I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 368 Factory Director

Chapter 368 Factory Director

After receiving the blueprint from Mr. Liu, Director Cheng started to read it seriously, and soon he was immersed in the blueprint, seeming a little obsessed.

"Old Liu, how long will Director Cheng want to watch?" After 5 minutes, Liu Gen couldn't help asking.

Mr. Liu shook his head. He wasn't sure, but he knew that since Director Cheng was able to immerse himself in the blueprint after seeing Liu Gen's drawing, it undoubtedly meant that the 82mm mortar designed by Liu Gen Quite good, and the data in it can stand up to scrutiny.

Liu Gen didn't know Director Cheng very well. Before he came to the arsenal, he knew the existence of Director Cheng, but he didn't know the specific information about Director Cheng.Among the troops of the Eighth Route Army, the arsenal was kept very secret. In addition, Liu Gen had almost never been to the arsenal, so he naturally didn't know much about Director Cheng.

But Mr. Liu is different. As a "veteran" who has been there since the establishment of the arsenal, he knows Director Cheng quite well.

To be able to become the director of the Huangyadong Arsenal of the Eighth Route Army Headquarters, Director Cheng was transferred from Yan'an, and Director Cheng was a top student in the Department of Electrical Engineering of Waseda University in Japan.After being transferred to the factory director of Huangyadong Armory, Director Cheng devoted a lot of energy, and even taught himself a lot of knowledge.

Liu Gen was a little bored. He looked around the room, and he could see that most of the books in the room were books.Focusing on these books, Liu Gen found that there were various kinds of books, such as gunpowder manufacturing, motor manufacturing, and even a lot of professional books in Japanese and English.

Looking at these books, Liu Gen was a little excited. When he was in the brigade headquarters, he read all the books collected by the brigade commander and others.It's just that most of the books collected by the brigade commander and others are books on military command and war history of various countries, and there are very few books on some technical aspects.

For the brigade commander and the others, what they need to do is to command the troops under their command and continue to effectively kill the devils!The reason for becoming the director of the arsenal is because of his own work, he needs to understand all aspects of knowledge, not to mention being proficient in all aspects, but at least he must have a certain understanding of all aspects.

Some highly technical jobs not only need to master the corresponding theoretical knowledge, but also require a lot of practice, and you need to do it yourself.Most of the jobs in the arsenal are undoubtedly highly technical and require high technical skills for workers. Many workers rely on the skills they have accumulated over the years to produce weapons and ammunition, but they are not very clear about some of the theories.

Maybe there is not a deep enough theoretical foundation, and it will not affect the production of guns and ammunition by these skilled workers, but if they can master enough theoretical knowledge, then the workers will have further possibilities, and they will be able to understand what is happening and why. .

"Mr. Liu, can I have a look at the books here?" Looking at Mr. Liu beside him, Liu Gen asked.

Mr. Liu noticed the blaze in Liu Gen's eyes, understood Liu Gen's state, smiled and nodded, and admired Liu Gen more and more.Mr. Liu knew that Liu Gen was a genius, but he had fought many battles with devils on the front line, and he was able to design two mortars without sufficient theoretical foundation behind him. These are enough to show Liu Gen's genius.

Originally, after bringing Liu Gen to the arsenal, Mr. Liu planned to take Liu Gen by his side and personally train Liu Gen, a genius.Mr. Liu doesn't want to see Liu Gen, a genius, die young. Genius is good, but it needs continuous learning, otherwise genius will become Fang Zhongyong!Over the past 5000 years in China, there are countless such examples!
With Mr. Liu's permission, Liu Gen picked up the book closest to him and read it carefully. He was still very interested in the relevant knowledge in the book.With all kinds of technical information in his mind, Liu Gen can still understand the relevant knowledge in the book.

Liu Gen's reading speed is relatively fast, and he has the talent of photographic memory. He can easily memorize the relevant knowledge of this book in his mind, and then completely digest and understand it.When Director Cheng woke up, Liu Gen had already read most of the book in his hand.

"The design of this drawing is quite good, and some of the parts are drawn very clearly, which is very conducive to manufacturing and should save the workers a lot of effort."

"In addition, the data in it is very accurate. I didn't find any mistakes during the period of checking the drawings, which is very good!" Director Cheng said a lot in one breath, and his face was extremely excited.

Director Cheng clearly knew how important the 82mm caliber mortar designed by Liu Gen was. With this mortar, the firepower of the troops on the front line would be greatly enhanced. Make some supplements.

The troops on the front line have 60mm mortars and 82mm mortars, and when fighting the devils, they will not be easily suppressed by the devils.It just takes a lot of time to produce enough mortars for the front-line troops to use. This is still based on the fact that they are only supplied to the troops of the Shanxi Eighth Route Army.

"Genzi, how did your head grow? You actually thought of designing this 82mm mortar, and it's so well designed!" Director Cheng looked at Liu Gen, and the admiration in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

Liu Gen smiled wryly. He didn't understand why Director Cheng was so excited. The 82mm mortar he designed was good, but it also had certain shortcomings, and he didn't achieve enough perfection.However, even if there is a certain certainty about this 82mm mortar, it will undoubtedly be the most suitable mortar for the Eighth Route Army.

"This mortar still has certain problems. It is not as perfect as you said, Director Cheng. I still have a lot to improve, and I will need your advice from Director Cheng!" Liu Gen said seriously. .

Factory Manager Cheng laughed. He looked at Liu Gen with satisfaction. He could see that Liu Gen was very humble and put himself in the position of a junior.In fact, the two mortars designed by Liu Gen don't need to be so modest at all, but Liu Gen is still so modest.

People always have a certain liking for humble people, and this is the case with Director Cheng.

"Okay! When in the future, Captain Liu will come to me directly. By the way, Captain Liu, when you come to the arsenal, which department do you want to go to?" Director Cheng looked at Liu Gen and asked seriously.

Liu Gen fell silent. He seriously thought about the various units in the arsenal. Mr. Liu's introduction to the arsenal was very clearly in his mind.It's just that Liu Gen found that no matter which unit he went to, it was not very suitable. He didn't want to just design mortars, but wanted to have a better understanding of the arsenal.

To be precise, Liu Gen wanted to learn enough technology in the arsenal so that he could have more accumulation. All departments of the arsenal were not very suitable for him, but he was very interested in all departments of the arsenal.

 ps: Thank you Brother Li Ge for your reward, thank you very much!The previous rewards and updates have not been completed yet, and will be completed during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday!terribly sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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