I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 360 Rejection

Chapter 360 Rejection
"That's right. With the achievements made by Deputy Head Kong, it's really inappropriate to stay in the Independent Regiment." Liu Gen reacted and understood why Kong Jie said that he would not return to the Independent Regiment.

The relationship between Kong Jie and Li Yunlong is very good, both of them are good fighters, but if Kong Jie is allowed to stay in the independent group to help Li Yunlong, he is somewhat unwilling.With Kong Jie's ability, it is still possible to control a regiment.

Besides, the devils will definitely continue to sweep against the Japanese base in the future. Whether it is to restore the strength of the troops or to resist the raids of the devils, it would be inappropriate for Kong Jie, a capable person, to stay in the independent regiment.A capable person like Kong Jie still needs to let him lead an army alone in order to better display his ability.

"How is it? Are you interested in forming a regiment from scratch with me? I'll talk to the brigade commander." Kong Jie looked at Liu Gen and asked again.

As long as Liu Gen can be brought to his army, then Kong Jie is willing to directly make Liu Gen the deputy head of the regiment, and even Liu Gen wants to be the head of the regiment, Kong Jie can also consider it.Just looking at Liu Gen's calm expression, Kong Jie had a bad premonition in his heart, and Liu Gen might not agree.

"Deputy leader Kong, I'll forget it, my ability is not enough."

"Besides, my injury has not recovered yet, and it will take some time to fully recover. Besides, even if I want to go to your army, the brigade commander may not agree." After a moment of silence, Liu Gen still refused.

Seeing Liu Gen refuse, Kong Jie sighed softly. He was prepared for Liu Gen's rejection, but even so, when he saw Liu Gen refuse, he was still a little helpless.

"Okay, I knew your kid would refuse."

"It's okay if you don't follow me, boy, but at least you need to support some of my powerful artillery? I'm still counting on forming a good artillery company. You also know Li Yunlong's character. If there is no artillery company in the regiment I form , I’m afraid he will laugh at you to death! You have to help me this time!” Kong Jie looked at Liu Gen and said again.

Liu Gen was a little helpless, looking at the calm Kong Jie in front of him, he didn't know that he was being tricked by Kong Jie.It's just that Liu Gen wasn't angry. When he was in the independent group, Kong Jie treated him very well.What's more, Kong Jie is also a good fighter at fighting devils. If he finds a few artillerymen to follow him, he can also let those artillerymen give full play to their abilities.

Under the training of the captain Liu Gen, the soldiers of the artillery team are quite capable. At their level, even if they continue to train with the captain Liu Gen, they will not be able to get much improvement in a short period of time .

As an artillery soldier, if you want to improve yourself again, it is undoubtedly the most suitable for soldiers to carry out a large number of live ammunition shelling in various frontline troops.It is good to have the captain Liu Gen in the artillery team as a guide, but without a lot of live ammunition shelling, it is difficult for the soldiers' skills to be better improved in a short period of time.

"Deputy Commander Kong, don't worry, I will bring the soldiers of the artillery team to you at that time, and you can choose whatever you want. Of course, you still need to tell the brigade commander before you choose."

"The artillery team is the treasure in the eyes of the brigade commander. There is nothing wrong with me, but the brigade commander is the most difficult thing to deal with." Liu Gen said directly.

Kong Jie smiled and nodded. Liu Gen didn't need to tell him, he knew that the Brigadier's place was the most difficult to deal with.However, Kong Jie is still a little confident. If he forms a new army, the support from the brigade will naturally be indispensable.Otherwise, without the support of the brigade, Kong Jie would not do it.

After talking with Kong Jie again for a while, Liu Gen bid farewell to Kong Jie and walked towards the ward. It was almost time for Wei Han's morning checkup, and he still needed to go back to the ward.Otherwise, if Wei Han found out that he was not in the ward, even if Wei Han didn't say anything, Wei Han's eyes would make him a little unbearable.

Not long after returning to the ward, Wei Han came to the ward, and when she saw Liu Gen lying on the bed, she was relieved.Today, Wei Han received an order from Dean Li, telling her to take good care of Liu Gen.

To be honest, Wei Han is a little strange. Dean Li had told him to take good care of Liu Gen before, but this time he told him again that it was completely imperative.Wei Han is not a fool, she can clearly distinguish the difference, which makes her a little curious about what is going on.

Checking the condition of the soldiers in the ward, the recovery of the soldiers is not bad. After such a long time of treatment, their injuries will naturally stabilize. As long as they persist in the treatment, they will definitely be able to recover.

After Wei Han checked Liu Gen, he found that Liu Gen's injury had recovered a lot. Compared with other soldiers, Liu Gen's recovery speed was undoubtedly much faster.The doctors who treated Liu Gen also checked Liu Gen's body carefully, but they didn't find any reason.In this regard, we can only think that Liu Gen's physique is somewhat special.

As for Liu Gen's physique being stronger than other fighters, no one thought so, it was because Liu Gen seemed too thin compared to other fighters.How can Liu Gen, who looks so thin, have better physical fitness than other fighters?
Feeling Wei Han's gaze looking at him, Liu Gen felt a little strange. He found that Wei Han's gaze at him had changed significantly.

"Nurse Wei, what's the matter with you?" Looking at Wei Han, Liu Gen asked.

Wei Han shook her head, saying that there was nothing wrong, but before she left the ward, she still took a look at Liu Gen.

Seeing Wei Han walk out of the ward, Liu Gen and others relaxed a bit, but they couldn't relax in front of the nurse Wei Han.This kind of situation did not happen to Liu Gen alone, but to every soldier in the ward. Facing Wei Han, they were all a little uncomfortable, probably because they were men, and Wei Han was a woman. Bar.

"Genzi, did you do something to offend the nurse?" Zhang Li sat up from the hospital bed and asked with a smile.

The other soldiers couldn't help looking at Liu Gen. They all noticed Wei Han's unusual treatment of Liu Gen today. Could it be that Liu Gen really did something?It may be because they have been lying on the hospital bed, these soldiers are very gossip, and they are very curious about the things between Liu Gen and Wei Han.

"How is it possible? I don't have much communication with her, who knows what's wrong. As a woman, there are always a few days every month." Liu Gen said helplessly.

For Zhang Li and others' speculation, Liu Gen felt that he had some wishes, but he didn't do anything to Wei Han, and he didn't know why Wei Han did this.

"Oh! You know a lot about root!"


Immediately, the ward became lively, and Zhang Li and the others laughed badly.

(End of this chapter)

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