I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 377 The mission of one life

Chapter 377 The mission of a lifetime (add more for zhengxiem)

Two days later, Liu Gen put the honeycomb coal into the coal stove and ignited it. Under the watchful eyes of Director Cheng and others, the honeycomb coal did not disappoint them. It was non-toxic, smokeless and tasteless!
"good, very good, excellent!"

"Genzi, I will report this matter to the headquarters immediately, and I will take credit for you! In addition, I will do my best to promote the briquette production technology to all troops, so that the soldiers will have a better life this winter." Director Cheng said excitedly.

Before Liu Gen could answer, Director Cheng left the lathe department directly. He wanted to report the briquette matter to the headquarters as soon as possible to attract the attention of the bosses in the headquarters!Director Cheng believes that as long as the briquette matter is reported, it will definitely get the attention of the bosses at the headquarters!Director Cheng knows that every winter, the bosses are worried about the heating of the soldiers.

However, due to the inability to solve the problem of insufficient supplies, even if the bosses at the headquarters want to improve the heating problem of the soldiers, they still have the intention but are powerless.Well now, with honeycomb coal, once it is extended to various troops, the heating of soldiers will no longer be a problem.

In the lathe department, the workers were not greatly affected by the departure of Director Cheng. Everyone's eyes looked a little hot. Looking at the briquettes on the ground, they all wanted to take the briquettes back.

"Genzi, what to do with these briquettes?" Qi Gong came to Liu Gen and asked with a smile.

Chief Qi looked at Liu Gen, admiring him very much. Being able to think of such things as honeycomb briquettes showed that Liu Gen had enough creativity.Foreman Qi also knew why Liu Gen thought of producing honeycomb briquettes. He must have thought of briquettes because he saw that the workers in the arsenal did not have many ways to keep warm.Facts have proved that the briquettes produced by Liu Gen are quite good. At least now when everyone burns coal, they don't have to worry about the smoke being too large and being discovered by devils.

"These briquettes should be distributed to various departments. Even if it is a little small, I am afraid it will not take long."

"The temperature in our lathe department is not bad, and we don't need honeycomb coal. The production of honeycomb coal is very simple. After two days, our arsenal should produce enough honeycomb coal for use. Everyone just stick to it for another two days." Liu Gen said directly said with a smile.Liu Gen was naturally very happy to be able to solve the heating problem in the arsenal, and he relaxed a lot.

Foreman Qi nodded in satisfaction. Liu Gen handled it correctly. Honeycomb coal is not as important to the lathe department as other departments.In addition, the temperature in the lathe department is not bad, and if you stay in the lathe department, you will hardly feel too much chill. Naturally, the briquette will not be of much use in the lathe department.In this case, it is better to distribute the briquettes to other departments, they need these briquettes even more.

Divide these briquettes into various departments, there are not many briquettes, and each department only gets two to three pieces, but even so, the workers in each department are quite happy.From the briquettes distributed to them, what the workers see is a hope, a hope that they will have a better winter and will not suffer from the cold.There are not many briquettes now, but the workers know that the production of briquettes is very simple, and they will have enough briquettes for heating in a short time.

Watching the workers in various departments take the briquettes away, Liu Gen had a smile on his face. From the joyful faces of these workers, he knew more about his work.With the existence of the system, Liu Gen can do many things, and he can easily come up with production technologies such as briquettes.If it wasn't for Liu Gen, it would probably take more than ten years for everyone to use honeycomb briquette, or to say that briquette briquette is popularized.

"Genzi, how do you feel now?" Chief Qi asked.

Liu Gen glanced at Mr. Qi, was silent for a moment, and said with a smile: "I feel very happy. I am very happy to think that after we have briquettes, everyone will not suffer from the cold. Maybe from the briquettes, I will not get There are too many benefits, but I feel very satisfied if I can help the workers in our arsenal, the soldiers on the front line, and the people who are suffering from the cold.”

While speaking, the smile and pride on Liu Gen's face were particularly obvious, and he liked this feeling very much.Such a good change is what Liu Gen hopes to see.

"Then you remember this feeling, no matter when, don't forget this feeling." Chief Qi said seriously.

Liu Gen nodded vigorously, expressing that he understood. He clenched his fists slightly, keeping this feeling firmly in his heart.At this time, Liu Gen found that he seemed to have found his life's mission. When people come to this world, they always have to do something, so that it is worthwhile to come to this world.

"At the beginning, when I was in Taiyuan Arsenal, my daily work was similar to that here, but the feeling was completely different."

"In Taiyuan Arsenal, I need to bear the censure of my superiors. If I want to stay in the Arsenal to keep my job, I need to maintain relationships. When I was working in Taiyuan Arsenal, I felt like a walking dead, mechanically repeating my work every day, There is no passion."

"And after I came to the arsenal of our Eighth Route Army, I seemed to come back to life, and I became more passionate at work. Speaking of which, I am not afraid of being laughed at by you. When I first came to the arsenal, I was afraid of encountering people like those in the Taiyuan arsenal. The same thing, I was worried that I would not get the promised allowance. When I got my first month's allowance, I found that our arsenal is really different."


Looking at Liu Gen, Chief Qi said a lot, and he was quite proud of his work in the lathe department.Unlike in the Taiyuan Arsenal, Chief Qi knew that the bullets and shells he produced in the lathe department would be sent to the frontline soldiers, so that the soldiers could kill the devils better and drive the devils out of China as soon as possible!
Liu Gen listened carefully to Mr. Qi's words, and his emotions fluctuated with Mr. Qi's narration. Looking at Mr. Qi in front of him and the other workers in the lathe department, Liu Gen understood why no one had ever said anything about it. Hard work, I understand why everyone has such a positive attitude every day.Maybe everyone came to the arsenal for different reasons at the beginning, but after getting along with the arsenal for a period of time, you will find that everyone has the same goal.

Even ordinary craftsmen like Wang Dahu who don't understand much culture know that they are in the arsenal, not just for the monthly allowance, they come here because they know that the Eighth Route Army is a unit that can really kill devils, and they come to the arsenal The work is also to support the frontline fighters in the fight, and strive to drive the little devil back to his hometown as soon as possible!

"Genzi, I'm sorry, I said so many things in a moment of emotion." Twenty minutes later, Chief Qi stopped and said apologetically.

Liu Gen shook his head, "Qi Gong, you don't need to say sorry, I think what you said is right. During the time I've been with you, I've learned a lot from you, you are my role model!"

"Hahaha, you really can talk." Chief Qi couldn't help laughing.

 ps: I have been talking about adding updates before, but the update has not kept up with it. In the past two days, I have worked hard to return what should be added!
(End of this chapter)

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