops restricted the combat effectiveness of each unit.

"I'll go to the division headquarters. Chief of staff, you can wait for the results here. You still need to ask Mr. Peng and the division commander for their decision." After explaining to the chief of staff, the brigade commander walked out of the headquarters and quickly walked towards the division headquarters. Go to where you are.Before going, the brigade commander also called the division headquarters to inquire, but they failed to give a result.

This time, the brigade commander went to the division headquarters in person, just to know what was going on. The Okazaki brigade that killed the devils had already completed the task of organizing the encirclement and suppression of the troops.Continue to stay in this area, and wait until more and more devil reinforcements arrive, then if you want to retreat, I am afraid that you will have to pay a big price.

When he came to the division headquarters, the brigade commander could feel that the atmosphere in the division headquarters was a bit dignified, which made him dignified too. What happened?
"You are here, and the speed is still very fast." The division commander said with a smile when he saw the brigade commander walking in.

The brigade commander quickly walked over to the division commander, "Master, I don't know what our 129th division is going to do next. This time, in order to kill the devil Okazaki brigade, our 386th brigade suffered a lot of casualties."

"You also know that the battles have been frequent during this period. Our 386th Brigade is the main force of the 129th Division, and the casualties are not small. None of the four regiments of our 386th Brigade is full. Among them, the independent regiment suffered serious casualties, and its strength was less than 386% of the original strength. The combat effectiveness of our [-]th brigade is at least [-]% weaker than before."

The division commander stretched out his hand and patted the brigade commander's shoulder, signaling him to relax, "Don't worry, I know the situation of your 386 brigade. During this period of time, our division has suffered a lot of casualties, and I know all about it."

Seeing the division commander's serious expression, the brigade commander was relieved. The division commander who clearly knew the situation of the 129th Division should not easily make the decision to continue fighting.The brigade commander is not afraid of fighting devils, but he knows that killing devils cannot be killed in a short time. Only by making himself stronger can he kill devils better.

"Old Chen, come and see." The division commander brought the brigade commander to the map, his eyes glistening.

The brigade commander looked towards the place pointed out by the division commander, and he could see a communication line, which made him look dignified. Could it be that the division commander planned to attack the devil's communication line?With the current strength of the 129th Division, there is still a lot of pressure to deal with the devil's traffic line. The devil's traffic line is not so easy to deal with.

"Master, there are heavy guards on the devil's traffic line. Given the situation of our 129th division, it may be difficult to attack the devil's traffic line." The brigade commander said directly.

The teacher nodded, and he naturally knew this, but he had his own considerations in choosing to target the devil's traffic line.During this period, the 129th Division suffered many casualties. The commander knew that the 129th Division needed enough time to rest, but if they wanted to rest, they had to beat the devils to rest!Otherwise, the devils would continue to sabotage the base area, and the 129th Division would have no choice but to rest.

"According to the reliable information received by the headquarters, in order to support the Okazaki Battalion who was besieged by us in the Guanjianao area, the devils have mobilized a large number of troops from this line of communication."

"Now the devil's force on this line of communication is less than [-]% of the usual, how about it? Do you think it can be fought?"


The brigade commander understood, he looked at the division commander beside him, he felt a lot more relaxed, the devil mobilized his troops, if he didn't vote for the devil's line of communication, wouldn't it be a waste of the devil's "good intentions"!
"I can fight! I can definitely fight! Commander, let us 386 Brigade do this. I guarantee that this line of communication of the devils will be severely damaged!"

(End of this chapter)

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