I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 375 Cheap Drawings

Chapter 375 Cheap Drawings

"Genzi, let's take a break." At two o'clock in the morning, Chief Engineer Qi couldn't sleep. He was patrolling the lathe department and found Liu Gen who was still checking the machine tools.

Liu Gen raised his head, saw that it was Mr. Qi, shook his head and said, "Mr. Qi, I'm not tired yet. When I am tired, I will go to rest."

While speaking, Liu Gen continued to check the machine tool in front of him. There was no major problem with the machine tool, but some minor problems.Most of the machine tools in the lathe department are relatively old, and they are considered old, but they are prone to various problems.What's more, in order to ensure work efficiency, the machine tools in the lathe department have almost never stopped. Unless there is no other way, the lathe department will not stop the machine tools at all.

Checking the machine tool in front of him, Liu Gen's was not wrinkled, and he successfully solved some minor problems he found.But when Liu Gen listened to the sound of the machine tool working, he felt that something was wrong, and there was a certain abnormality in it.

The slightly dim light from the electric light shone in the lathe department. Relying on the light brought by the electric light, Liu Gen lay on the machine tool. The light brought by the electric light was somewhat insufficient.Lying on the machine tool, Liu Gen carefully observed the machine tool, searching inch by inch for possible problems with the machine tool.Soon, Liu Gen discovered that there was something wrong with the screw rod of a fixed part on the machine tool and needed to be replaced.

Foreman Qi looked at Liu Gen, who was carefully inspecting the machine tool, and asked, "How is it? Did you find the problem?"

Unlike Liu Gen, foreman Qi has rich work experience. After listening to the sound of the machine tool when it is working, he knows that there are certain problems with this machine tool.It's just that, in the eyes of Chief Qi, it's just a small problem. If Liu Gen can solve it, he won't need to do it.

"There is a problem with the screw rod, and it needs to be replaced." Liu Gen replied.

After getting in touch with the machine tool, Liu Gen found that his previous understanding of the machine tool was nothing, such as simple screws.The screw used on the machine tool is a screw rod, that is, a mechanical screw, with a flat head at the front end, a small and uniform pitch.Most of the screws mentioned in ordinary times are screws. Screws are also called wood screws. The front section has a pointed head and a large pitch.

If he hadn't come into contact with the machine tool, Liu Gen's impression of the screw would probably stay on the screw forever.

Most of the mechanical screws are used to fasten metal and machine parts. In the arsenal, there are not many mechanical screws.There is no way, why is there no machine in the arsenal that can specifically produce mechanical screws?Except for some mechanical screws obtained from the Kuomintang-controlled area, most of the rest of the screws were polished by skilled workers in the arsenal themselves.

The screws polished by the workers cannot meet the standard of machine production, but for the arsenal that lacks screws, the screws polished by the workers by hand are already enough.At least with these screws, the pressure on some arsenals can be relieved to some extent.

"We don't have many mechanical screws in our arsenal. Let's see if the faulty screw can still be used. If it can be used, it's better not to replace it for the time being." Chief Qi looked at Liu Gen and said helplessly.

When he knew that it was a mechanical screw that had a problem, Chief Qi was a little helpless. A mechanical screw was nothing in the Kuomintang-controlled area, but it was a rare item in the Huangyadong Arsenal.Unless there are enough mechanical screws, the mechanical screws on the machine tool will not be easily replaced at all, in order to save as many mechanical screws as possible.

"It should still work for a while, but it can't last for too long. It can only last for a week at most. If it is more, there will be a risk of breaking," Liu Gen said after carefully observing the mechanical screw.

Chief Qi nodded, and if he can persist for a week, then it is enough.Wait until a week later to replace the mechanical screw. Besides, the faulty mechanical screw did not have much impact on the working efficiency of the machine tool.

Of course, if a new mechanical screw can be directly replaced, the efficiency of the machine tool will definitely be improved to a certain extent, even if it is very small, it is still an improvement.

"Okay, Genzi, you should go and have a rest too, you will continue to work during the day." Chief Qi patted Liu Gen on the shoulder and said.

Liu Gen nodded. At this time, he really needed to rest.Back to my residence in the Turner Department, it was a bit shabby, with only a pair of quilts and toiletries.After a brief wash, Liu Gen lay on the bed.

There was a problem with the mechanical screws on the machine tool, but he couldn't solve it. Liu Gen felt that he still needed to do a lot.There is no related equipment for manufacturing screws in the arsenal. When screws are needed, they can only be purchased from the Kuomintang-controlled areas. As for the Japanese-controlled areas, it is impossible to buy mechanical screws. The devils are very strict about this kind of thing.

Even simple mechanical screws need to be polished and manufactured by hand. It is conceivable that the industrial foundation of the Eighth Route Army is poor.

However, Liu Gen also knew that the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army was also well aware of its own situation, and devoted part of its energy to the development of industry.The front line needs to fight the devils, and there are many places to develop in the rear. The Eighth Route Army is under great pressure.

But everyone knows that such pressure is unavoidable, no matter how great the pressure is, it cannot stop its own industrial development.

Opening the Prestige Mall, Liu Gen chose to exchange blueprints of two machine tools after serious consideration. Since the blueprints he exchanged were relatively backward, the prestige consumed was not much, and the total amount was only ten points.

The physique of the two machine tools is only ten reputation points in total. Liu Gen is a little dissatisfied. Could it be that the drawings of these two machine tools can only be compared with the manufacturing technology of big steamed buns?Even if these two machine tools are much behind the outside world, they are not so cheap, right?
Liu Gen wasn't stupid enough to protest the system, the cheap price was good, so he could exchange some blueprints.If you lag behind a little, you will lag behind. In the case of the arsenal, too advanced machine tools cannot be manufactured.

Besides, most of the machine tools in the arsenal were powered by steam. If Liu Gen produced an electric machine tool, it would be of no use at all. The arsenal couldn't afford such a big guy.

After finding some paper, Liu Gen drew the blueprints of the two machine tools he exchanged. These two machine tools are a little behind, but they are enough for the arsenal.Liu Gen's drawing speed was not fast, and when he fell asleep, the drawing was only half drawn.

Put the drawing on his bedside, this is the place where Liu Gen rests, few people come here, even if they come, they will not easily touch Liu Gen's things.The drawings of the two machine tools have not been drawn yet, and the relevant data have not been marked. Liu Gen will not feel bad if someone else takes them away.

Without relevant data, even if Liu Gen drew all the drawings, it would not be of much use.

(End of this chapter)

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