Chapter 370

"Chief Qi, this is Captain Liu of the Artillery Team of the 129th Brigade of the 386th Division. He received an order from the headquarters to come to our arsenal."

"Captain Liu is going to study in your lathe engineering department next, I hope you can take him well." Director Cheng took Liu Gen to the lathe engineering department, directly found the busy foreman Qi, and explained to him.

Foreman Qi stopped his work and asked in surprise, "Captain Liu? Is that the one who took out the 60mm mortar paper?"

The arsenal is in the rear, but this does not mean that everyone in the arsenal is ignorant of the battle on the front line. What's more, the arsenal has a certain connection with the frontline troops and needs to replenish weapons and ammunition for them.Foreman Qi had heard of Liu Gen's record. He was very accurate in firing artillery. He even successfully shot down the Devil's plane with a mortar, and was called the "God of Cannon" by the soldiers.

When I first heard that Liu Gen shot down the Devil's fighter plane with mortars, the staff in the arsenal discussed for a long time, and some experts even gathered to discuss the possibility of using mortars to shoot down the Devil's fighter plane!
After discussion by the experts, everyone came to a conclusion that unless the technology really reached a certain level, otherwise, if you want to successfully shoot down the devil's fighter plane with a mortar, you need to rely entirely on luck!

In the end, the experts regarded Liu Gen's success in shooting down the Devil's fighter plane as luck.

But some time ago, the Devil fighters retaliated against the headquarters of the 129th Brigade of the 386th Division. The specific reasons for this were not very clear to the people in the arsenal, but they knew all about the achievements of the Artillery Team of the 386th Brigade. !This time the devil's revenge, once again the artillery team led by Liu Gen successfully shot down the devil's fighter plane!

It can be said that it was luck to shoot down the Devil fighter plane before, but what about this time?

After knowing the achievements of the artillery team of the 386th brigade, the experts in the arsenal became silent. At this time, they did not understand that Liu Gen was able to lead the artillery team to shoot down the Devil fighter again. It was not luck at all. But real technology!
"It's him who was invited by Mr. Liu to come to our arsenal, and let him study in your lathe department for the time being." Director Cheng said with a smile.

Foreman Qi nodded. Being able to design two mortars shows that Liu Gen's ability is still good, but he is not sure whether Liu Gen can do well in the lathe department.

"Are you sure you want to join the lathe department? The lathe department is very tiring, and the working hours are very long every day." Looking at Liu Gen, who was at the side, Chief Qi asked.

Liu Gen nodded vigorously, and said firmly: "Chief Qi, I'm sure I want to enter the lathe department, no matter how hard I work, I can persist."

"Okay, then you can follow me from now on. How much you can learn depends on your ability." Chief Qi took a deep look at Liu Gen and said.

Liu Gen's face showed obvious joy. After entering the lathe department, he could directly follow Chief Qi's side, which was beyond his expectation.Being able to follow Chief Qi is not only an opportunity for Liu Gen, but also a challenge for him.Liu Gen can learn a lot from working with Chief Qi, but there will undoubtedly be greater pressure.

But Liu Gen believes that with his own ability, he will definitely be able to persevere. If he cannot do his best under the leadership of Chief Engineer Qi, then it is undoubtedly impossible to learn more skills in the arsenal .

Director Cheng looked at all this with satisfaction, and he was very relieved when he handed Liu Gen over to Foreman Qi.Foreman Qi originally worked in Taiyuan Arsenal, but due to layoffs in Taiyuan Arsenal in 1931, Foreman Qi had to leave Taiyuan Arsenal in the end.After the layoffs, the Taiyuan Arsenal had less than [-] workers left, and only did some ordnance repairs and civilian product production.

Being able to become the foreman of the turning department of Huangyadong Armory, the ability of chief engineer Qi is beyond doubt. Under the leadership of chief engineer Qi, the turning department has developed quite well, and the workers are highly motivated.

"Then I will hand over the root to you, and I will rest assured that I will hand him over to you."

"There are still some things that need to be dealt with in the factory, so I will go back first. Whenever you come to me, Genzi, I will try my best to help you solve it." Before leaving, Director Cheng once again explained for Liu Gen.

Director Cheng took great care of Liu Gen. A genius like Liu Gen naturally needs to be taken seriously!Director Cheng hopes that Liu Gen can study at the Ministry of Military Industry with peace of mind, so that he can get enough improvement again, and he very much hopes to see Liu Gen make some other achievements again.

After Director Cheng left, Liu Gen followed Mr. Qi, wandering around the lathe department.

It can be seen that the turning department is the most important place in the arsenal. Judging from the distribution of the camp, the turning department is in the center of the camp, and soldiers are everywhere to protect it.Just following Mr. Qi's side, Liu Gen also found that there were many problems in the lathe department.

There are not many machine tools in the turning department, and there are only 17 cutting machine tools, all of which are powered by steam and driven by shaft belts.Some of the special equipment was made by the workers themselves using rail steel as the wound surface.

Many of the equipment are a bit old, but it is worth mentioning that the turning department has lighting, which means that the turning department will also have work at night.

The workers in the lathe department were a little surprised when they saw Liu Gen following Mr. Qi, and at the same time realized that there was a newcomer in the lathe department.Due to the particularity of the Turner Department, there are the most talented students from various universities here. Many of them did not study this major, but in order to support the front-line battle, they chose to enter the arsenal and became a member of the Turner Department. member.

"Captain Liu, what do you think of the lathe department?" After taking Liu Gen for a stroll, Chief Qi asked.

Liu Gen was silent for a moment, organized his words and said: "The lathe department is not bad, but there are some unreasonable things in it. In addition, there are relatively few types of machine tools."

"In addition, because we use steam machine tools, the production efficiency is still a bit low."

Foreman Qi nodded. He knew that Liu Gen was right. There were a lot of problems in the lathe department, but there was no way around it. This is the condition of the arsenal. If you want to get a better machine tool, there is nothing too good at all. Method.It is already quite good that the arsenal can have so many machine tools, so we can't expect too much.

"Then Captain Liu, how do you think we can solve it? What restricts our lathe department is the number of lathes, but it is very difficult to design qualified lathes. The former factory manager took out the blueprints of several lathes, but the number of lathes produced After that, a lot of problems appeared." Chief Qi said helplessly.

The design of the lathe was not that simple. Even the factory manager Cheng didn't have much to do. In addition, the Eighth Route Army didn't have many talents in this field. Naturally, it was somewhat impossible to manufacture lathes.

Liu Gen fell silent. He knew that the design of the lathe was very difficult, not to mention the high precision requirements of the machine tool.Coupled with the fact that the Eighth Route Army is relatively weak in steel and cannot produce very good steel, it will naturally increase the difficulty of machine tool manufacturing.

The most important thing is that the processing of machine tool castings requires some related processing equipment, which are lacking in the arsenal.

(End of this chapter)

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