I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 373 1 missions

Chapter 373 A Mission

"Genzi, have you modified the machine tool again?" In the early morning, Chief Qi, who was inspecting the lathe department, came to Liu Gen's side, his eyes fell on the machine tool next to Liu Gen, and he noticed something was wrong.

As the head of the lathe department, and in the entire lathe department, foreman Qi has the highest technology, so foreman Qi can only take the lathe department as his home, and eat and live in the lathe department.Only in this way can it be guaranteed that if there is a problem with the machine tool, foreman Qi can be found for repair.Some minor problems on the machine tool can be repaired by the workers, and the machine tool that needs to be repaired by Foreman Qi always has a big problem.

Foreman Qi is very familiar with dozens of machine tools in the lathe department.With his eyes closed, he could find the faults of these machine tools and fix them.

As soon as he came to Liu Gen's side, Chief Qi found something abnormal. After Liu Gen took over the machine tool, it did a good job, and there was no problem in the production of cartridge cases.Except for a big problem with this machine tool, which Liu Gen couldn't handle, other things didn't let Mr. Qi take action.

"Qi Gong, you are here, you have really good ears."

"I had an idea last night, and I made a certain attempt today, and found that after adding a small part, the efficiency of the machine tool has indeed increased. Don't worry, the small part I added will not affect the use of the machine tool Lifespan, on the contrary, will make the machine tool more stable." Liu Gen said with a smile when he saw Chief Engineer Qi.

After following foreman Qi for so much time, Liu Genqi still has a little understanding of the foreman. He knows that as long as the service life of the machine tool is not affected, there will be no problems.

"Are you sure it won't affect the service life of the machine tool? Did you polish this small part yourself?" Looking at Liu Gen, Chief Qi asked again.

Liu Gen nodded vigorously, and said seriously: "Qi Gong, I have observed for a while, and there is no problem, and there is no abnormality in the machine tool."

"I did polish this small part by hand. You know that I live with Wang Dahu and the others. From their hands, I learned a little bit."

Feeling Chief Qi's gaze on him, Liu Gen was still uneasy, he didn't know what kind of attitude Chief Qi would have.Originally, Liu Gen thought that Chief Qi would not care about this, but now it seems that Liu Gen thought too much.

Under Liu Gen's gaze, Chief Qi stopped the machine tool, took off the small parts that Liu Gen had put on, and observed carefully.Seeing all this, Liu Gen felt more and more uneasy. In the lathe department, the machine tools are rarely stopped. People can rest, but the machine tools cannot.But now, Chief Qi stopped the machine tool directly, how could Liu Gen not panic?

Foreman Qi carefully looked at the parts in his hands. With his eyesight, he could naturally see that this small part was polished very well.In order to ensure that this small part is smooth enough, Liu Gen carefully polished it with sandpaper, and placed it under the sun, so that it might be able to illuminate the figure.

"Don't be nervous, what you did was a good thing, not a bad thing."

"I've given you a task to carefully observe the machine tools of our lathe department and find a way to improve the efficiency of the machine tools." Foreman Qi patted Liu Gen on the shoulder and said seriously.

Liu Gen was taken aback for a moment, and he looked at Chief Qi in surprise, but he didn't expect that Chief Qi would entrust him with such a heavy responsibility.

"Qi Gong, shouldn't you do this kind of thing? If I cause any problems, then it will be troublesome." After a moment of silence, Liu Gen still said the same.

During half a month of studying with Chief Engineer Qi, Liu Gen has made a lot of progress, and he should be regarded as a group with good technical comparison in the Lathe Works Department, but even so, Liu Gen can't make every machine The work efficiency of the machine tool has been improved to a certain extent.What's more, in Liu Gen's view, it's better to let Chief Engineer Qi do this kind of thing.

"Don't worry about problems with the machine tool, as long as you don't damage any parts of the machine tool, there won't be any problems."

"What you need most now is a lot of practice. With me here, there will be no problems easily. For you, this is a good opportunity to practice. I also hope that you can grow up early , then I can relax a bit." Looking at Liu Gen, Chief Qi said very seriously.Chief Qi looked at Liu Gen with anticipation.

In just half a month, Chief Qi saw Liu Gen's ability. In the process of learning from him, Liu Gen was serious enough and worked hard enough!Going back to rest at around midnight every day, coming at five or six in the morning, and only having four or five hours to rest every day, Liu Gen was able to persevere, which made Mr. Qi very satisfied.

In Liu Gen, Chief Qi saw a lot of his own shadow. When he was young, he had to work hard like Liu Gen to get to this point.However, Chief Qi had to admit that Liu Gen was much better than him in terms of learning.At least when he was learning machine tool technology, he didn't finish it in half a month, and he learned it as well as Liu Gen.

"Qi Gong, thank you." Liu Gen bowed and thanked.

Liu Gen knew how rare it was for him to get such an opportunity. If there was no foreman Qi behind him, he would not dare to easily practice the technology he had mastered on other machine tools.Not to mention, many workers who learn machine tools need to study for several months before they can really learn on the machine tool.

Of course, the fact that those workers need to study for such a long time is also related to their lack of much cultural foundation, which makes it much more difficult for them to learn.

"You're welcome, you should thank yourself for working hard enough and learning fast enough, otherwise I wouldn't have given you such an opportunity. From today on, you should live in the lathe department, and seize all the time to improve yourself." Qi Gong Said with a long smile.

Liu Gen nodded vigorously. He was naturally quite willing to live in the lathe department.Living in the Lathe Works Department will undoubtedly save Liu Gen a lot of time, and he also hopes to let himself master the skills he learned from Foreman Qi as soon as possible.During this period of time in the Turner Department, Liu Gen was also used to the intense work in the arsenal, and the battle situation on the front line was not optimistic.

Every day, the bullets reinstalled and produced by the arsenal will be sent directly to the front line for use by the frontline soldiers, thereby ensuring the combat effectiveness of the troops!
Recalling his idea of ​​designing more types of artillery before he came to the arsenal, Liu Gen felt a little ridiculous. At that time, he did not know the specific situation of the arsenal, so he had such an idea.But now that he knew the specific situation of the arsenal, Liu Gen had no such thoughts for a long time. He knew that artillery was not a necessity for the soldiers on the front line!
(End of this chapter)

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